Southerner wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:Southerner wrote:If the Greek man in the street benefits as much as the UK man in the street did from North Sea Oil & Gas, his lifestyle won't change much. 40 years on and we're all still waiting for our cheques to arrive.
The North Sea Oil reserves should have gone to the 8 million or so Scots instead of the 50+ Million English. If that were the case, the Scots would have been far wealthier than even the Norwegians (who have been doing very nicely indeed on their finds). But the benefits certainly bolstered a lot of welfare and kept the much needed gas prices (for home heating) at reasonable levels. Of course, Greece and Cyprus would not need as much for the domestic market as the UK needs - so they can sell more.
Absolute rubbish, when the North Sea Gas and Oil was in full flow gas and oil prices in the UK continued to rise, inflation went through the roof and the prime minister had to go to the international world bank to borrow money so you tell us where the money went and where your revenue will go if and when it happenms.
Agreed that England's economy has been seriously corrupt and in debt for longer than most. They squandered Scottish reserves for themselves, in true Colonialist style. Even now though, Scotland has a better welfare system for its citizens which is financed by the little that the Scots are allowed back from this English plunder.
I suspect the EU will do as much to Greece and Cyprus as England did to Scotland and plunder Greek people's rights - hence the build-up in anti-Greek politics. Did you know that Turkey offered to "give back" the occupied north if Greece would agree to giving them some Aegean islands which would have secured it some rights to these oil reserves? Yup, the hungry wolves are out ...