Sotos wrote:On the face of it the problem is always a rejected credit authorisation rather than anything technical
My credit card has never been rejected in Cyprus or abroad. It is a Laiki Bank visa. How much do you pay if your cc is rejected?
Never been charged for a rejected credit card authorisation by a credit card provider, then again credit card authorisation rejection has only ever arisen with Nova Greece.
Nova Greece always give the WRONG credit card details to the Cypriot credit card provider and quite correctly authorisation is refused to protect my financial security.
It is Nova Greece who charge the reconnection fee because as far as they are concerned credit has been refused and therefore the service is terminated. The credit card providers do not tell Nova Greece or any other business why authorisation is refused but they will tell the card holder the reason for rejection which is always because Nova Greece have submitted incorrect card details.
When contacted Nova Greece confirm that the details of the credit card that they hold are correct which leads me to believe that they deliberately give the wrong details to the Cypriot Credit card provider so that they can charge the customer for reconnection!
Before you enter into any agreement with Nova Greece ask Laiki Bank if any of their other customers have similar problems. Certainly the Hellenic Bank in Cyprus confirmed to me that I was not alone in suffering this problem.
As I said before Welcome to the Murky World of Satellite TV