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Re: What happens if??

Postby Viewpoint » Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:15 am

bill cobbett wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:A TC visits a government office in a united Cyprus in the south the signs are all in Greek and the lady at the help desk speaks very little if any English and absolutely no Turkish. What happens next?

And another thing. Your hypothetical question is, as usual, the result of a very twisted way of presenting things. If the island WAS united it goes without saying that there would be bilingual clerks in all CENTRAL gevernment offices. Unless, of course, according to the constitution, there would be only ONE official language, like in the US, for instance and in Turkey. Do they speak Kurdish in the Turkish government offices?? Huh? Or Spanish in the USA offices? Or Welsh in the English?

Coincidently Kimon, this morning had to visit the CY High Commission here in London, a CY chap in front of me, one associated with the Occupied Areas, a turkish-speaker, was being helped by one of the Commission staff in his own language... and helped very efficiently, respectfully and nicely.

You would say that, the truth is not your strong point.
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Re: What happens if??

Postby Viewpoint » Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:16 am

kimon07 wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:A TC visits a government office in a united Cyprus in the south the signs are all in Greek and the lady at the help desk speaks very little if any English and absolutely no Turkish. What happens next?

And another thing. Your hypothetical question is, as usual, the result of a very twisted way of presenting things. If the island WAS united it goes without saying that there would be bilingual clerks in all CENTRAL gevernment offices. Unless, of course, according to the constitution, there would be only ONE official language, like in the US, for instance and in Turkey. Do they speak Kurdish in the Turkish government offices?? Huh? Or Spanish in the USA offices? Or Welsh in the English?

Did anyone bother to tell you that the Turkish is in your constitution as an official language thats why Im asking what if....
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Re: What happens if??

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Oct 16, 2012 1:24 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:A TC visits a government office in a united Cyprus in the south the signs are all in Greek and the lady at the help desk speaks very little if any English and absolutely no Turkish. What happens next?

And another thing. Your hypothetical question is, as usual, the result of a very twisted way of presenting things. If the island WAS united it goes without saying that there would be bilingual clerks in all CENTRAL gevernment offices. Unless, of course, according to the constitution, there would be only ONE official language, like in the US, for instance and in Turkey. Do they speak Kurdish in the Turkish government offices?? Huh? Or Spanish in the USA offices? Or Welsh in the English?

Coincidently Kimon, this morning had to visit the CY High Commission here in London, a CY chap in front of me, one associated with the Occupied Areas, a turkish-speaker, was being helped by one of the Commission staff in his own language... and helped very efficiently, respectfully and nicely.

You would say that, the truth is not your strong point.

Also at the High Comm in London were four Brits, who wanted some help with something or other, who were being helped by one of the Commission staff in English.

They were very pleased with the help, so much so that on two or three occasions one of the party described by official as "a star".

(For those with business at the High Comm in London... it has moved to a corner of St James's Square, a ten minute walk from Piccadilly Circus tube. As before, business is in a basement level)
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Re: What happens if??

Postby wyoming cowboy » Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:13 pm

Did anyone bother to tell you that the Turkish is in your constitution as an official language thats why Im asking what if..

Vp...why is this an issue for you when it seems so insignificant in the full scope of things?.........I have a question for you

What happens when a Greek Cyp refugee doesnt have access to his/her lands in the occupied territories and why are you in support of the occupier?
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Re: What happens if??

Postby Viewpoint » Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:18 am

wyoming cowboy wrote:
Did anyone bother to tell you that the Turkish is in your constitution as an official language thats why Im asking what if..

Vp...why is this an issue for you when it seems so insignificant in the full scope of things?.........I have a question for you

What happens when a Greek Cyp refugee doesnt have access to his/her lands in the occupied territories and why are you in support of the occupier?

This is an issue because the very basic need to communicate will be taken away form us and manipulated to make our lives hell, have you ever witnessed how GCs officials deal with TCs in government offices in the south today? if not you should and then you will see the frustration and feeling of second class people on TC faces. The answers given here are perfect examples of why we should not unite, before you blow your top just stop and consider it from our side of the divide.

The current situation is a direct result of all our actions so just as the TC refugee cannot have access to his land in the "RoC" a "European" country the GCs suffers the same fate, its a price we all pay for our past acitons.

But my scenario is trying to establish what life would be like if we united the advanatges and disadvantages to everyday life, language being one of the most basic but fundemental needs to having a normal life. In this scenario all refugees would have gotten foreclosure on the property issue eg return compensation or alternative options.

