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ipad vs android

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Re: ipad vs android

Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Nov 12, 2012 5:33 pm

Demonax wrote:No you idiot. I am telling you that if I buy an iPad today I can sell it in two years time for a good price and put that money towards an upgrade. Whereas your Android tablet will be worthless in two year's time. :roll:

Yes, you keep on about the resale value - but your numbers don't really add up do they...?

Sure, you can buy an iPad 2 today on ebay for good money - but they were only introduced two years ago and most are still under warranty.

So, if you've decided to by an iPad 2, buying a currently available model, with warranty and saving a few £££s makes sense.

However, to suggest that you could buy one today and sell it in two years for a reasonable price - when it is out of warranty and obsolete - clearly makes no sense at all.

In two years they will have moved on to the iPad 8 and nobody will want your obsolete iPad 2 - it will however make just as good a beer mat as the Pipo... :wink:

Demonax wrote:Grumpy mate, you are buying a Chinese knock off of an old iPad and trying to convince yourself you are actually getting cutting-edge technology. Good luck with it. Let us know how you get on. It's not CE certified for sale in the UK so unless your reseller has rooted it you'll have to root it and flash it yourself. It's imported from China directly to the UK with Chinese bloatware and a dodgy Pipo UI. At least do some reading around first instead of looking at the price sticker only. And it will still be a beermat in two years time. :wink:

It is not an iPad knock off though is it...? :roll:

It is an Android tablet - and it does everything I need... and it has a better specification than the iPad... and it won't come with Chinese bloatware... and the UI is not from Pipo, it is from that other company... what are they called now...? Oh yes, Google! :lol:

I told you (you've probably forgotten), I've actually owned and used one of these things - the only mistake I made was to get a 7" model (my daughter loves it though). But I can assure you that none of the claims you make for these devices are in any way related to reality. Great display, great apps, amazing games, fantastic storage, good battery life, no bloatware, cool build quality and AMAZING VALUE FOR MONEY! :lol:

They say that ignorance is bliss - you must be an amazingly happy fanboy.... :lol:
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Nov 12, 2012 5:46 pm

B25 wrote:Rubbish.

it's like saying I can by a Merc S320 CDI for €80,000 or I can get a skoda for €15,000.

They bothe drive, get me from a to be safely and are both cars!

Buy and Ipad and a Pipo and then sell them 2 years later or even 1 year later and see if you can even sell the Pipo.

Thats the point Demon is making that you refuse to accept.

And what the hell is a Pipo anyway. My 3 year old knows what an ipad is and she can use it very well. Utube, games, scrolls screen and more.


You've made my point for me... :lol:

All I want to do is get from A to B... the Pipo does that perfectly... :wink:

But I'll have at least £150 in my pocket for the next two years by not buying an iPad...

And (as I made clear in my last post) there is no guarantee that I'd be any better off in two years if I bought an iPad...

Really, with all those billions of dollars spent in R & D, is the only selling point for your iPad that the resale value might be more in two years time???? :shock:

Because that appears to be what both you and demon are saying...

And guess what - your 3 y/o could use an Android based tablet too! :lol: It doesn't matter if she's never heard of Pipo (or Google or Android), she's probably never heard of Skoda either yet she could still get from A to B in one with her Dad driving! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby B25 » Mon Nov 12, 2012 5:52 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
B25 wrote:Rubbish.

it's like saying I can by a Merc S320 CDI for €80,000 or I can get a skoda for €15,000.

They bothe drive, get me from a to be safely and are both cars!

Buy and Ipad and a Pipo and then sell them 2 years later or even 1 year later and see if you can even sell the Pipo.

Thats the point Demon is making that you refuse to accept.

And what the hell is a Pipo anyway. My 3 year old knows what an ipad is and she can use it very well. Utube, games, scrolls screen and more.


You've made my point for me... :lol:

All I want to do is get from A to B... the Pipo does that perfectly... :wink:

But I'll have at least £150 in my pocket for the next two years by not buying an iPad...

And (as I made clear in my last post) there is no guarantee that I'd be any better off in two years if I bought an iPad...

Really, with all those billions of dollars spent in R & D, is the only selling point for your iPad that the resale value might be more in two years time???? :shock:

Because that appears to be what both you and demon are saying...

And guess what - your 3 y/o could use an Android based tablet too! :lol: It doesn't matter if she's never heard of Pipo (or Google or Android), she's probably never heard of Skoda either yet she could still get from A to B in one with her Dad driving! :lol: :lol: :lol:

OK, you are being deliberated obstructive. Let me put it another way that maybe you will understand.

You are selling your home, do you consider your home the same as an apartment? Why do you expect to get €700k (or whatever the price is), well because you have a quality property no some apartment going for 1/7 of the price.

If you don't see it now, you are a hypocrite and should sell your place to me for 90,000E. :wink:
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Mon Nov 12, 2012 6:35 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:However, to suggest that you could buy one today and sell it in two years for a reasonable price - when it is out of warranty and obsolete - clearly makes no sense at all. In two years they will have moved on to the iPad 8 and nobody will want your obsolete iPad 2 - it will however make just as good a beer mat as the Pipo... :wink:

I think you are confused grumpy old chap. The current iPad is the fourth generation and is by common consensus the best tablet on the market. In two years time it won't be obsolete. It will work just fine and people will want to buy them. Just as people are selling their iPad 2s from two years ago for around 200-250 UK pounds on ebay today. You just don't understand the thriving resale market of Apple products. Probably because there is little resale value for Android phones/tablets. :wink:

It is an Android tablet - and it does everything I need... and it has a better specification than the iPad... and it won't come with Chinese bloatware... and the UI is not from Pipo, it is from that other company... what are they called now...? Oh yes, Google!

