Initially, I considered the contents to be of little importance, they were written in the 'German Language' and as I began to translate them, it suddenly occurred to me that they might be connected to (or even an account of) the 'Thoughts' of 'Adolf Eichmann', indeed, they may even have been written by him and consigned to the deep by some member of his family (or associate) at the same time as his 'Ashes' were scattered after 'Cremation', well outside of the 'Territorial Waters' of ANY nation, thereby ensuring (as with Osama bin Laden) that no 'Memorial' would ever be possible.
A futile attempt to eradicate the existence of a person perhaps, surely someone somewhere MUST have loved (or still loves) him (or his memory) and ultimately, according to the 'Sciences, we will ALL suffer precisely the same fate, in fact, if I may be so bold, I would like to submit a small and (since I am currently under the protection of the 'Orientals') 'Unworthy' contribution to the 'Tome of Adages and Profound Sayings', in the certain conviction that such an expression cannot be disputed :- "Love me or Hate me, we will spend 'Eternity' together".
But I digress, therefore, back to the 'Writings' and the significance of them, I HAVE studied them quite closely and whilst doing so, have attempted to 'Form a Link' between them and the 'Trial' of 'Adolf Eichmann', I am quite confident that the writings ARE the handiwork of the 'Gentleman' in question and would like to open this thread (which I feel will be of some interest) by introducing you all to the initial part, which I consider to be THE most important.
Thereafter, it is my intention to submit (in some semblance of 'Poetic' illustration') an 'In Depth' account of the 'Trial', the outcome and, far more particularly, the 'Mindsets' of the 'Accused', 'Accusers' and those affected by the proceedings, up to the time of 'Adolf Eichmann's Execution'.
With your permission 'Folks' :-
" Es war nur ein Teil eines alten Spiels, die Vernichtung der Juden, Ausrottung sie auszurotten, mit ihnen umzugehen, wie wir wählen, ich bin ein Mensch, und es mögen oder nicht, ich hatte einige Arbeit zu tun, was getan werden musste und erhielt den Befehl zu tun auf Kosten der Juden.
Ich war es, das war diese Arbeit zu tun gegeben und ich habe immer befolgt meine Befehle, habe ich meinen Wehrdienst und als Offizier, hatte ich die Verantwortung für die Handlungen der anderen Offiziere überlegen mir zu nehmen.
Ich habe nicht gefragt, wie ich die Arbeit zu tun war, ich tat, wie mir gesagt wurde und ich es immer genossen gehorchen Bestellungen, unabhängig von dem, was sie waren, waren meine eigenen Gefühle und Meinungen ohne Belang".
There is much more yet.