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Iranian Hyperinflation could lead to revolution

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Iranian Hyperinflation could lead to revolution

Postby wyoming cowboy » Thu Oct 04, 2012 6:19 pm

"....Now, the question becomes: Is the hyperinflation currently underway in
Iran going to be the straw that finally breaks the camel's back?..." ... ge-2012-10
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Re: Iranian Hyperinflation could lead to revolution

Postby Get Real! » Thu Oct 04, 2012 8:29 pm

wyoming cowboy wrote:"....Now, the question becomes: Is the hyperinflation currently underway in
Iran going to be the straw that finally breaks the camel's back?..."

So far it looks like the Iranian, Iraqi, and Afghani camels are breaking America’s back!
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Re: Iranian Hyperinflation could lead to revolution

Postby wyoming cowboy » Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:21 pm

the only reason Iran has never been bombed is because they have ahuge middle class who is actually very western oriented and the west has been waiting for them to rise up, if they dont anytime soon then they will be bombed and taken down
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Re: Iranian Hyperinflation could lead to revolution

Postby kurupetos » Tue Oct 16, 2012 5:00 pm

wyoming cowboy wrote:the only reason Iran has never been bombed is because they have ahuge middle class who is actually very western oriented and the west has been waiting for them to rise up, if they dont anytime soon then they will be bombed and taken down

Do you have money to buy bombs? :lol:
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Re: Iranian Hyperinflation could lead to revolution

Postby Schnauzer » Tue Oct 16, 2012 6:18 pm

wyoming cowboy wrote:"....Now, the question becomes: Is the hyperinflation currently underway in
Iran going to be the straw that finally breaks the camel's back?..." ... ge-2012-10

Hey "wyoming cowboy", it would appear from the general attitude you display in your posts, that you are quite anxiously awaiting further disruption and mayhem in the Middle East, one would have thought that the 'Yanks' would be aware that they have murdered enough innocent civilians in the region by now.

However, disregarding the usual 'Hype' one is forced to accept as 'Gospel' when dealing with the information filtering through the media, if one considers events objectively rather than accepting such 'Biased' information, one will soon come to realise that the 'Yanks' are having their arses kicked in EVERY theatre of 'Combat' (I will not give their actions the distinction of using the word 'WAR') and that they have not been in a 'Fair Fight' for generations.

I DO hope that YOU (being a 'Cowboy') have the 'Bow Legs' which are the usual attributes of one, I think such 'Attributes' might well be an asset to the 'American Troops' if they dare to antagonise the Iranians to such an extent that they open fire in retaliation..

The 'Bow Legs' will be so much more accommodating when the time comes for THEM (as with YOU) to defecate their pants. :lol:
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Re: Iranian Hyperinflation could lead to revolution

Postby Get Real! » Tue Oct 16, 2012 9:03 pm

wyoming cowboy wrote:the only reason Iran has never been bombed is because they have ahuge middle class who is actually very western oriented and the west has been waiting for them to rise up, if they dont anytime soon then they will be bombed and taken down

And why would the middle class rise up, so they can join the poverty class? :lol:
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Re: Iranian Hyperinflation could lead to revolution

Postby wyoming cowboy » Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:48 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
wyoming cowboy wrote:"....Now, the question becomes: Is the hyperinflation currently underway in
Iran going to be the straw that finally breaks the camel's back?..." ... ge-2012-10

Hey "wyoming cowboy", it would appear from the general attitude you display in your posts, that you are quite anxiously awaiting further disruption and mayhem in the Middle East, one would have thought that the 'Yanks' would be aware that they have murdered enough innocent civilians in the region by now.

However, disregarding the usual 'Hype' one is forced to accept as 'Gospel' when dealing with the information filtering through the media, if one considers events objectively rather than accepting such 'Biased' information, one will soon come to realise that the 'Yanks' are having their arses kicked in EVERY theatre of 'Combat' (I will not give their actions the distinction of using the word 'WAR') and that they have not been in a 'Fair Fight' for generations.

I DO hope that YOU (being a 'Cowboy') have the 'Bow Legs' which are the usual attributes of one, I think such 'Attributes' might well be an asset to the 'American Troops' if they dare to antagonise the Iranians to such an extent that they open fire in retaliation..

The 'Bow Legs' will be so much more accommodating when the time comes for THEM (as with YOU) to defecate their pants. :lol:

Hey "wyoming cowboy", it would appear from the general attitude you display in your posts, that you are quite anxiously awaiting further disruption and mayhem in the Middle East, one would have thought that the 'Yanks' would be aware that they have murdered enough innocent civilians in the region by now

As you may already know, throughout history, millions upon millions of innocent civilians have died because of war. Not too many of us lament their loss in our everyday lives. You can sit here and preach the virtues of being a "tree hugger" and then retreat into your world of comfort and peace. I havent seen any gorillas named Schnauzer(there are some protesters but they fizzle out quickly) running through the streets of any major western capital protesting the killing of few million arabs and maybe a few million Iranians in the coming years. In my opinion the killings will continue and in my opinion no one will seriously protest against this. Maybe a few will even hug some trees like you seem to be anxious in doing and call it a day, you've done your duty your conscience is clean.

However, disregarding the usual 'Hype' one is forced to accept as 'Gospel' when dealing with the information filtering through the media, if one considers events objectively rather than accepting such 'Biased' information, one will soon come to realise that the 'Yanks' are having their arses kicked in EVERY theatre of 'Combat' (I will not give their actions the distinction of using the word 'WAR') and that they have not been in a 'Fair Fight' for generations.

