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Postby Lordo » Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:15 pm

interesting bit of news I have heard today. In 1965 The roc parliament voted for enosis and has never been repealed. is this true.

I also gather that there is a greek cypriot lady who is married to a turkish cypriot man and got a job as a civil cervant. apparently the media has not been too kind to her either.

any thoughts?
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Re: Information required.

Postby halil » Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:41 am

Cyprus became the keystone to Greek politics during the whole post civil-war period.All the parties sloganized and argued in favor of Enosis, the unification of Cyprus withGreece, placing Enosis as an immediate national claim. The Left, which was trying toreinstitute itself within the Greek Nation, played a significant role in that respect. For EDA,being the legal representative of the Left, Enosis will take place as soon as the right for self-determination is achieved, because for the Left self-determination was considered asequivalent to Enosis. Therefore, as it will become obvious EDA is using self-determinationand Enosis interchangeably. It is our main aim to show EDA’s approach to Enosis as this wasdepicted inside the Greek Parliament................

.................During the 1963-1964 crisis caused mainly by Makarios’ proposals for constitutionalamendment, ............. ... arliament_
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Re: Information required.

Postby halil » Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:04 pm

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Re: Information required.

Postby halil » Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:28 pm

1.5. Internal changes in Cyprus after the violent events

Following the violent events, the Turkish Cypriots closed themselves up in their own enclaves and avoided entering the Greek area. The Greek Cypriots, for their part, began passing laws aimed at weakening the 1960 constitution and strengthening their own status. In June 1964 the Greeks passed a law establishing a National Guard, according to which all men aged 18 to 59 were required to do three months' mandatory service. In December 1964 further laws were passed, one establishing unitary local authorities and the other imposing income tax. On 30 March 1965 the House of Representatives decided to cancel the Greek Communal Chamber and to establish a ministry of education which would take on some of the prerogatives of the Chamber.

On 23 August 1965 the Cyprus government spokesman announced that Vice President Fazil Küçük had lost the right to hold office due to his involvement in the "Turkish revolt' which began in December 1963. The spokesman noted that all three Turkish ministers had been deposed even before that. In June 1965 the House of Representatives decided to extend its term of office and that of President Makarios' by an additional year, contrary to the constitution, which stipulated elections every five years, (that is, 16 August 1965).

Yet another law cancelled the article of the constitution stipulating that elections for parliament be carried out separately for the number of seats allotted to each of the two communities, and established uniform elections. As a result the Turkish Cypriots lost the 15 seats in parliament that the constitution had set aside for them. In response, the 15 Turkish members of parliament decided to extend their own term of office, as well as that of Vice President Küçük, by another year.

Towards the end of the period, in December 1967, the Turkish community established a Transitional Administration to govern the Turkish regions "until the day when the articles of the 1960 constitution are applied in full." Dr. Fazil Küçük headed this administration. [No. 214]

Source:Isreal State Archives ... uction.htm
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Re: Information required.

Postby halil » Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:30 pm


Israel State Archives, Israel-Cyprus Relations, 1961-1967
Document 214. Editorial Note
Establishment of a Provisional Turkish Administration in Cyprus
On 29 December 1967 the Turkish community in Cyprus established a “provisional administration” headed by its leader, Dr. Fazil Küçük. The initiative for this move came from the Turkish government, and the administration’s regulations were written by the Turkish Foreign Ministry’s legal counsel. On 12 January 1968 Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban met with the Turkish minister in Israel, Sakip Bayaz, for a talk on this subject.1 The minister told the envoy, among other things, that he was relieved to hear that the establishment of the administration was not meant to violate national unity, but to see to the community’s needs. He added that he would study the problem thoroughly and respond to the envoy.2
1 ... 214Eng.pdf
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Re: Information required.

Postby Lordo » Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:24 pm

thank you for the info halil, but i find it difficult to understand why not one gc commented on this.

here we are 57 years years after the first killings of eoka with the law about enosis still not repealed and not a pip out of any gc.

why is this matter not even discussed. is eokas hold on cyprus politics and media that strong.

how many Antonis 'Tony' Angastiniotises are there in cyprus. i know of one other. is there anymore.
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Re: Information required.

