As Term President of the EU Council, Cyprus is insisting on cuts to the budget of the European Commisson to the sum of 50 Billion Euros.
Naturally the forever-spending other people's monies on a gravy train and unaccountable Euro Commission is resisting the cuts to its budget and are seeking a 5% rise in its budget even in these very difficult times. The equally free-spending Euro Parliament support the Commision in seeking an increase, presumably to fund increases in their ridiculously high salaries.
The Commission wants to continue throwing the money of European Tax-payers in to such black holes as Agricultural Subsidies and what are called Cohesion Funds (largely to newish members in Eastern Europe and to no chance in hell candidate countries like Turkey. These Farming and Expansion programmes amount to 80% of Commission spending.
Naturally the GB government, keen to see a drawing in of the Euro belt and European powers, are supporting the CY position and are threatening a veto of any free-spending deal.