Demonax wrote:cyprusgrump wrote:So much easier when you used to be able to mouth off in the pub and nobody could prove what you had said the next day...
Grumpy, try and understand. If money is not an issue I would recommend an iPad 4. If you want a 10 inch screen at a cheaper price you can get the lower specced iPad 2. If you don't want a top of the range iPad you can also get an iPad Mini. It's a great machine (and will give you reliability, great build quality, a decent screen and access to some great apps - all for £269 which is a pretty good deal).
It would be even better if it had a retina screen – but that's coming next iteration which would make it the perfect iPad if you like the smaller form! Is that so hard to understand? If I was on a budget and I didn't already have an iPad 3, I wouldn't hesitate to get one.
What I wouldn't do, under any circumstances, is get a bloody Pipo.
Just for the record, in the 7-inch tablet space, it's the Nexus 7, not the iPad Mini, that currently reigns as the best small tablet.
Nexus 7 = £199
iPad Mini = £269
No brainer really....

But, as I have already said a 7" tablet is too small for me....
I had one of these actually... You should take a few minutes to read the 52 five star reviews!

As I have already said, it is/was an excellent machine and did everything I wanted - screen was just a bit too small for using a certain website though... my daughter still uses it and my granddaughter too - it really must be an easy to use UI as she is only 2½...

So I need a bigger display... and given my excellent experience with Android (my version had 3.0 - not 2.3 as shown in the Amazon description), I wouldn't hesitate to purchase another... and I certainly wouldn't consider shelling out twice as much for a lower specified iPad with the same display!

And before you start on about resale value again, just think of the maths...
I spend £150 on a tablet that does everything I need and I'm totally happy with.
In 2 years I throw it in the bin and buy another of the same type (lets assume it is the same price although it would obviously be a much higher spec.) at another £150...
So, my total outlay is £300.
If I buy an iPad 2 that will cost me £300. In two years time I find another Apple fanboy that is desperate for one and agrees to give me the ridiculous sum of £200 (which seems unlikely as it will be out of warranty and the technology would have moved on rapidly)...
So, to buy another Apple machine I'm going to have to fork out another £100 on top - £400 in total.
So any way you look at your twisted maths and trade-ins I'm still out of pocket with the iPad route...