cyprusgrump wrote:
What I have said, consistently through this thread is that the Pipo does everything that I need at a fraction of the price of an iPad - read it and weep...
What I take issue with, grumpy old chap, is when you say the following:
‘Thirty-seven million Android tablets sold world-wide in 2012 - let that sink in for a moment will you....? Do you think they are sold on the back of a crappy UI and lack of apps...? Oh, the answer is 'no' by the way! The UI is great and there is no shortage of apps thanks... ’ Now, as the reviewer of the latest and greatest Android tablet said: The Nexus 10 is buggy, suffers from poor performance and has a lack of third-party apps that work well with it. And that is typical Android for you. Not the rosy-tinted crap people like grumpy and the Android fanboys post here post here. And you keep going on about the great specs of Android tablets and completely ignore the fact that without good software and integration, specs are meaningless.
Instead of accepting that you are paying less for an inferior experience - which would be the honest thing to do - you instead accuse Apple consumers of wasting their money on technologically over-hyped products. When the truth is that most reviewers and analysts regard the Apple tablets as the best on the market.
There's nothing wrong with buying Android products. But too many Android fanboys, like grumpy here, have such a bloody inferiority complex about it. And that tells you all you need to know...