GreekIslandGirl wrote:Right. Let's attack this from another angle.
The speed of sound is not a constant (as is the speed of light, supposedly). Sound is dependent on the atmosphere it interacts with. So, if the atmosphere and all its contents are travelling at a set speed because they are in an enclosed system, then the soundwaves impacting on that atmosphere (from someone speaking) would still be impacting on the contents of that atmosphere and still be creating sound. The external atmosphere (vacuum or not) would not be affecting the internal atmosphere moving around, at whatever speed, in the (perfectly) enclosed system and hence, irrespective of the speed of external factors, would not now be interacting with any soundwaves generated in the enclosed system forsooth to change their speed and whether they are detected or not by microphones or human ears.
Can some physicist, please, explain to me what is wrong with the above?
I'm not sure if you meant this as a serious reply or if a cat has wandered across your keyboard....?
If it was a serious reply, you appear to be arguing with yourself... I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve with this meaningless ramble...?
The bottom line is that you couldn't get your head around somebody being able to be heard while travelling faster than the speed of sound.
I pointed out that they could.I repeat again (because you really are hard of understanding this week) that
the only reference that was made to a vacuum was to explain the speed that Felix achieved.
You can blabber on, miss-quote and obfuscate as much as you like but it won't change the above facts which are clear in this thread for everybody to read and check.
I'd suggest you don't keep replying to this thread which only keeps it at the top of 'recent Topics' and furthers your embarrassment.
Better to let it slip away into obscurity and hope that everybody forgets about it... Concentrate on keeping your bizarre, bigoted opinions about Greece on the top of the pile eh...?