My sincere thanks to those of you that wished me well on the occasion of my 46th (for the benefit of B25) birthday and please accept that my failure to respond immediately was not due to any lack of gratitude on my part.
The opportunities to make use of 'Technology' are quite rare in remote regions and when they ARE, the use of the time available is too often dedicated to making contact with such resources that are able to assist in easing the burdens of those less fortunate than ourselves.
Therefore, my personal indulgences are of far less importance and my visits to the 'Forum' impromptu and quite infrequent at the moment.
For as much as WE (and I refer to those, including myself, who from time to time may bemoan our fates) may feel that we are under pressure and possibly lacking in some comfort, let me assure you that there are people (by the legion) who share their misfortunes with a dignity that humbles the least fortunate among us, for they have NOTHING, not even 'HOPE' for their futures, yet still are expected to bear the brunt of 'Ridicule' for their meagre existences.
Thus, 'IGNORANCE' (in it's true sense) is the ONLY asset such people have, the state of 'Not Knowing' is the 'Buffer Zone' which enables them to eke out some semblance of that which WE may regard as 'A Life'.
My OWN time is dedicated to alleviating the suffering of such folk, particularly when their suffering is imposed upon them by those who seek to destroy the 'NOTHING' they already do not have, strangely enough, there is some 'Humour' in the situation for, at the end of it all, 'NOTHING' is precisely the amount we will ALL end up with and 'IGNORANCE' may well be the very state of mind which could save the world.
Such 'FACTS' as these, may well have influenced (or sown the seeds of thought) to he who coined the phrase "Ignorance is Bliss etc", the unfortunate 'FACT' of such inspiration being that HE (who coined the phrase) must have been an unhappy man since he realised the significance of it.
As to myself, I am 'Blissfully Employed', proof of my own 'IGNORANCE' perhaps?.
Once again, many thanks to all you good folks and my sympathy to all those that 'KNOW' the answers.............. 'Forget about it !'.