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Re: Information required.

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:49 pm

Ah... now then Lordo,

Have good reason to believe you may have met with the author Stavrinides in London this past Friday night.

So what further info do you have for us on the matter of the alleged Big Mak speech on 4 September 1962...???

Hope you're not trying to hide anything from us.
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Re: Information required.

Postby Lordo » Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:58 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Ah... now then Lordo,

Have good reason to believe you may have met with the author Stavrinides in London this past Friday night.

So what further info do you have for us on the matter of the alleged Big Mak speech on 4 September 1962...???

Hope you're not trying to hide anything from us.

sorry wrong person. i have not met him but i do know and have told you about the book. it was banned and reprinted in 1976. now i think all that weed you do is playing with your mind.

the speech was made. there could not have been any tcs there and hence it is being kept a secret. now, abut real evidence any chance of posting some speeches of the man. after all he was the president and had to have kept copies of these speeches. come now i know what you are capable of and yet you are hiding information from the forum. i have not seen a single speech made by makarios to gcs between 1960 and 1967. now come on who are you kidding especially as i remember them on radio.

you know you can do it.
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Re: Information required.

Postby Lordo » Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:26 pm

now here is another bit of info i am sure you know about. year 1972. it is no wonder he said no to the dengtash/clerides agreement.

In a note to the Greek Government on the 16th of March 1972, Makarios wrote; “If your aim is the launching of a struggle for Enosis, both I and the people of Cyprus are ready to enter such a struggle provided it is backed by the Greek Government.”

“Those who disagree with the way of handling Cyprus’s national problem and call themselves Enosists accuse and call the others, the overwhelming majority of the Greek Cypriot people, anti-Enosists. The charge is false and inadmissible. All Greek Cypriots are and will be Enosists.” Archbishop Makarios in a speech at the unveiling of a statue of an EOKA fighter at Akaki village, on the 5th of November 1972.
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Re: Information required.

Postby Lordo » Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:29 pm

and this.

Makarios on the other hand continued with his provocative speeches across the island. Inter-communal talks became rather spasmodic with the Greek Cypriot press ridiculing the Turkish Cypriots’ stance on partnership rights and their demands for local autonomy. They urged that the Greek Cypriots’ right of self-determination should never be curtailed for the sake of the Turkish Cypriots, who were free to leave the island, if they did not like living under Greek rule. Such was Makarios’s stance on the Enosis issue that in a conversation with Clerides in 1973 he was quoted as saying “You see these hands Glafcos, they can cut them off, but I will not sign again any Constitution excluding Enosis, unless Greece and Turkey sign first a protocol by which Greece would agree with Turkey not to accept Enosis and Turkey would agree with Greece not to accept partition”.
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Re: Information required.

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:19 pm

Lordo wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Ah... now then Lordo,

Have good reason to believe you may have met with the author Stavrinides in London this past Friday night.

So what further info do you have for us on the matter of the alleged Big Mak speech on 4 September 1962...???

Hope you're not trying to hide anything from us.

sorry wrong person. i have not met him but i do know and have told you about the book. it was banned and reprinted in 1976. now i think all that weed you do is playing with your mind.

the speech was made. there could not have been any tcs there and hence it is being kept a secret. now, abut real evidence any chance of posting some speeches of the man. after all he was the president and had to have kept copies of these speeches. come now i know what you are capable of and yet you are hiding information from the forum. i have not seen a single speech made by makarios to gcs between 1960 and 1967. now come on who are you kidding especially as i remember them on radio.

you know you can do it.

Well your silly denial of not having been at the meeting this past Friday night (when you publicised elsewhere that you had every intent of going) tells us that you have not been able to find the confirmation you were looking for and so there is now good reason to believe that the confirmation doesn't exist and further that you are spreading more dangerous hatred by posting obvious rubbish.
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Re: Information required.

Postby Lordo » Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:52 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
Lordo wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Ah... now then Lordo,

Have good reason to believe you may have met with the author Stavrinides in London this past Friday night.

So what further info do you have for us on the matter of the alleged Big Mak speech on 4 September 1962...???

Hope you're not trying to hide anything from us.

sorry wrong person. i have not met him but i do know and have told you about the book. it was banned and reprinted in 1976. now i think all that weed you do is playing with your mind.

the speech was made. there could not have been any tcs there and hence it is being kept a secret. now, abut real evidence any chance of posting some speeches of the man. after all he was the president and had to have kept copies of these speeches. come now i know what you are capable of and yet you are hiding information from the forum. i have not seen a single speech made by makarios to gcs between 1960 and 1967. now come on who are you kidding especially as i remember them on radio.

you know you can do it.

Well your silly denial of not having been at the meeting this past Friday night (when you publicised elsewhere that you had every intent of going) tells us that you have not been able to find the confirmation you were looking for and so there is now good reason to believe that the confirmation doesn't exist and further that you are spreading more dangerous hatred by posting obvious rubbish.

i am now having a mcenroe moment here. you must be kidding right. me deny i have attended a publicised event which i have not publicised next friday which is in the future. i tell you what dac when i invent the time machine i will let you know.

you really have to stop confusing me with anybody else. i am who i am and always have been. and always will be. now how about some of those speeches you promised me between 1960 and 1968. the island girl is looking forward to them honestly, she is just pretending she is not. just double bluffing you.
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Re: Information required.

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:09 pm

Well Lordo ... look at it from another angle...

Do you think it's right for you to help the Agents Provocateurs of the Illegal Regime spread the hatred through the claimed and alleged Big Mak speech when you, like them, have never put forward the evidence that the speech was ever made...???
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Re: Information required.

Postby Lordo » Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:29 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Well Lordo ... look at it from another angle...

Do you think it's right for you to help the Agents Provocateurs of the Illegal Regime spread the hatred through the claimed and alleged Big Mak speech when you, like them, have never put forward the evidence that the speech was ever made...???

thats why we need the speech. freedom of information my friend. all his speeches should be available. where are they.
i am not spreading anything.

that this speech was made is beyond doubt. that this sentence was said is also beyond doubt. till we get his speeches verbatim it cannot be proven one way or another. if all the people attending this speech were pro eoga what is the chance of finding it. thats another story.

you have not answered why it is there is no speeches available between 1960 and 1967, has this man not made any in 7 years. surely not.
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Re: Information required.

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Nov 19, 2012 8:27 pm

Lordo wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Well Lordo ... look at it from another angle...

Do you think it's right for you to help the Agents Provocateurs of the Illegal Regime spread the hatred through the claimed and alleged Big Mak speech when you, like them, have never put forward the evidence that the speech was ever made...???

thats why we need the speech. freedom of information my friend. all his speeches should be available. where are they.
i am not spreading anything.

that this speech was made is beyond doubt. that this sentence was said is also beyond doubt. till we get his speeches verbatim it cannot be proven one way or another. if all the people attending this speech were pro eoga what is the chance of finding it. thats another story.

you have not answered why it is there is no speeches available between 1960 and 1967, has this man not made any in 7 years. surely not.

What a loada Pollox!!! ... again from the Stirrer of Hatred Lordo.

The PIO have all his speeches and statements... and they are all available on-line.

FFS!!! ....One from 1962 is posted in this thread ... !!!!

The PIO has been searched and in speeches and statements Big Mak made in 1962... NOTHING of this alleged speech.


Bugger All Lordo...!!!

... Sod All Lordo...!!!
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Re: Information required.

Postby Lordo » Mon Nov 19, 2012 8:40 pm

why dont you post a couple to get a feel of what this man was saying in 1962-3-4 then. come on or at least give us a link.
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