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The Rubbish Regime of "trnc"

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Re: The Rubbish Regime of "trnc"

Postby Lordo » Sat Jan 05, 2013 10:05 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Needless to say, that if they finally ask for help from their REAL President of the European RoC they will get it :wink:

the old swine first should look after the tcs living in the south and not walk all over their human rights and not to worry about the ones in the north. but then again he will welcome a visit from the northern workers just so it can distract everybody from his own failings.

but of course you elamb boys will take different line.

hail to the chief. now repeat after me.
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Re: The Rubbish Regime of "trnc"

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jan 07, 2013 11:37 am

Ding Dong...!!! Dong Ding...!!!

VP...!!! You in...???

Brrr ... afraid there's bad news, the strike breakers brought in from Occupied Part of Nicosia District have run out of space to dump the rubbish so they're requisitioning your back-yard.

Headline today in the press of the Occupied Areas...

Lefkoşa'nın Her Yeri Çöplük...!!!

Nicosia Every Place Landfill...!!!

The press in the Occupied Areas are reporting that strike-breakers brought in from Nic District (rather than the regular workers of the municipality) are not doing terribly well in clearing the mounds and mounds of rubbish, poorly equipped as they are with open top wagons much of the rubbish is blowing in the wind and littering roads and fields as well as people's houses, it isn't being compacted in regular land-fills, something which would need expert operators. It's simply being spread around in fields.

An area described as the New Industrial Zone is said to be filled with garbage.

For our massive Turkish-speaking readership...

Lefkoşa Türk Belediyesi (LTB) çalışanlarının grevinden dolayı kaymakamlık tarafından yürütülen çöp toplama işlemleri, bu işi yapanların fazla özen göstermemesi nedeniyle sıkıntı yaratıyor.

Çöp taşıma işlemlerinin küçük araçlarla ve düzenli yapılmaması nedeniyle yollar, ovalar, arsalar çöplerle doldu.

Saçarak gidiyorlar

Kaymakamlığın çöp toplama işlemlerini yaptırdığı kişilerin kamyonlarının hem küçük hem kasalarının açık olmasına rağmen araçların fazla doldurulması taşmalara neden oluyor. Gerek aşırı doluluktan gerekse rüzgar nedeniyle çöpler yollara saçılıyor.

Yollara, arsalara, vatandaşların evlerinin önüne dökülen çöpler, kentte inanılmaz bir kirliliğe neden oluyor. Vatandaşlar, “Tamam çöplerimizi topluyorlar, teşekkür ederiz ancak bu iş o kadar amatörce yapılıyor ki kaş yapayım derken göz çıkarılıyor” dedi.

Vatandaşlar, taşıma işlemlerinin daha düzenli yapılmasını istedi. Taşıma işlemi yapılırken çöplerin etrafa saçılmasının bir çelişki olduğunu ifade eden vatandaşlar, “Çöplerin taşınma işlemlerinde bir düzen, intizam olması gerekir. Çöpümüzü topluyorlar ama bizim bölgemiz temizlenirken başka bölgeler de kirletiliyor. Bu çok yanlış bir durum. Kamyonetlerin çöp taşınması sırasında kasalarının kapatılması gerekir” dedi.

Yeni Sanayi Bölgesi çöplerle doldu

Kaymakamlığın, Lefkoşa’dan toplanan çöpleri biriktirdiği ve “toplama merkezi” diye nitelediği yeni sanayi bölgesindeki alan da çok kötü bir görüntüye büründü.

Çöp biriktirme alanına getirilen çöplerin etrafa yayılması, bölgede ayrı bir çevre kirliliğinin yaratılmasına neden oldu.

Bölgedeki arsalar, rüzgârın da etkisiyle naylon poşetler ve çöplerle doldu.

Bazı bölgelerden ise düzenli olarak toplanmayan ve biriken çöplerden çıkan kokular da hem konutlarda yaşayan vatandaşların hem de esnafın tepkisine neden oluyor.

(Reported by Ali Cansun of Gundem Kibris)
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Re: The Rubbish Regime of "trnc"

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jan 07, 2013 11:47 am

... oh and over the weekend, Unofficial Muhktar Eroglu of "trnc" is reported to have said that he hasn't got involved cos no one had asked him to help with the situation... :roll:

What sort of "president" waits to be asked before taking action...??? ... A Rubbish One...!!!
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Re: The Rubbish Regime of "trnc"

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jan 07, 2013 4:45 pm

bill cobbett wrote:... oh and over the weekend, Unofficial Muhktar Eroglu of "trnc" is reported to have said that he hasn't got involved cos no one had asked him to help with the situation... :roll:

What sort of "president" waits to be asked before taking action...??? ... A Rubbish One...!!!

