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ipad vs android

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Re: ipad vs android

Postby cyprusgrump » Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:05 pm

Demonax wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:So much easier when you used to be able to mouth off in the pub and nobody could prove what you had said the next day... :wink:

Grumpy, try and understand. If money is not an issue I would recommend an iPad 4. If you want a 10 inch screen at a cheaper price you can get the lower specced iPad 2. If you don't want a top of the range iPad you can also get an iPad Mini. It's a great machine (and will give you reliability, great build quality, a decent screen and access to some great apps - all for £269 which is a pretty good deal).

It would be even better if it had a retina screen – but that's coming next iteration which would make it the perfect iPad if you like the smaller form! Is that so hard to understand? If I was on a budget and I didn't already have an iPad 3, I wouldn't hesitate to get one.

What I wouldn't do, under any circumstances, is get a bloody Pipo. :lol:

Just for the record, in the 7-inch tablet space, it's the Nexus 7, not the iPad Mini, that currently reigns as the best small tablet.

Nexus 7 = £199
iPad Mini = £269

No brainer really.... :roll:

But, as I have already said a 7" tablet is too small for me....

I had one of these actually... You should take a few minutes to read the 52 five star reviews! :wink:

As I have already said, it is/was an excellent machine and did everything I wanted - screen was just a bit too small for using a certain website though... my daughter still uses it and my granddaughter too - it really must be an easy to use UI as she is only 2½... :D

So I need a bigger display... and given my excellent experience with Android (my version had 3.0 - not 2.3 as shown in the Amazon description), I wouldn't hesitate to purchase another... and I certainly wouldn't consider shelling out twice as much for a lower specified iPad with the same display! :lol:

And before you start on about resale value again, just think of the maths...

I spend £150 on a tablet that does everything I need and I'm totally happy with.

In 2 years I throw it in the bin and buy another of the same type (lets assume it is the same price although it would obviously be a much higher spec.) at another £150...

So, my total outlay is £300.

If I buy an iPad 2 that will cost me £300. In two years time I find another Apple fanboy that is desperate for one and agrees to give me the ridiculous sum of £200 (which seems unlikely as it will be out of warranty and the technology would have moved on rapidly)...

So, to buy another Apple machine I'm going to have to fork out another £100 on top - £400 in total.

So any way you look at your twisted maths and trade-ins I'm still out of pocket with the iPad route... :lol:
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Sotos » Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:15 pm

Demonax wrote:
Sotos wrote:Are you saying that only Apple makes high quality products? :roll: Many other companies make high quality products running windows or Android.

Sotos, Apple sells premium products to those who are prepared to pay for it. They do not compete on price but quality. Other companies produce good quality products (Samsung, Dell, HP). But there is little real difference to the consumer between an HP or a Dell computer running Windows. Or a Samsung vs HTC phone running Android. Apple sells premium products to the consumer based around better design, ease-of use, style, build, customer service, reliability etc. And enough people are prepared to pay for that premium to make them big profits.

better design and style? that is subjective. I also like their designs but I would not pay more just for this
build and reliability? apple has no advantage here. on the contrary if you want a computer that will run reliably for many years you will not go to buy something like the top of the range MacBook pro which can not be upgraded and you can't even change the battery! ... or an imac that everything is in one package and you have to throw away the whole thing including the display every time you want an upgrade.
ease of use? to me windows 7 is much easier. ios is easier than android but android is much more customizable. if you are a grandma then get iOS... for a power user like me android is much better
customer service? from what I know apple offers no direct customer service to Cyprus.

and with these platforms you are not trapped with one company which can use your dependency on them to constantly milk you!

Oh please. This is a nonsense argument. Amazon wants to sell you books and music through its Kindle which is basically a glorified Amazon shopping basket. While the Nexus 7 has a giant Play Store widget front and center. All companies want to tie you to their ecosystem. When you buy an app for your Android phone where do you go?

