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Horse destroys pitbull.

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Re: Horse destroys pitbull.

Postby Tasked » Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:14 pm

Look a pitbull killing his family

This is my pitbull when he ate my cat. Rip black cat. I miss you
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Re: Horse destroys pitbull.

Postby Get Real! » Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:54 pm

Tasked wrote:Look a pitbull killing his family

There’s a perfect explanation for all that… that pit-bull is gay! :lol:
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Re: Horse destroys pitbull.

Postby Cap » Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:06 pm

On the other hand pitbulls hate cops. And whoever hates cops are our brothers

Dude, this is a counterexample of the point you're trying to make.
This is some scary ass sh** (pardon my French).

There's no way a kid walking past would survive this kind of random attack.
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Re: Horse destroys pitbull.

Postby Tasked » Tue Oct 30, 2012 11:00 pm

Dude. Have you ever seen how stray dogs or even domestic dogs work in a pack? No fuckin way an adult would survive an attack from a pack thats a fact. Wat am suggesting here is that a dog is just a dog. If we humans as a superior race start banning wat we fear we might as well ban ourselves and get it over with.
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Re: Horse destroys pitbull.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Oct 31, 2012 4:48 pm

Dogs are genetically modified wolves and despite all the apparent changes to shap or temeprement etc, are still of the same species as a dog/wolf cross breed will produce viable fertile young. Even Schnauzers are still wolves.
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Re: Horse destroys pitbull.

Postby metalbreathe » Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:38 pm

@Cap from what you say it sounds more like "horses are coooool. Vicious dog (according to what you heard and see on internet) are bad.

@FragmaticDeath Please make a research before posting, because of people like you are going to extinguish this beautiful breed.

@Tasked Well said my friend. Seems like you understand dogs behavior. I found Chihuahua biting WAY to often, and been aggressive than Pitbulls. But hey, since they are small and cute who cares right? (+it only take a push to get rid of them). And how about Rottweilers? same look, different color, same attitude... oh wait, the rest of the ppl dont say anything bad about them, so we go with the they are "GUARD" dogs

Now some Pitbull History and Terminology for those who search in google "vicious pitbulls" or more common "pitbull bites" and not "whats good about pitbulls" or at least "is it true that pitbulls are viciouse dogs????" :) (forgive me for any misspelling or grammatical mistakes)

Pitbull were bred so they could fight in Pit. But against other DOGS!!! This is important thing to know for all the people who are afraid of Pitbulls. During fights, the .... lets call them "trainers" (because I cant write in public what i think they should be called) They were always REALLY close to the dogs "encouraging" them in their fight. So if ANY of the Pitbulls was EVER attacking human, they were going straight out of the breeding line. So even if ppl saying that pitbulls has the "killer gene", human shouldnt be afraid because they were bred for harming other animals and NOT HUMAN!!!

In USA Pit Bulls are used in HOSPITALS for SICK CHILDREN because they tolerate pain. Those kids may not be aware how hard they caress or how painful actions they do, but Pit Bulls are the ideal dogs for this purpose. Why? (Read Above!)

Pit Bulls are VERY human-social dogs. Yes, you will see MANY of them are jumping on people. But this is normal dog-human greeting (if they are not trained not to behave like this).

Now to backup my friend Tasked story:
Pit Bulls are DOMINANT dogs. Strong and full of energy. Due to their "tough" look, idiots are taking them for show off. put chains on them and abuse them (out of stupidity or to show off how brave they are messing with such "dangerous" breed). Those dogs are not for everyone. That is the deal. They require A LOT of exercise and A LOT of training. Its a challenge breed. People who don't have the time for this, shouldn't own one. Otherwise it may lead to frustrated dog (lack of exercise), frustrated owner (lack of obedience), Animal Abusing (due to frustration), Animal Aggression (due to ABUSING!).


There are several breeds of pitbulls. Usually when people say Pitbull they are refer to American Pitbull Terrier (APT). But most of the time they speak about American Staffordshire Terrier(Amstaff). The difference is that AST are taller than Amstaff breed. Although UK and USA disagree on that. They say it is the same breed. Doesnt really matter. Then there is Bull Terrier. And the Staffic(the smallest of Pitbull Breed).

Separate the AGGRESSION from DOMINATION. Pit Bulls are DOMINATING dogs. NOT aggressive.
Aggressive Pit Bulls are those which don't get proper training and this is owner's responsibility. So if you ever see an aggressive Pit Bull call Police and react. But don't blame innocent dogs that just met wrong people and had bad luck.

Tips for people who want to adopt one:

SOCIALIZE! Pit Bulls if not socialized tend to be aggressive towards other DOGS!
Daily training, to suppress the domination. Some times during the whole life!
Exercise, those dogs are HIGHLY energetic breed.

