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ipad vs android

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Re: ipad vs android

Postby boomerang » Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:59 am

Demonax wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:The point being that you roll out benchmarks to prove how wonderful iPads are - but when an iPad is shown to be woefully inadequate on another benchmark you claim that benchmarks are not important - then produce the original benchmark to show how wonderful iPads are! :lol:

Oh... and do you remember that you also said that the iPad Mini would be a great machine when it had the Retina screen? But now it is 'a really great machine'! :lol:

Consistency is important... :wink:

Grumpy, mate. The iPad Mini is a great machine without a retina screen. I've had the chance to check one out and if truth be told it was a fantastic machine. It would be a perfect machine for me with the retina screen because I do a lot of reading on my iPad and I've been spoilt by the stunning display on my iPad 3. But right now, it's a trade off. You can buy top of the range, high-spec iPad 4 with retina screen starting at 399 pounds. Or the very desirable and gorgeous iPad Mini at 269 pounds. It depends what you want and what your budget is.

I’m not in the market for an iPad right now as I've got an iPad 3 with retina screen. If somebody was looking for a tablet for casual use, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the iPad mini. It's smaller form factor has its advantages if you're prepared to forego the retina screen, larger size and extra performance of the iPad 3 or 4.

You can also get a cheaper Android tablet including some rather nasty-looking Chinese knock-offs. But personally they're not for me, for reasons I've mentioned before. :wink:

what's there to debate?

my galaxy S2 does a lot more than all the ipads and iphones is apple maps going? is flash going? does it feel looking at a flash site and all you see, well nothing?... :lol:
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:22 am

boomerang wrote:my galaxy S2 does a lot more than all the ipads and iphones combined...

Boomers, mate, we know you think the Galaxy S2 is the greatest advance in human technology since the dawn of mankind. But can you please put a sock in it?

It's just a very average smartphone these days. It's not even the best Galaxy smartphone anymore.

Anyone would think you were using it as an anal vibrator the way you go on about it. :roll:
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby boomerang » Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:31 am

Demonax wrote:
boomerang wrote:my galaxy S2 does a lot more than all the ipads and iphones combined...

Boomers, mate, we know you think the Galaxy S2 is the greatest advance in human technology since the dawn of mankind. But can you please put a sock in it?

It's just a very average smartphone these days. It's not even the best Galaxy smartphone anymore.

Anyone would think you were using it as an anal vibrator the way you go on about it. :roll:

i never implied it was the greatest invention since slice bread...what i am saying is for an "outdated" device it still craps over the latest apple iphone and ipad...and thank you for proving this little point of mine... :lol:

yes a very small vibrator i must admit...unlike you and your relationship with your 10" ipad...i guess vaz comes in 4 gallon tins at your place.. :lol:
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:52 am

boomerang wrote:
i never implied it was the greatest invention since slice bread...what i am saying is for an "outdated" device it still craps over the latest apple iphone and ipad...

Er, Boomboy. The main thing is you're happy with it. But given the choice between a Samsung S2 and an iPhone 5 or iPad, I really doubt that most people would say: 'I'll have the Samsung S2 please". :lol:
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby boomerang » Fri Nov 30, 2012 3:10 am

Demonax wrote:
boomerang wrote:
i never implied it was the greatest invention since slice bread...what i am saying is for an "outdated" device it still craps over the latest apple iphone and ipad...

Er, Boomboy. The main thing is you're happy with it. But given the choice between a Samsung S2 and an iPhone 5 or iPad, I really doubt that most people would say: 'I'll have the Samsung S2 please". :lol:

the point is and it seems it went over your head, for an outdated device it still offers more than the recent iphone and ipad...this fact you cannot deny...only a woodduck or an ignoramus would chose a device that does less in todays spend all this posts telling us you chose the ipad that seems to you to be a superior product when deep down you don't know jack shit about anything...even yesterdays phone does more than todays iphone and ipad technology from apple...

by the way, maps?...YOK
by the way flash?...YOK
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Fri Nov 30, 2012 3:31 am

boomerang wrote:
Demonax wrote:
boomerang wrote:
i never implied it was the greatest invention since slice bread...what i am saying is for an "outdated" device it still craps over the latest apple iphone and ipad...

Er, Boomboy. The main thing is you're happy with it. But given the choice between a Samsung S2 and an iPhone 5 or iPad, I really doubt that most people would say: 'I'll have the Samsung S2 please". :lol:

the point is and it seems it went over your head, for an outdated device it still offers more than the recent iphone and ipad...this fact you cannot deny..