For my iPad I can buy a book from Apple or Amazon and download it to my iPad. Or if I find a 'free' copy on the Web I can transfer it without a problem. Same with films and music. I can play Amazon stored music on my iPad through their Cloud Player. As for apps, I choose not to jailbreak my device so I pay for apps which I buy from the Apple Store. But they are mostly free or cost a couple of euros and I believe developers should get something for their efforts. That is hardly milking the customer.

l wasn't talking about the apps but since you mentioned it I can get my apps from anywhere I want. Google doesn't force me to use their appstore like apple does to its users so it can rip off both the users and the developers.
what I was talking about is that with windows and android I have many options and if one company doesn't give me a good deal I can choose another. all my apps and programs will still work when moving from company to company. but you are stuck with just one company and they can charge you whatever they want for their products and you will still buy them. and if that is not enough they make their products difficult to upgrade so you will be going back to them buying new computers every couple of years.
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Sotos » Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:34 pm

the only sector that apple has a real advantage today is the tablet sector because there are still more tablet optimized apps for ipad than android tablets. this should change soon. they also had an advantage with the Air... but now with the new ultrabooks coming out with windows 8 offering a ton of options including touch screens this is not the case anymore!
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Get Real! » Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:56 pm

What about software-wise boys and girls… that’s important too!

Who has the applications choice advantage in the hand held/ gadget market?

Oh, and this question is for Grumpy… does the Pipo have a processor? :?
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:31 am

Sotos wrote:better design and style? that is subjective. I also like their designs but I would not pay more just for this
build and reliability? apple has no advantage here. on the contrary if you want a computer that will run reliably for many years you will not go to buy something like the top of the range MacBook pro which can not be upgraded and you can't even change the battery! ... or an imac that everything is in one package and you have to throw away the whole thing including the display every time you want an upgrade.
ease of use? to me windows 7 is much easier. ios is easier than android but android is much more customizable. if you are a grandma then get iOS... for a power user like me android is much better
customer service? from what I know apple offers no direct customer service to Cyprus.

I disagree, Sotos. Apple is universally recognised for its premium designs. You may not be willing to pay more for this quality but plenty of consumers are. Someone who doesn't appreciate good design is unlikely to buy an Apple product I'd imagine. Of course, if Apple machines were only about design and weren't also easy to use, powerful and efficient, then few people would buy them.

As for build and reliability, according to several surveys Apple products are consistently the most reliable. It has nothing to do with whether you can change the battery in a Macbook.

No swappable battery? This aspect is going to play out exactly as it has with the iPhone. The vast majority of users don’t care and won’t mind the sealed battery at all. Seriously, I personally like carrying an extra charged battery with me on long trips, but it wouldn’t keep me from buying an Air if I otherwise wanted one. Really, to most people it makes no diference. In recent years, Apple customers have consistently voted for hardware that’s thinner rather than upgradeable. You may not like it, but that's what people have asked for when given a choice.

l wasn't talking about the apps but since you mentioned it I can get my apps from anywhere I want. Google doesn't force me to use their appstore like apple does to its users so it can rip off both the users and the developers.
what I was talking about is that with windows and android I have many options and if one company doesn't give me a good deal I can choose another. all my apps and programs will still work when moving from company to company. but you are stuck with just one company and they can charge you whatever they want for their products and you will still buy them. and if that is not enough they make their products difficult to upgrade so you will be going back to them buying new computers every couple of years.

I don't know what you're talking about Sotos. I can buy books and music from places like Amazon or Spotify and play/read them on my iPad. I can stream movies from Netflix or Amazon on my iPad. Or I can play my own ripped movies or music on my iPad without a problem. If I want apps I go to the Appstore which is incredibly convenient, the apps are without malware and they are high quality and cheap. Seriously, am I going to hunt around for an app that is cheaper than the 99 cents it costs on the App store? Come on...

As for changing your computer every couple of years, most Mac users keep them for several years as they just keep going. Or you can sell your computer for a fair price and upgrade very easily to a new model if you want. The second hand Mac market is thriving because they are such dependable and long-lasting machines. That's why I say it's cheaper to buy a Mac in the long run because people tend to keep them for longer.
Last edited by Demonax on Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:34 am

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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:36 am

Get Real! wrote:Oh, and this question is for Grumpy… does the Pipo have a processor? :?