Why cant anyone just clearly state that in a united Cyprus both states would be forced to employ bilingual workers who would have to pass an exam to work at the federal/state level to ensure no discrimination occurs when dealing with citizens of a united Cyprus.
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Re: What happens if??

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:47 am

why vp do you obscure the issue; when you talk of the Republic, you cannot expect the same service that you would get from the Greek Constituency. why don't you get it, the big if, there is a Republic, there is a Turkish Constituency, why is there no Greek Constituency, why is there no Maronite, or Armenian Constituency, isn't it all about our living relics, Bicommunal, you know the Sovereign State, there to take the island's best interest at heart, all the People, one by one, no distinction, no discrimination, as Individuals, equals, each and everyone defending the Universal Principals that demonstrate their loving nature for themselves, as Human Beings, their Country, and each other? what is wrong with a Republic? and what is wrong within it Cypriot Constituencies? you love Cyprus?

then consider that with one State, the People can choose to sustain what is an ethnosphere, distinctive natures because as Persons they are able. there is no reason why you cannot live and breath within your community and neighbourhood as a Grecophone, (or Turcophone), freely, because you choose to, as a Minority in one Community, or as a Majority in another. each would have their National Assembly, they would collect their own taxes, they would provide the services their electors choose to sustain, like their schools, and their Municipaities, and their Homes, as electors toward sustaining their unique charcter as Peoples. there is no reason that in the future, 60, 150, or 200 years from now to believe that the demographics of this island will remain the same as they are today, only the State, as one, will remain their constant, in that context the Territorial Jurisdictions may change, and in that context, today, the Constituencies are able to decide these geographic divisions, because unanimously there is a means toward their Charter.

don't tell me to sell it to the GC, as you call them, again vp. don't tell me that you can't trust the Greeks on this island because they are Greeks, join me, because as a Cypriot, a Person, and an Individual, you believe in bettering yourself. speaking of the mayhem that is death, we all come to dust in the end, at least for those who will take this Problem on after us, agree that our thinking must change.

...isn't English an Official Language as well?
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Re: What happens if??

Postby wyoming cowboy » Thu Oct 18, 2012 5:07 am

Viewpoint wrote:
wyoming cowboy wrote:
Did anyone bother to tell you that the Turkish is in your constitution as an official language thats why Im asking what if..

Vp...why is this an issue for you when it seems so insignificant in the full scope of things?.........I have a question for you

What happens when a Greek Cyp refugee doesnt have access to his/her lands in the occupied territories and why are you in support of the occupier?

This is an issue because the very basic need to communicate will be taken away form us and manipulated to make our lives hell, have you ever witnessed how GCs officials deal with TCs in government offices in the south today? if not you should and then you will see the frustration and feeling of second class people on TC faces. The answers given here are perfect examples of why we should not unite, before you blow your top just stop and consider it from our side of the divide.

The current situation is a direct result of all our actions so just as the TC refugee cannot have access to his land in the "RoC" a "European" country the GCs suffers the same fate, its a price we all pay for our past acitons.

But my scenario is trying to establish what life would be like if we united the advanatges and disadvantages to everyday life, language being one of the most basic but fundemental needs to having a normal life. In this scenario all refugees would have gotten foreclosure on the property issue eg return compensation or alternative options.

Why cant anyone just clearly state that in a united Cyprus both states would be forced to employ bilingual workers who would have to pass an exam to work at the federal/state level to ensure no discrimination occurs when dealing with citizens of a united Cyprus.

I did in my first response on this thread.... and why doesnt this thread post to the top 10 threads when i post? another Gc conspiracy Vp...why didnt you catch that one?.....
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Re: What happens if??

Postby Viewpoint » Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:50 am

repulsewarrior wrote:why vp do you obscure the issue; when you talk of the Republic, you cannot expect the same service that you would get from the Greek Constituency. why don't you get it, the big if, there is a Republic, there is a Turkish Constituency, why is there no Greek Constituency, why is there no Maronite, or Armenian Constituency, isn't it all about our living relics, Bicommunal, you know the Sovereign State, there to take the island's best interest at heart, all the People, one by one, no distinction, no discrimination, as Individuals, equals, each and everyone defending the Universal Principals that demonstrate their loving nature for themselves, as Human Beings, their Country, and each other? what is wrong with a Republic? and what is wrong within it Cypriot Constituencies? you love Cyprus?

