Sotos wrote:GR, my advice to you is to let this thread die and hope I will feel sorry for you and choose not to use the crap you posted in this thread as another proof of how clueless you are ... even on things you claim to be your profession
Sotiraki, you are wasting our time with irrelevant rubbish because nobody said anything about clock speed!
Here it is again in a BIG font for you because you’re a SUPER idiot!
An OPEN ARCHITECTURE processor can handle a WIDE array of technologies. ie:
1. Any type of graphics (Mono, CGA, EGA, VGA, SVGA, etc)
2. Slot interfaces (ISA, EISA, VesaBus, PCI, AGP, PCI Express, etc)
3. Storage medias (IDE, EIDE, ATA, SATA, STATA II, SCSI, Optical, Floppy, etc, etc)
4. Memory Types (buffered, unbuffered, synchronous, asynchronous, bla, bla, bla, etc)
And so forth, whereas the little shit in a “smartphone” is a
CLOSED AND SEALED ARCHITECTURE processor, because it can only handle…
1. Single proprietary graphics that cannot be used elsewhere!
2. Single proprietary memory that cannot be used elsewhere!
3. Single proprietary storage media that cannot be used elsewhere!
4. And non-existent interfacing with other hardware!
So, are you fucking surprised that the dumbphone’s processor has a good clock speed? It’s because it’s not fucking doing much isn’t it?

If you know beforehand that you’ll always have the same memory type, the same storage media type, the same graphics, and nothing to interface with… well fuck me even the 8086 would be running at 5 gazillion hertz under such favorable circumstances!

Now please DO NOT give advice to anyone any more and just go find a tampon and suck on it because you don’t know anything about computers!