It has the latest Fusion Processor powered by Dilithium Crystals - just like on the Starship Enterprise. And all for £150. :lol:
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:54 am

cyprusgrump wrote:So, to buy another Apple machine I'm going to have to fork out another £100 on top - £400 in total.

So any way you look at your twisted maths and trade-ins I'm still out of pocket with the iPad route... :lol:

But for a hundred pounds more spread over two years you'll be the coolest guy in the neighourhood. Instead of the embarrassing cheapskate who owns a Pipo. :lol:

Jesus, grumpy. Logic isn't your strong point, is it? :roll:
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Sotos » Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:09 am

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. When a desktop is an all-in-one and can't be upgraded and when you can't even change the battery in a laptop then we are not talking about a device that can remain useful for a long time.

As for build and reliability, according to several surveys Apple products are consistently the most reliable.

What surveys? Are you talking about online polls where Apple fan boys show how brainwashed they are by Apple? Here is an official report on laptop realibility. Apple is 4th.

The computer reliability report scores for 2012 are:

1. Lenovo/IBM (281)
2. Toshiba (190)
3. Samsung (156)
4. Apple (151)
5. Asus (126)
6. HP/Compaq (100)
7. Dell (68)
8. Sony (64)
9. Acer (40) ... eport.html

I don't know what you're talking about Sotos. I can buy books and music from places like Amazon or Spotify and play/read them on my iPad. I can stream movies from Netflix or Amazon on my iPad. Or I can play my own ripped movies or music on my iPad without a problem. If I want apps I go to the Appstore which is incredibly convenient, the apps are without malware and they are high quality and cheap. Seriously, am I going to hunt around for an app that is cheaper than the 99 cents it costs on the App store? Come on...

Its not just about the price. It is that Apple wants to control what apps you install on your device. It is your device...why shouldn't you be free to install on it whatever app you want? I will tell you why... because Apple wants to milk you even more. Not only they make profits from selling you the hardware with huge margins, not only they want profits from the sale of every app you buy but they want profits from in-app purchases as well. Didn't you notice that your kindle app on your ipad is crippled and you can't buy anything directly from it? That is because Apple wants 30% cut for every in-app purchase!!! Kindle App on Android is sooo much better! No such restrictions. Thats right ... you get a worst Kindle app on your iPad not because Amazon can't make a better app for iOS but because of the greediness of Apple that wants to rip off its users and the developers!

Apple is universally recognised for its premium designs. You may not be willing to pay more for this quality but plenty of consumers are. Someone who doesn't appreciate good design is unlikely to buy an Apple product I'd imagine. Of course, if Apple machines were only about design and weren't also easy to use, powerful and efficient, then few people would buy them.

So we agree then!! Not many would buy Apple devices if not for their cool designs. Where Apple products come 1st is the design. They are OK in other aspects also ... but they are not first in reliability, build quality, customer support etc!! For me Apple is just another company... just like Samsung, LG, Microsoft, Google etc ... I bought iPads for my parents and an Apple TV for them which is great with Airplay. But an all-in-one iMac? Please! That is for people who know nothing about computers and buy just based on looks. A Mac Book Pro? OK, but there are much better laptops out there for the price. The Air? Unique until recently... not anymore. The iPhone? Competitive if you want to spend 600 euro for a phone but Android has great phones in all price ranges.
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:26 am

Demonax wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:So, to buy another Apple machine I'm going to have to fork out another £100 on top - £400 in total.

So any way you look at your twisted maths and trade-ins I'm still out of pocket with the iPad route... :lol:

But for a hundred pounds more spread over two years you'll be the coolest guy in the neighourhood. Instead of the embarrassing cheapskate who owns a Pipo. :lol:

Jesus, grumpy. Logic isn't your strong point, is it? :roll:

Ah... so after all that arguing you finally admit it is about looking 'cool'.... :roll:

I bet you do look fabulous in your Nike trainers and designer jeans, walking around the neighbourhood holding your iPad out in front of you so that everybody can see you are the KING OF COOL! Image
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