then consider that with one State, the People can choose to sustain what is an ethnosphere, distinctive natures because as Persons they are able. there is no reason why you cannot live and breath within your community and neighbourhood as a Grecophone, (or Turcophone), freely, because you choose to, as a Minority in one Community, or as a Majority in another. each would have their National Assembly, they would collect their own taxes, they would provide the services their electors choose to sustain, like their schools, and their Municipaities, and their Homes, as electors toward sustaining their unique charcter as Peoples. there is no reason that in the future, 60, 150, or 200 years from now to believe that the demographics of this island will remain the same as they are today, only the State, as one, will remain their constant, in that context the Territorial Jurisdictions may change, and in that context, today, the Constituencies are able to decide these geographic divisions, because unanimously there is a means toward their Charter.

don't tell me to sell it to the GC, as you call them, again vp. don't tell me that you can't trust the Greeks on this island because they are Greeks, join me, because as a Cypriot, a Person, and an Individual, you believe in bettering yourself. speaking of the mayhem that is death, we all come to dust in the end, at least for those who will take this Problem on after us, agree that our thinking must change.

...isn't English an Official Language as well?

repulse why are you being so pig headed or refusing to see that the foundations of a solution you promote are what the TCs support, its the GCs who object and oppose any sort of equality between the 2 states, thats why I suggest to you to win the GCs over and not the TCs they are already sold to the idea as they voted YES to the only opportunity put before them which was a BBF with political equality of the 2 states under 1 International İdentity, which is as far as we can make out what you support.
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Re: What happens if??

Postby Kikapu » Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:51 pm

Lordo wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:So we understand by your response that as usual you have no real answer, just leave things to luck and hope for the short nothing will be done and the TC will rapidly become a second class citizens among GCs.

No, you don't understand shit, because what you are asking is not what happens in Federal country. If you live in the north state as most TC would do, then the TCs would have ZERO business to do anything with the government of the south state for anything. The north state is where they will conduct all their state business, which will be mainly in Turkish. If any TCs would choose to live in the south state, then those TCs would only deal with the south state and would have nothing to do with the north state. Same would be for the GCs other way around.

Federal Government offices will be located all over the island and would ONLY deal with Federal matters, which would have people working from across all ethnic groups, so that is your answer to your non question. :roll:

I dont think you really understand this two state lark kiks baby. what do you mean cypriots living in the north will have nothing to do with the state in the south. of course they will. they may will decide decide that. there will be no law preventing it. if you are talking about voting yes i agree but how can you say - [i]TCs would have ZERO business to do anything with the government of the south state for anything [/i]- of course they will. for a start they may have land there which they did not sell and thats just for starters. you are confusing this with two independent states. and even than a person from one state has business in another.

i think it is back to political and democracy school for you my friend. i dont know where you are living but it cant be in the eu. you are not in kazakstan by any chance are you.

I'm not confusing anything, Lordo. I stand by my statement, that TC's living in the north state would have ZERO thing to do with the south state as far as the south government's institutions are concerned. All the TCs official state businesses will be done in the north state, which will have majority TCs in every state government offices dealing with matters concerning voting, state courts (unless committing a crime in the south), schools, driving licences, vehicle registration, police, and so on. Federal government offices is another matter. The TCs living in the north does not need to go to the south state for these services unless they choose to live in the south state, just like I didn't need to go to state of Nevada for any of these services when living in the Great state of California. As for a TC owning a land in the south, then all the paperwork could be handled with an agent if they do not want to do the paperwork themselves, which all the forms would no doubt have 3 languages. How difficult is that to deal with? That is a minor thing to be concerned about. What VP propagandizing is a state wide racism towards the TCs in the south state should the country unite. He is scared shirtless he is going to lose every stolen GC property he and his family are holding now, so understandably, he is against peace in Cyprus. To bad for him and his family. They have been living off others misery and land long enough. Haram money will come to an end to people like him when peace comes to Cyprus and real Cypriots, and not like foreigners like VP who are nothing but scavengers.
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Re: What happens if??

Postby Viewpoint » Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:11 pm

Kikapoo you are such a shit head, My family and I have plenty of land both north and south thank you very much, we dont need any disputed land therefore you cannot be further from the truth and all you are doing is promoting GC propaganda that all TCs are benefiting from disputed land.

So what you are putting forward is that the numbers do not warrant any preparartion you will not be catering for any TCs that decide to live in the south? and we do not need to do the same for GCs who move north, they can struggle with the Turkish language and feel like second class citizens just as we do today when we visit government offices in the south.
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