...ah, finally, an answer to one of the questions being asked, as usual, Mr. Eroglu, or his administration are not responsible, because he is waiting for his administration to ask his administration to do something. maybe now, Mr. Erdogan has the time to twitter Mr. Bagis, or someone more influential in his cabinet, so that the ambassodor can be told, and relay instructions; all organised, everybody with their heads up high (looking for the shit that falls from above), never mind the shit below.
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Re: The Rubbish Regime of "trnc"

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jan 07, 2013 5:01 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:... oh and over the weekend, Unofficial Muhktar Eroglu of "trnc" is reported to have said that he hasn't got involved cos no one had asked him to help with the situation... :roll:

What sort of "president" waits to be asked before taking action...??? ... A Rubbish One...!!!

...ah, finally, an answer to one of the questions being asked, as usual, Mr. Eroglu, or his administration are not responsible, because he is waiting for his administration to ask his administration to do something. maybe now, Mr. Erdogan has the time to twitter Mr. Bagis, or someone more influential in his cabinet, so that the ambassodor can be told, and relay instructions; all organised, everybody with their heads up high (looking for the shit that falls from above), never mind the shit below.

Well it looks like the threat of the Unionists meeting Pres Christofias has done the trick, finally stirred the "trnc" to some action.

It's looking like a partial return to work conditional on some 6 Million TL being paid to the CY workers towards back-pay and 13th salaries by this Friday.

We will see.
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Re: The Rubbish Regime of "trnc"

Postby Viewpoint » Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:56 am

The rubbish issue has been sorted, are you happy now bill?
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Re: The Rubbish Regime of "trnc"

Postby Me Ed » Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:54 am

Viewpoint wrote:The rubbish issue has been sorted, are you happy now bill?


don't you find this a wonderful development that as citizens of the RoC, these TCs where prepared to take their plight to the government that represents them?

Had this meeting taken place, perhaps the RoC could have taken this to the TCs wider EU family, and the EU could have directed some of the millions of euros earmarked for Turkeys EU development to pay these TCs their wages.

This is what the RoC can do for its citizens.
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Re: The Rubbish Regime of "trnc"

Postby Viewpoint » Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:48 pm

Me Ed wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:The rubbish issue has been sorted, are you happy now bill?


don't you find this a wonderful development that as citizens of the RoC, these TCs where prepared to take their plight to the government that represents them?

Had this meeting taken place, perhaps the RoC could have taken this to the TCs wider EU family, and the EU could have directed some of the millions of euros earmarked for Turkeys EU development to pay these TCs their wages.

This is what the RoC can do for its citizens.

To many ifs and buts, the "RoC" would have tuned them away, they are just not clever enough.
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Re: The Rubbish Regime of "trnc"

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:40 pm

Viewpoint wrote:The rubbish issue has been sorted, are you happy now bill?

Delighted VP... absolutely delighted that the striking CYs will finally get paid just 48 hours after they announced a meeting with Pres Christofias... 4-6 months of rubbish and sewage spread across the Occupied part of Nicosia with the useless, waste of space Agent of Occupation Eroglu being powerless to do anything about it and it takes just the threat of a meeting with the President of the Republic to get things sorted...

...What a powerless Rubbish Regime.

Looking forward to supporting the CY workers of the other "municipalities" and the workers at Occupied Tymbou airport ("ercan") in the next few weeks in their actions to resist the thieving anti-CYs of the Occupied Areas Turkish Financial Measures.
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Re: The Rubbish Regime of "trnc"

Postby Viewpoint » Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:57 am

bill cobbett wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:The rubbish issue has been sorted, are you happy now bill?

Delighted VP... absolutely delighted that the striking CYs will finally get paid just 48 hours after they announced a meeting with Pres Christofias... 4-6 months of rubbish and sewage spread across the Occupied part of Nicosia with the useless, waste of space Agent of Occupation Eroglu being powerless to do anything about it and it takes just the threat of a meeting with the President of the Republic to get things sorted...

...What a powerless Rubbish Regime.

Looking forward to supporting the CY workers of the other "municipalities" and the workers at Occupied Tymbou airport ("ercan") in the next few weeks in their actions to resist the thieving anti-CYs of the Occupied Areas Turkish Financial Measures.

Sour grapes bill sour grapes....go back to the UK and deal with your own shit.
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