Demonax wrote:I think you are confused grumpy old chap. The current iPad is the fourth generation and is by common consensus the best tablet on the market. In two years time it won't be obsolete. It will work just fine and people will want to buy them. Just as people are selling their iPad 2s from two years ago for around 200-250 UK pounds on ebay today. You just don't understand the thriving resale market of Apple products. Probably because there is little resale value for Android phones/tablets.
You are squirming now fanboy!
You were
originally comparing the resale value of the iPad 2. As I pointed out, it is still a
current product (you can buy it new on Amazon) so there is no surprise that there is a thriving second hand market as you can buy the product at a discount which is still under warranty. I suppose you could ask why (if the product is so good) that people are dumping them or upgrading them so quickly but we won't go there...
What I claimed was that in two years an
iPad 2 you bought today
would not be a current product and would not be in warranty and is most unlikely to fetch a reasonable resale price when the market has moved on so quickly...
The resale market that you and B25 think is so wonderful only exists because Apple release new models so quickly and fanboys like you simply have to have the latest one...
Demonax wrote:Grumpy old boy. Your spanking new Pipo has about the same specs as a second generation iPad. But with much inferior build quality and known battery and wifi problems. Specifications mean little as to how well it will actually work as a lot of the important work is done by software and the OS! You're also lumbered with Pipo's version of Jellybean which you'll have to root and flash to get rid of the Chinese bloatware if your reseller hasn't done so already. Oh and I hope you read Chinese as the manual only comes in Chinese! Good luck getting it to recognise your SD card too as this is also a known issue and good luck getting it to work with certain websites. Oh and if there are any issues then back to China with it!
As for the pictures you posted, it looks like a bog-standard Chinese no name clone. I expect it works OK, even though the battery is rubbish and you'll have to keep charging it all the time. Other common problems with these cheapo Android tablets are screen bleed and touch sensitivity. You might also want to check if Google Play works correctly and how updates are handled. Other than that, it looks like a bargain.

Yes, yes, yes.... change the record will you...?
As we have already established, your 'knowledge' of this market is somewhat shaky given that you have never owned or used an Android tablet (or Android based phone?).
The fact is that your 'knowledge' of Android based tablets has been gained by reading a few reviews on teh Interwebs... Guess what? Type 'iPad problems' into Google and you get
four hundred and twenty-two million results!
Does that make iPads bad...? No.
I've used an iPad 2 - I
know they are good, I
love that Harbour Master game...
unlike you my fanboy friend, I've also used and owned Android devices and know that they (for me and millions of others) do exactly the same thing for a fraction of the price...
You can find as many excellent reviews for Android tablets on the web if you try (a common theme of Android reviews is along the lines of "as good as an iPad at a fraction of the price). Finding a couple of bad reviews and repeating the 'facts' ad nauseam does nothing for your case I'm afraid...