kimon07 wrote:Viewpoint wrote:You GC are so stupid you cannot understand that we will never submit to any sort of pressure to make us surrender to your demands, either you accept BBF wth political equality of the 2 states or you can FO and stay south just like today.
Without your help and despite the fact that you sided with the Colonial Empire,
WE accomplished to make Cyprus independent.
DIVIDEDWithout your help, and despite the fact that Cyprus was invaded and ruined,
WE managed to make it one of the richest countries in Europe.
BANKRUPTWithout your help and despite the fact that you and your mama apposed viciously our efforts for ten years,
WE made Cyprus a full EU member.
MISSED YOUR REAL AIM OF GETTING THE EU TO GIVE YOU THE ISLAND ON A PLATEWithout your help and despite the vicious efforts of you and your mama to stop us,
WE brought Cyprus one step prior to becoming the energy hub of Europe.
DISPUTE CONTINUES AND WILL BE YOUR DOWNFALLWith or without your help and in spite of what you and your mama say or do or plan to do,
WE SHALL make Cyprus, sooner or later, a free and united island once again.
NOT UNLESS WE ARE 100% ON BOARD And you, envious and miserabple as ever, will come begging us, as always, to allow you to enjoy part of the fruits of
OUR accomplishment.