I give it up. It's like having a conversation with a three year old. :roll:
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby boomerang » Fri Nov 30, 2012 3:56 am

Demonax wrote:
boomerang wrote:
Demonax wrote:
boomerang wrote:
i never implied it was the greatest invention since slice bread...what i am saying is for an "outdated" device it still craps over the latest apple iphone and ipad...

Er, Boomboy. The main thing is you're happy with it. But given the choice between a Samsung S2 and an iPhone 5 or iPad, I really doubt that most people would say: 'I'll have the Samsung S2 please". :lol:

the point is and it seems it went over your head, for an outdated device it still offers more than the recent iphone and ipad...this fact you cannot deny..

I give it up. It's like having a conversation with a three year old. :roll:

when you quote make sure you quote the whole post and here it is again...
the point is and it seems it went over your head, for an outdated device it still offers more than the recent iphone and ipad...this fact you cannot deny...only a woodduck or an ignoramus would chose a device that does less in todays spend all this posts telling us you chose the ipad that seems to you to be a superior product when deep down you don't know jack shit about anything...even yesterdays phone does more than todays iphone and ipad technology from apple...

by the way, maps?...YOK
by the way flash?...YOK

in your words an outdated phone still offers more than the current iphone and ipad...which of what i am saying do you find challenging...

has it ever crossed your mind that even a 3 year old child is smarter than a finger poking monkey...i know why not ask siri for confirmation... :lol: never know he might even toss you a peanut... :lol:

case closed...
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:23 am

boomerang wrote:in your words an outdated phone still offers more than the current iphone and ipad...which of what i am saying do you find challenging...

Boom boy, mate. Nobody gives a fuck about your Samsung S2 and what it can and can't do. Nobody wants one. Nobody even knows what the fuck it is. You hang around a bar and show it to a girl to impress her, she'll just think you're a weirdo. You might as well take out your dick. It'll get the same response. So please. Just keep it to yourself, mate. :roll:
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby boomerang » Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:54 am

Demonax wrote:
boomerang wrote:in your words an outdated phone still offers more than the current iphone and ipad...which of what i am saying do you find challenging...

Boom boy, mate. Nobody gives a fuck about your Samsung S2 and what it can and can't do. Nobody wants one. Nobody even knows what the fuck it is. You hang around a bar and show it to a girl to impress her, she'll just think you're a weirdo. You might as well take out your dick. It'll get the same response. So please. Just keep it to yourself, mate. :roll:

bubble boy let me get this hang around bars flogging your ipad around hoping to attract girls? is that working for you?... :lol:

bubble boy...your fascination with dicks is trully amazing...ofcourse you not seen my dick not alone the size, one can only guess, you sit there fantasizing about i right?... :lol: ...tell me is there an apple app to help you stimulate your mind or are you a natural?... :lol: should forget impressing girls with your apple gadgets and try gay might strike think alike...they to fantasize... :lol:
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:35 am

Demonax wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Demonax wrote:They're not an issue. If you want the top of the range iPad you get the iPad 4. If you want a smaller iPad, you get the iPad Mini. Some people are willing to trade performance for a more convenient size and cheaper price. It's not rocket-science, grumpy. :roll:

So, why do you keep posting benchmarks oh iRocket scientist? :roll:

Answer: You post them because you think it shows Apple products in a good light and we'll all rush out and buy them... :roll:

Yet when somebody posts a benchmark showing an Apple product in a poor light (the iPad Mini), benchmarks are irrelevant. :lol:

Honestly, you couldn't make it up... You are so transparent... :lol:

Grumpy, no-one is buying the iPad Mini because it's the fastest iPad. They are buying it because it's cheaper and smaller. It's still very capable, well-built, runs all the apps you'll likely need and some people prefer the convenient form factor. It's about the user experience. However, I know that you fandroids like your specs so I published those from Anandtech which show that the iPad 4 is the best performing tablet on the market.

But you shouldn't base your buying decision on specs alone. Also consider build quality, apps, software, camera, customer support etc. And if you figure that paying 80 pounds more than the best Android tablet is worth it, then you should consider an iPad. If your budget only stretches to a Nexus 10, then you are getting a capable machine I'm sure. But it's just not for me because for the same money I'd choose an iPad 3 or an iPad Mini. Like I said, you pays your money and you takes your choice. :wink:

but it is NOT the same money. It is 80 quid less....
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