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Cyprus Scout - blog about Cyprus

Postby TVSET » Mon Oct 17, 2005 3:21 pm


There was a lot of discussion about the lack of information about events in Cyprus. There are a few sites that try but all fail to do it properly. I think that another shot at this won't hurt anyone, so I am trying it.

Cyprus Scout is a blog about Cyprus. You will find all sorts of posts there from events to interesting places through news, etc. I will try to stay away from politics in general and Cyprus Problem in particular though.

Currently, there is only me writing, photographing, and editing the whole thing, but I hope that this site will pick up some momentum and more people will participate.

I will try to keep posts as often as I can, but for now you can pretty much county only on about one per week.

If you have any ideas on how I can improve it, please let me know.
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Postby Sotos » Mon Oct 17, 2005 6:23 pm

nice site. Personally I am not sure that a blog is the best type of website for events though.
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Postby TVSET » Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:52 pm

Thank Sotos.

Well, the calendar functionality is coming soon. It will help to quickly locate events for specific day.

Regarding the format - there will be more stuff. Not only events. News, reviews, all sorts of things. I thought that blog is a flexible enough format to allow all of these. But I don't have any problem switching to something else later on, if need be. :)
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Postby Sotos » Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:32 pm

I see. I think it would be better if the site tried to do one thing - events - and do it good rather than try to do everything. You can do that in your personal blog which is prety cool by the way ;)
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Postby TVSET » Tue Oct 18, 2005 8:38 pm

Yeah, well, I agree. The problem is that there aren't enough of events going on to keep the site busy. Not even on a weekly basis. I will try to focus on the events coverage, but in quiet times, I'll try to fill it up with something else.

At the end of the day, it's a blog about Cyprus. :)
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Postby Sotos » Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:26 pm

I think there are enough events. The problem is that most of these events are not online and there is not a central place were all events are collected. There are things that change every week such as cinema and theater. Today I got the diary of events of Rialto. CTO website has some events also. I think there are enough events to make a website busy but collecting them all is a full time job!
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Postby TVSET » Wed Oct 19, 2005 12:08 am

Sotos wrote:I think there are enough events. The problem is that most of these events are not online and there is not a central place were all events are collected. There are things that change every week such as cinema and theater. Today I got the diary of events of Rialto. CTO website has some events also. I think there are enough events to make a website busy but collecting them all is a full time job!

I wasn't very clear on what I meant. There are of course enough events in Cyprus. It's just listing them all is practically as useful as not listing them at all. I think that if I am posting about the event, I should be able to say at least a few words. Things like what it is, who makes it, where and when it will be and how much it will cost are pretty much trivial to find. There is plenty advertising on TV and radio (especially BFBS) that tell all these.

I am more interested in all these from the "what to expect" kind of angle. There is a lot going on, but most of the people ignore events because they don't know anything about them. Take for example the Cyprus Art website and the events they have there. Brazilian Film Festival sounds like something I might be interested in. All they tell me is that all films will be in Portuguese with Greek subtitles. I don't know either one of this languages, but I am still interested in seeing one or two movies just to get the atmosphere, you know. Which films are they going to show? When and where? They don't tell me that. That pretty much means that I am not going. :)

Just the information about the events makes it a yet another dry list of items. I prefer something with an opinion. Even if my opinion is different.

I will still try to post about as much events as I can, but I will select those that I can say a few words about.
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Postby Sotos » Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:59 am

Just the information about the events makes it a yet another dry list of items. I prefer something with an opinion. Even if my opinion is different.

Yes. I prefer something with more information than just a plain listing. The plain listing is better than nothing though. If the event title seems like something interesting and a telephone number is given so people can get more info about it then I don't think it is useless.
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Postby Sotos » Wed Oct 19, 2005 10:18 am

TVSET, Placido Domingo will perform in Eleftheria Stadium and not not in D’Avila Moat. You should make this correction in your blog. This is one of the big events in Cyprus this year.
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Postby TVSET » Wed Oct 19, 2005 4:10 pm

Sotos wrote:TVSET, Placido Domingo will perform in Eleftheria Stadium and not not in D’Avila Moat. You should make this correction in your blog. This is one of the big events in Cyprus this year.

Hmm.. strange... both posters around the town and Placido Domingo official website say that he will perform in D'Avil Moat. Where did you find out about Eleftheria Stadium?
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