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Re: ipad vs android

Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:34 pm

Demonax wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:NOW you come up with a quote that says technical specs don't matter and the slowest tablet is best - because it is an Apple of course!

Grumpy, let me try and explain so that even you can understand. General consensus is that the the iPad 4 is the cream of the crop of larger tablets. It has the lot: design, style and performance. You get what you pay for - plus the benefit of great resale value for when you want to upgrade.

But for those who prefer a smaller form factor, the iPad Mini gives you a solid build quality, great software and quality apps, so you hardly miss the benefits of the higher resolution screen and superior performance of the 10 inch iPad. It also has the advantage of being lighter and more portable. So ‘instead of a sharp Retina screen and powerful hardware, you’re getting a slimmer device that’s far more convenient. For me, the tradeoffs are worth it‘.

Because of its size and convenience. many people are making the case for the iPad Mini being the best iPad and therefore the best tablet on the market.

You see - that wasn't so hard to understand, was it?

Read more at ... JOlssJ8.99

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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:49 pm

For those thinking of getting a tablet, here is why the iPad Mini might be the best tablet to go for:

The verdict: The best iPad experience yet

The iPad Mini is all about tradeoffs. Instead of a sharp Retina screen and powerful hardware, you’re getting a slimmer device that’s far more convenient. For me, the tradeoffs are worth it.

Big tablets certainly have their place, but I think we’ll see those becoming increasingly specialized. Most consumers would be better off with the size and price of the iPad Mini than splurging for the iPad fourth-gen. And as for big Android tablets, the Nexus 10 is really the only one worth considering.

I’ve been recommending the iPad Mini without hesitation over the past week. If you’ve been holding out on getting a tablet, it’s almost a no-brainer. You can save a bit by going for the $200 Nexus 7, but you’ll be giving up a far better tablet app ecosystem.

If you can’t swallow the compromise with the iPad Mini, then hold off until next year’s update. And if you already own one of the Retina Display iPads, then you’re probably better off waiting as well (or just starting pricing your iPad on a gadget reseller service like Gazelle).

If anything, I feel vindicated by the iPad Mini. Here’s a device that proves, once and for all, that smaller slates are far better at fulfilling the promise of tablets.

Read more at ... oGFjgUw.99
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:26 pm

Demonax wrote:For those thinking of getting a tablet, here is why the iPad Mini might be the best tablet to go for:

The verdict: The best iPad experience yet

The iPad Mini is all about tradeoffs. Instead of a sharp Retina screen and powerful hardware, you’re getting a slimmer device that’s far more convenient. For me, the tradeoffs are worth it.

Big tablets certainly have their place, but I think we’ll see those becoming increasingly specialized. Most consumers would be better off with the size and price of the iPad Mini than splurging for the iPad fourth-gen. And as for big Android tablets, the Nexus 10 is really the only one worth considering.

I’ve been recommending the iPad Mini without hesitation over the past week. If you’ve been holding out on getting a tablet, it’s almost a no-brainer. You can save a bit by going for the $200 Nexus 7, but you’ll be giving up a far better tablet app ecosystem.

If you can’t swallow the compromise with the iPad Mini, then hold off until next year’s update. And if you already own one of the Retina Display iPads, then you’re probably better off waiting as well (or just starting pricing your iPad on a gadget reseller service like Gazelle).

If anything, I feel vindicated by the iPad Mini. Here’s a device that proves, once and for all, that smaller slates are far better at fulfilling the promise of tablets.

Read more at ... oGFjgUw.99

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You're still at it eh...? :wink:

You must have the memory of a goldfish - I'll remind you what happened a couple of pages back...

Just for the record, in the 7-inch tablet space, it's the Nexus 7, not the iPad Mini, that currently reigns as the best small tablet.

Nexus 7 = £199
iPad Mini = £269

No brainer really.... :roll:

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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:46 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:Nexus 7 = £199
iPad Mini = £269

No brainer really.... :roll:


The iPad Mini has a faster processor, faster graphics, a larger screen, a rear camera that can take good-quality photos and videos, a better speaker, better build quality, 5GHz Wi-Fi, better connectivity and access to a wider range and better quality apps. Yes it costs £70 more than a Nexus 7, but you are getting what you pay for.

Grumpy mate, you are doing people a disservice on this forum. No-one has to buy a more expensive product if they are satisfied with a cheaper alternative. I have no problem with that. The Nexus 7 is a good low-cost option. But it's not a cheap iPad.

