anyone played with it yet?...
i installed an upgrade over a WIN xp drive in my system...well it's different...
nightmare in getting around...No start button for starters...i never thought much of the start button, but now i miss it...a lot...kinda feeling lost without it...fixed with the purchase of Start8 from stardock...
Now win8 looks and feels much better...
Also i didn't find the tablet look friendly...I have trouble with using 3 monitors...if your default monitor is the center one, the tablet environment works on the default screen and scrolls left and right within the screen...looks very weird...but all fixed with start8
I am not quite sure what to make of this move from microsoft...that forces you to go out and buy a $50 package just to use their operating system...they should have made in an option...
here is the link for the start will need it if you are using win8