The media is there to be deciphered not listened to. I dont see the Americans leaving anyplace, lately, with anyones foot in their ass or arse as you say. They went into Iraq with the mission of regime change and to neutralize a belligerent country. "Mission Accomplished" as another cowboy once stated. Iraq today is in relative peace, with its economy projected to double in the next 10 years and a young federal democracy taking root. Are you against this? Soon Iran will be disbanded and neutralized along with Syria, Pakistan and Afghanistan giving these people a chance of democracy and some sort of free will, so what if a few million get smoked, millions have been smoked in the past, and all this happenning around you.....while you're still hugging your favorite tree....woof.. woof...woof
Last edited by wyoming cowboy on Wed Oct 17, 2012 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Iranian Hyperinflation could lead to revolution

Postby Get Real! » Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:54 pm

wyoming cowboy wrote:Iraq today is in relative peace, with its economy projected to double in the next 10 years and a young federal democracy taking root.

:shock: NBC/ABC newsreaders always stand out… :lol:
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Re: Iranian Hyperinflation could lead to revolution

Postby Schnauzer » Wed Oct 17, 2012 7:06 pm

wyoming cowboy wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:
wyoming cowboy wrote:"....Now, the question becomes: Is the hyperinflation currently underway in
Iran going to be the straw that finally breaks the camel's back?..." ... ge-2012-10

Hey "wyoming cowboy", it would appear from the general attitude you display in your posts, that you are quite anxiously awaiting further disruption and mayhem in the Middle East, one would have thought that the 'Yanks' would be aware that they have murdered enough innocent civilians in the region by now.

However, disregarding the usual 'Hype' one is forced to accept as 'Gospel' when dealing with the information filtering through the media, if one considers events objectively rather than accepting such 'Biased' information, one will soon come to realise that the 'Yanks' are having their arses kicked in EVERY theatre of 'Combat' (I will not give their actions the distinction of using the word 'WAR') and that they have not been in a 'Fair Fight' for generations.

I DO hope that YOU (being a 'Cowboy') have the 'Bow Legs' which are the usual attributes of one, I think such 'Attributes' might well be an asset to the 'American Troops' if they dare to antagonise the Iranians to such an extent that they open fire in retaliation..

The 'Bow Legs' will be so much more accommodating when the time comes for THEM (as with YOU) to defecate their pants. :lol:

As you may already know, throughout history, millions upon millions of innocent civilians have died because of war. Not too many of us lament their loss in our everyday lives. You can sit here and preach the virtues of being a "tree hugger" and then retreat into your world of comfort and peace. I havent seen any gorillas named Schnauzer(there are some protesters but they fizzle out quickly) running through the streets of any major western capital protesting the killing of few million arabs and maybe a few million Iranians in the coming years. In my opinion the killings will continue and in my opinion no one will seriously protest against this. Maybe a few will even hug some trees like you seem to be anxious in doing and call it a day, you've done your duty your conscience is clean.

The media is there to be deciphered not listened to. I dont see the Americans leaving anyplace, lately, with anyones foot in their ass or arse as you say. They went into Iraq with the mission of regime change and to neutralize a belligerent country. "Mission Accomplished" as another cowboy once stated. Iraq today is in relative peace, with its economy projected to double in the next 10 years and a young federal democracy taking root. Are you against this? Soon Iran will be disbanded and neutralized along with Syria, Pakistan and Afghanistan giving these people a chance of democracy and some sort of free will, so what if a few million get smoked, millions have been smoked in the past, and all this happenning around you.....while you're still hugging your favorite tree....woof.. woof...woof

Thank you for your response "wyoming cowboy", your comments DO seem to confirm that you are a person who can readily countenance the murderous activities of your nation abroad, indeed, you further indicate that the prospect of witnessing the 'Mass Slaughter' of even more millions in the future is of little concern to you, one might even be tempted to venture the opinion that you actually relish such prospect.

I find that rather sad and do wonder if you have ever actually SEEN the process, result and reality of 'Mass Murder' other than that which is displayed on your T.V. screen ?. (or to a much lesser degree, in such movies as the 'Rambo' series and others).

I must advise you that I am always quite disappointed when I read responses which contain the 'Wise Words' or 'Cliche'd Sayings' of others, unfortunately you DO seem quite prone to use them and (if I may be so bold) I would suggest you should not, such usage is apt to cloud your own judgements since you must obviously have accepted the sincerity of them and invariably they are insincere (imho), therefore, your allusion to 'Deciphering' the 'Media' is something which YOU obviously avoid, for if you DID 'Decipher', you would hardly be able to accept such nonsensical verbal garbage as 'Mission Accomplished' and ALL the preceding, attending and following lies and deceptions which (in the past DID and now DO) dominate the actions of the 'Western Powers'.

As to your comments regarding my 'Tree Hugging', I receive the reference to it with precisely the same 'Tongue in cheek' humour as I hope you received MY reference to 'Bow Legs'.

Take care my friend, lest you may start to believe what you have written about the value of the 'Lives' of your fellow Man. :wink:
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Re: Iranian Hyperinflation could lead to revolution

Postby wyoming cowboy » Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:28 pm

With all due respect Shnauzer, I hope were not as naive as were pretending to be. Who am I and for that matter who are you, for them to tell the truth to?
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