You are trying to pretend that if people pay less they are getting as good a product as someone who pays more. You really should stop trying to mislead people. Everyone has a right to make informed choices. :roll:
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Get Real! » Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:09 pm

Demonax wrote:The iPad Mini has a faster processor,

I heard they’ve put the leftover 90s processors of Canon calculators to good use… :lol:
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:38 pm

Demonax wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:Nexus 7 = £199
iPad Mini = £269

No brainer really.... :roll:


The iPad Mini has a faster processor, faster graphics, a larger screen, a rear camera that can take good-quality photos and videos, a better speaker, better build quality, 5GHz Wi-Fi, better connectivity and access to a wider range and better quality apps. Yes it costs £70 more than a Nexus 7, but you are getting what you pay for.

Grumpy mate, you are doing people a disservice on this forum. No-one has to buy a more expensive product if they are satisfied with a cheaper alternative. I have no problem with that. The Nexus 7 is a good low-cost option. But it's not a cheap iPad.

You are trying to pretend that if people pay less they are getting as good a product as someone who pays more. You really should stop trying to mislead people. Everyone has a right to make informed choices. :roll:

You're SO funny! :lol:

When you post a quote from a cherry picked iPod review it is the absolute truth...

... If anybody else posts one from a not-so-positive Apple review they are doing a 'disservice on this forum'... :lol:

Just for the record, 'my' comment on the iPad Mini was taken from the review here

For most, the iPad is still the tablet of choice, but for those looking for an alternative to Apple's much more constrained OS, Google provides what's arguably the best one yet. Like the Nexus 7 before it, the Nexus 10 marks a significant step toward a much more competitive tablet market, and its design heralds a new paradigm from which all other tablets should consider cribbing ASAP.

Just for the record, in the 7-inch tablet space, it's the Nexus 7, not the iPad Mini, that currently reigns as the best small tablet.

You do realise who everybody thinks is doing the misleading here don't you...? Part quoting and miss-quoting does you no favours at all.... :roll:

Truly, there is a point when you should just stop digging.... :wink:
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:09 pm

Top 10 tablets in the world...

1. iPad Mini
2. iPad 4

Courtesy of Techradar... ... artc_pg=11
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Sotos » Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:07 am

For most users the iPad is still the best tablet if you want to pay that amount of money. But Android is closing the gap fast. In one year from now Android will be ahead in the tablet market also. The main advantage of iPad is the availability of tablet specific apps. It is not anything in the hardware... otherwise why would anybody rate the iPad mini higher than the iPad 4? But in one year from now Android will have the same amount of good quality tablet apps...without the many disadvantages of Apple products. Then the only "advantage" of Apple will be their design... and only a small minority of people care too much about that. So the market share of Ipad will drop dramatically.
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Sat Nov 17, 2012 3:55 am

Sotos wrote:For most users the iPad is still the best tablet if you want to pay that amount of money. But Android is closing the gap fast. In one year from now Android will be ahead in the tablet market also. The main advantage of iPad is the availability of tablet specific apps. It is not anything in the hardware... otherwise why would anybody rate the iPad mini higher than the iPad 4? But in one year from now Android will have the same amount of good quality tablet apps...without the many disadvantages of Apple products. Then the only "advantage" of Apple will be their design... and only a small minority of people care too much about that. So the market share of Ipad will drop dramatically.

I agree that cheaper Android tablets will sell and Apple will lose some market share (if not its share of profits). But Apple still has some very big advantages and they are unlikely to stand still.

Not only are iPad apps vastly more numerous than Android tablet apps, and vastly more sophisticated, they also “just work” as you’d expect – no worrying whether your Android tablet is the right resolution or has a powerful enough processor. There are also plenty of apps available for iOS that aren’t on any other platform, such as paid IPTV video channels of news and sport, subscription TV video watching apps, quality educational apps, an ever growing collection of business and content creation apps. Right now it's a big bonus for consumers and something Apple will build on. Apple already has a head start among high-spending consumers, as well as crucially in education and enterprise due to the popularity of the larger iPad, which will make it hard for Android or Windows tablet makers to catch up.

But another thing to bear in mind is that it's predicted that Apple will sell the iPad mini for less than £200 by autumn of 2013. That won't give Android much place to go as they already sell their products at cost or at a loss. In the past, Apple has shown with the iPod music player that it's not afraid to compete on price. So Apple still has lots of advantages and plenty of moves up its sleeve...
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Get Real! » Sat Nov 17, 2012 6:55 am

Here’s a Windows 7 to “Android” conversion… :lol: ... droid.html
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