"It's all a part of a fine old game, to 'Perdition' with the 'Jews',
'Eradicate them, 'Exterminate' them, deal with them how we choose,
I was empowered and, like it or not, I had a job to do that was ordered to be done and had to be done at the expense of the 'Jew'.
I do not wish to make excuse or hide the great 'Disgrace', that only through the 'Loss of Cause' now hangs upon my race,
I stand 'Accused', YOU question ME, how bold you have become, why, only two decades ago you squirmed beneath my 'Thumb'.
'The Thumb'
I am of great significance to ALL the ways of 'Man', I cannot ever be replaced, I 'Exonerate' or 'Damn',
it was 'I' (and you may thank me now) who first gave you the joy,
of eating food both 'Hot' and 'Cooked', for, once upon a 'Boy' who just had made his savage kill, returning to his camp,
cut up the 'Beast' and left the pieces by a 'Fiery Lamp.
The camp did eat, but not the 'Boy', for off he went to boast and when he hungered did return, his piece of 'Meat' was 'Roast'.
"Reward Indeed1" the savage cried "No food for MY return" then, casting out the sizzling 'Meat', his 'Thumb' the 'Boy' did burn.
"Great Thunder" cried the angry 'Boy' and to alleviate the pain, he placed his 'Thumb' into his mouth, withdrew, then placed again.
Before the camp (who thought him mad) he fell upon the 'Meat' and, juices dripping from his chin, did eat and eat and eat.
"I stand condemned, as yet 'Untried' but doomed by fate I'm sure, I am in 'Awe' at what I've heard from they, the 'Just' the 'Pure',
they seek to 'Martyr' fallen Man and openly proclaim, that were I not the 'Pincer' things would not have been the same,
the fools, who do they fool but themselves ?, I say without a 'Quirk' that I could find a thousand more who envied me my work.
Who of they who 'Judge' me now could state and not have doubt, that were they given orders would refuse to see them out ?.
Of course there always will be those who probably would say, that they would certainly refuse to act in such a way BUT,
I was given a 'Job' to do and undertook the task, I was not concerned who 'Ordered' it, I didn't even ask.
I was a 'GOD' among conquered 'Foe', an evil 'GOD' it seems BUT, where then was the 'Righteous GOD' midst all these deathly schemes ?.
'The Righteous GOD'
I am I am and I know ALL, I watch, take stock, decide, I have compassion on the 'Souls' of ALL who ever died,
I did not 'Act', you wonder 'Why', you even question 'ME',
I am I am and I know ALL but THIS, I did not see!"
(Not quite within the hour, but there is more to come)