If you don't have time for any of those DO NOT adopt Pit Bull. It is not for you, and it will make you frustrated, and during your frustration you may cause aggressive reaction!

A Pit Bull that is aggressive against people, had the same life-style as ANY other dog breed. Even Dalmatians and Labradors. The reason why Pit Bulls are more visible than other dogs is because VERY OFTEN the WRONG PEOPLE ADOPT THEM.

Regards to everyone, and I hope people one day will stop blaming the breed and focus on the lack of training and animal abuse rights more.

P.S. I think I should start a blog about this poor breed. And some of the text is from an article I ve sent to a "professional" dog behaviorist who went on TV and said that Pitbulls have killer gene. And she was pissed off on the police because when she saw a loose pitbull she called them, and instead of give to the guy a fine, they got her name and address.

PLEASE PEOPLE educate your self. dont go on internet, opening your mouth and spit whatever you ve heard. Search first. learn. and then post. Always check both sides of the coins. This pitbull stories are like... saying to a teenager "the person you will meet says retarded jokes". So every joke the person you dont know will say, they will sound retarded cause you expect them to. Its as simple as that. Open your mind. You are blaming the wrong BREED!
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Re: Horse destroys pitbull.

Postby Cap » Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:12 pm

Aint buying it dude.
Pits were bred for one thing. Violence.
Not for hunting, police work and family bonding.
Don't blame the owners cos the dogs live up to their reputations.
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Re: Horse destroys pitbull.

Postby metalbreathe » Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:48 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:Dogs are genetically modified wolves and despite all the apparent changes to shap or temeprement etc, are still of the same species as a dog/wolf cross breed will produce viable fertile young. Even Schnauzers are still wolves.

I believe that Dogs came from wolves. And with the cross breeding theory.
Although now days, this opinion is controversial. There has been scientists saying that are not descended from wolves. but they always used to be dogs.
On the other hand, if you mix the breed and get a dog-wolf, this is a big mistake. THAT'S a dog with wolf-genes. And it will lead to frustrated "pet".
But what you say is that "dogs have the wolf-hunting gene". Which I partially disagree.

Maybe they do have the fight or flight, sniffing instincts, pack leader and those. But wolves have different attitude than dogs. And one of it, is that training a wolf or a mix breed, makes pitbull training look like a walk to the park.
In USA its illegal to own a wolf, so many buy hybrids (which is ligal B/). And they treat them like dogs. They end up with broken house.
Yes, a dog can destroy the house too (if you dont know how to prevent this). To prevent this, you take your dog for 1h hour (active breed).
For a wolf to prevent this, you need you walk on a mountain and back.

What im trying to say, if dogs are descended from wolves (which I believe they are), that has been YEARS ago. Evolution make changes. Take for example a parrot and a pigeon. If a parrot can speak, (with the gene logic) pigeon should speak too. they are both birds.

In other words, Schnauzers is descended from wolves, but its not a wolf anymore. Its more of a very long related cousin.
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Re: Horse destroys pitbull.

Postby metalbreathe » Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:55 am

Cap wrote:Aint buying it dude.
Pits were bred for one thing. Violence.
Not for hunting, police work and family bonding.
Don't blame the owners cos the dogs live up to their reputations.

I didnt say to buy it. I only wanted to educated the people who dont know why pitbulls were bred. And I do blame the owners, cause as i wrote above, "if you dont have the time to train it, you shouldnt own one". If you own one, and ends up biting people, then the owner didnt train it.

I ve met a lot of pit bulls. In Poland they are legal. Not even one aggressive. Even the abused ones. Although dog abuse and lack of training is what mostly drive pit bulls to "violence". It's more of "thats how they learn to react".

When you train a dog, you give it cookie if it does something right. The dog learn that if i do this -> i get satisfaction (cookie).
If the dog jump on strangers (greet them as a puppy) and the frustrated owner who dont have patient to train start yelling and some times hit the dog, then the dog will associate strangers as "its my time to get hit" and turn to aggression (to cause the "threat" to fleet).

It is basic dog training and dog language. Pit bulls, due to their strength, are much more dominant (the strong eats the weak). So it is MUCH harder to train a pitbull than a labrator. But not impossible
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Re: Horse destroys pitbull.

Postby Nikitas » Sun Feb 23, 2014 11:16 pm

GR, There are plenty of vids on youtube about pitbulls killing horses. They can and they often do in the USA.

The difference here is that the defender is not a horse, it is a mule and its donkey genes kicked in. Donkeys cannot outrun predators so they stay and fight. Which is the reason they are often used as livestock guardians against canid threats. Happens in Australia against feral dogs and the US against coyotes.

From personal experience I can tell you that nothing bites like a pissed off donkey or horse.
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