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London Meeting ?

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Re: London Meeting ?

Postby Jerry » Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:22 am

Schnauzer wrote:
Jerry wrote:I have reserved a table at the Carob tree for the lunch meeting on Tuesday 18th December. Unfortunately Deniz is unable to join us so the number is down to five. I feel that if it drops to four we should postpone it until next year.

Can those who are definitely coming please post here.

A few more volunteers could save the day!

Early in November, I made an arrangement with an associate of mine in Cyprus (who intended to spend the Christmas Holiday in the UK) to forward £100.00 in cash to Miltiades, together with a personal communication, I know that the said associate is in possession of my instructions and awaits confirmation of the event at 'The Carob Tree'.

The cash is intended as a gift to those members attending (a 'Festive Drink' with my 'Best Wishes' perhaps).

In the event of the meeting being cancelled (which I sincerely hope it is not) and since time is now running out, I intend to instruct my associate to forward the package of communication to Miltiades nonetheless (since the enclosed missive is of more importance to me) and leave the disposal of the cash to the discretion of the good fellow.

My opportunities to make contact are erratic and sometimes very brief, therefore, may I at this early stage, forward my 'Best Wishes' to ALL members for the coming season ?.

I DO hope that we will ALL be survivors of the 'Mayan Prophesies', if NOT, my 'Cash' and 'Communication' will be consigned to the 'Cosmos' (also with my 'Best Wishes' and whatever successes or failures did mould our eventful lives.) :lol: .............Schnauzer x :wink:

Thank you for your very generous donation to our lunch meeting Schnauzer, it looks like it may be put to better use since our number is down to four and I have proposed that we postpone until next year. I'm sure that Milti will make sure your cash goes to a good cause.

If we can arrange a meeting when you are next in UK we'll each buy you a drink or two.

Have a good Christmas.
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Re: London Meeting ?

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Dec 17, 2012 4:13 am

Just "spoken" to Jerry who confirms the London Meet has been postponed 'til sometime in the New Year.

... it'll be on a Saturday... and woes betide any of you scabby and unreliable lot who live anywhere near London who doesn't commit to attending... you have been warned...!!! ... :)
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Re: London Meeting ?

Postby SSBubbles » Sat Dec 22, 2012 9:51 pm

Hey, If I can get a day flight over, I may be in attendance,

Failing that - can someone get started on a Cyprus get together please (and if it is in Nicosia where would be the best place to
stay over) :)
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