Postby DT. » Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:51 am

Lordo wrote:thank you for the info halil, but i find it difficult to understand why not one gc commented on this.

here we are 57 years years after the first killings of eoka with the law about enosis still not repealed and not a pip out of any gc.

why is this matter not even discussed. is eokas hold on cyprus politics and media that strong.

how many Antonis 'Tony' Angastiniotises are there in cyprus. i know of one other. is there anymore.

Some find it strange that tc ministers left behind documents with instructions of the exact date they would be giving up their posts all in the name of the taksim master plan. Btw has turkey repealed Davutoglou's statement? "Even if there wasn't a single tc on this island Turkey would still be occupying a part of it?"

Considering turkeys violent, illegal and brutal part that it has played in Cyprus I would credit the Cypriot parliament even if they passed a resolution stating that the entire Turkish nation should be exterminated Iranian style. Because that's the difference, cyprus passes resolutions, turkey holds our ancestral land.
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Re: Information required.

Postby Lordo » Sat Nov 03, 2012 1:20 pm

ohhh it is that old chestnut. they did not leave the government because the killings started right. sure keep the pretence it does wonders for your younger generation.

what ever davutoglu said was not voted by every single mp. where as enosis law was. the question is very simple. if this fact cannot even be discussed on the media what kind of hold has eoka got to this day on life in the roc. not that i am expecting you to acknowledge that. the last thing an alcoholic would admit is their alcoholism. but thats another story.

dont worry about the part turkey played i would worry about what the roc did. when it comes to crediting the genocidal tendencies of the roc just as well because thats exactly what they were planning with the 4 plans that they drew up with the help of 10000 greek soldiers from the main land in the 60s. what were they called again. akritas plan aprodite 1 2 and 3 plans

what was it your minister said about tcs in 64. if they see a turkish ship 12 miles of the coast there will be no tcs left to rescue.

just as well that you can give them credit for it. i see the mentality of 63 lives to this day. well done if for nothing else for the consistency of stupidity for an average politically illiterate and ignorant gc.
well done indeed.
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Re: Information required.

Postby B25 » Sat Nov 03, 2012 2:44 pm

Lordo wrote:ohhh it is that old chestnut. they did not leave the government because the killings started right. sure keep the pretence it does wonders for your younger generation.

what ever davutoglu said was not voted by every single mp. where as enosis law was. the question is very simple. if this fact cannot even be discussed on the media what kind of hold has eoka got to this day on life in the roc. not that i am expecting you to acknowledge that. the last thing an alcoholic would admit is their alcoholism. but thats another story.

dont worry about the part turkey played i would worry about what the roc did. when it comes to crediting the genocidal tendencies of the roc just as well because thats exactly what they were planning with the 4 plans that they drew up with the help of 10000 greek soldiers from the main land in the 60s. what were they called again. akritas plan aprodite 1 2 and 3 plans

what was it your minister said about tcs in 64. if they see a turkish ship 12 miles of the coast there will be no tcs left to rescue.

just as well that you can give them credit for it. i see the mentality of 63 lives to this day. well done if for nothing else for the consistency of stupidity for an average politically illiterate and ignorant gc.
well done indeed.

Utter BS, you keep coming in with these half cock, taken out of context statements, to try and prove a point. You lose everytime. This one statement by your very own over rides and nullifies anything our side has ever said.

Here it is again for all to see.

Davutoglou's statement "Even if there wasn't a single tc on this island Turkey would still be occupying a part of it as part of its strategic Interests"

Now do you stupid people get it, Turkey was always going to come to Cyprus, with you or without you. Your stupidity knows no bounds and you just aided and abetted your 'Saviour' who, ironically, is going to be your destructor. Hade Assirktir malaka.
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Re: Information required.

Postby Viewpoint » Sat Nov 03, 2012 5:44 pm

B52 are you part of the modern day eoka group what is it called now elan??? You have to understand that whether Turkey came here for the TCs or their own interests it doesnt matter you lost control of 37% of the island and the mindset you display on this forum will guarantee division for a very long time to come. If you want division continue as you are if you dont then you need to get a grip and understand that you share this island with TCs and that if you want to unite it will only be under a BBF with political equality of the 2 states.
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