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The Enigmatic Mind.

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Re: The Enigmatic Mind.

Postby Schnauzer » Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:02 am

'The Curse'

"I am the 'Curse!', I have no form, I only have my 'Cause',
I can cause suffering and pain, great famines, floods and wars.

I have no purpose , good or bad, for I can only do
as I am bid by a higher power that I must answer to.

If I am laid upon a thing, a person or a land,
I MUST be always poised to strike, obeying my command
to do as bid without a thought for those whom I offend,
I exist to serve my given task, completion spells my end.

I know not when my task is done, for then my being dies
BUT, whilst I live, my only quest is to strive and realise
the fulfilment of my ordered strikes, to 'Doom', 'Destroy', 'Defeat'
I cannot vary left or right, till my purpose is complete.

I know not if my work is done, as of yet, I am not free,
for should this 'Man' I now live in die, my next 'Command' may be
to enter in another 'Man' or to leap upon a 'Train',
or sail upon a a destined 'Ship', or cause 'Torrential Rain'
or plant an 'Inspiration' in a 'Scientific Mind'
to create a 'Bomb', a 'Poison Gas' to threaten ALL mankind.

Since 'Noah's' days I've been engaged in spilling certain blood,
I played an instrumental part in causing the 'Great Flood',
read carefully of 'History' and I'll be plainly seen
wherever there was 'Havoc' wrought or Satan's' sign has been.

'Goliath ' screamed and I then moved into another place,
his 'Scream' released me to engage in targeting one 'Race',
whether at last my work is done, or where I next may go,
or if I 'Die' when 'Eichmann' dies,
only 'Satan' and 'Time' may know".

(To be continued 'Sine Die'). :wink:
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Re: The Enigmatic Mind.

Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Oct 14, 2012 7:58 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:There doesn't seem to be any evidence that the Queen is Jewish - certainly she isn't a practicing Jew within the Church of England. But her lineage is German and that was why the Royal family changed their name between WWI and WWII. Queen Victoria was certainly patriotically German and all her German cousins, children, grandchildren etc ruled and rule the whole of Europe - but that didn't stop her putting Greta (Great) Britain and its Empire first and foremost even when in direct competition with other countries ruled by her nearest and dearest. Her role as monarch of the British Empire was never compromised by soft feelings for relatives or their countries.

- So we have here an example of high regard for one's duties above one's personal feelings ...

[As for the Jews - I find them extremely articulate and funny. They are mostly of above average intelligence - a trait which may have been selected for through their having been persecuted for so long. ]

:o :shock: :?
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Re: The Enigmatic Mind.

Postby tsukoui » Sun Oct 14, 2012 8:31 pm

I don't know if Queen Elizabeth is Jewish, but she is descended from the prophet Muhammad apparently, as are many of the European nobs.
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Re: The Enigmatic Mind.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:46 pm

tsukoui wrote:I don't know if Queen Elizabeth is Jewish, but she is descended from the prophet Muhammad apparently, as are many of the European nobs.

by some accounts (if and in so far as anyone can be completely certain of their male ancestry, or even female, see below, ), there are two possible lines of descent from Mohammed through either a Byzantine connection or via iberian Arab connections but I am not sure how well attested the earliest ancestry is, from Mohammed.

In that respect there is some suggestion that Prince Albert was the product of an illegitimate coupling btween his mother and a Jewish nobleman, Baron von Mayern, (and if so the Queen would be of part Jewish Descent) while Queen Victoria is argued to bne the illegitimate Daughter of Sir John Conroy, whilr Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother is said to be a real cuckoo in the nest, supposedly being the daughter of the 13th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne and a cook, Mademoiselle Marguerite Rodiere, but attributed to the Earl's wife.
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