Grumpy old boy. Your spanking new Pipo has about the same specs as a second generation iPad. But with much inferior build quality and known battery and wifi problems. Specifications mean little as to how well it will actually work as a lot of the important work is done by software and the OS! You're also lumbered with Pipo's version of Jellybean which you'll have to root and flash to get rid of the Chinese bloatware if your reseller hasn't done so already. Oh and I hope you read Chinese as the manual only comes in Chinese! Good luck getting it to recognise your SD card too as this is also a known issue and good luck getting it to work with certain websites. Oh and if there are any issues then back to China with it!

As for the pictures you posted, it looks like a bog-standard Chinese no name clone. I expect it works OK, even though the battery is rubbish and you'll have to keep charging it all the time. Other common problems with these cheapo Android tablets are screen bleed and touch sensitivity. You might also want to check if Google Play works correctly and how updates are handled. Other than that, it looks like a bargain. :lol:

All I want to do is get from A to B...

You'll be lucky if you get out the garage. :lol: :lol:
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Sotos » Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:44 pm

Demonax wrote:
Sotos wrote:Most people (over 90%) use windows. Less than 8% use Macs. These are the hard facts ;) And most of those who buy windows PCs buy them ready to use out of the box... they still get more power for their money. When it comes to smart phones Android is already ahead of the iPhone, and the same will happen with tablets soon. So I think you are wrong about what most people want.

Your figures are meaningless, Sotos. Most PC manufacturers install Windows on their systems but in terms of manufacturers Apple is third overall in US PC shipments behind HP and Dell and the only one with growing sales - and no. 1 in laptop sales where the profits are.

While sales and market share are important, Apple has a different strategy. Profit share is more important than unit sales to Apple and there’s no better example than the iPhone. With about only 5 percent of the total handsets sold, Apple is earning two-thirds of the handset industry’s total profits. Their profits are way out of proportion with their market share. Market share in and of itself has little value. There are a flood of cheap Android phones on the market but only Samsung is making any money. It's not sustainable for most companies to be losing money in the long run. And the same is true with the tablet market which Apple currently dominates.

Apple doesn’t want to sell all of the world’s computers and phones; rather, Apple wants to reap all the profits in the computer and phone industries. That is why it's such a threat to Microsoft in the long run.

How are the profits of Apple even related? :? Here we are discussing what products are better for the consumer... not about investing in the stock-market! Apple makes big profits because it overprices its products. If something costs them X they sell it to you for 2X. Why are you happy that Apple's shareholders are getting rich by ripping you off?
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Sotos » Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:30 am

it's like saying I can by a Merc S320 CDI for €80,000 or I can get a skoda for €15,000.

Skoda is owned by the Volkswagen Group which also owns Seat, Lamborghini, Bentley, Bugatti and Ducati ;) Android is an open platform so you can have an Android device at any budget level. Its all about options. For my parents I got iPads because iOS is the easiest for novice users. For myself I got an Android tablet and a cheap Android phone. Without Android I would either have to stick to a feature phone or pay 500 euro for an iphone! Android gives me a lot of options so i can have exactly what I need without wasting any money. If one day I decide that I need a more powerful phone I could go get the latest model of Galaxy s or Nexus. One size does NOT fit all ;)
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:31 am

Sotos wrote:How are the profits of Apple even related? :? Here we are discussing what products are better for the consumer... not about investing in the stock-market! Apple makes big profits because it overprices its products. If something costs them X they sell it to you for 2X. Why are you happy that Apple's shareholders are getting rich by ripping you off?

You simply fail to understand one of Apple’s core philosophies. The company does not compete on price, it competes on quality. Apple does not sell to “everybody” — it sells to those who appreciate a premium product, and who are willing to pay a premium for it. How is this ripping people off? If you want to buy an Apple product you know what you are paying for. If you don't, nobody forces you. There are plenty of cheaper, lower quality products out there for you.

I would really like Apple to sell their products at the same price as lesser quality Android tablets or smartphones. They would undoubtedly sell a lot more and increase their market share. But from Apple's perspective they are doing what is good for them and reaping all the profits anyway. They are smarter at running their business than you or me. And enough people are prepared to pay a premium to make them the most valuable company in history. No company could do that if it was ripping people off.
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Get Real! » Tue Nov 13, 2012 3:01 am

Demonax wrote:You simply fail to understand one of Apple’s core philosophies.

:lol: I guess you could say that Apple’s philosophy is to convince the consumer that they have all these other admirable philosophies besides making a profit…
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:09 am

its not about the Apple business model or whether Apple do or do not make a good product -they do to the pont that they are the bench mark against which other products such as media players , smart phones and tablets are measured and where having looked at the options some are satisfied that Android devices will do the job sufficientlly well that the trade off in performance is acceptable.

For me as I have said before I have to consider the availability of apps with a particular functionality which currentlly may favour Apple but not because of core philosophy of either Apple or Google, which is at the end of day to make money.

Apple are however now probably being influenced by the Android world as the os improves alomg with the range of apps and quality of tablets, and in particular they have been driven to produce the iPad mini as the 7 inch form factor has taken off. The extent to which Apple are worried by some elements competiton can be showed by some of the legal disputes which are not all about genuine technical development but the shape of the box it is put in.
Last edited by supporttheunderdog on Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ipad vs android

Postby Demonax » Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:14 am

Get Real! wrote:
Demonax wrote:You simply fail to understand one of Apple’s core philosophies.

:lol: I guess you could say that Apple’s philosophy is to convince the consumer that they have all these other admirable philosophies besides making a profit…

Of course. If Apple couldn't convince the consumer that they are paying a premium for something better, something different, then they wouldn't be able to sell their hardware and make such huge profits. 8)
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