theodosia wrote: would like to see the gc and tc live in peace if that will ever be possible.
Apart from the occasional minor ((neighbourly) disputes, the T/C and G/C inhabitants of 'Cyprus'............. 'Cypriots', got on fine as a mixed community for generations, not until the 'Political Machinations' (and I use the term advisedly) of the Western powers, did serious disputes and disharmony take place among peaceful folk.
Nothing new about such 'Tactics', the pages of history are littered with examples of the 'Divide and Rule' policies which naturally cause disruption among folk who were hitherto existing in complete harmony with each other.
All the 'Perpetrators' of strife have to do, is sit back and watch the outcome of their 'Connivance's' until such times as those affected start 'Hating' each other, then, the 'Perpetrators' arrive as 'Peacekeepers' and 'Saviours' and the greater part of the job is done.
In the 'Aftermath' of any division, it is only natural that both sides of the 'Divide' should wish to associate with whichever 'Nation' has managed to present itself as the one which offers 'Salvation' to those who consider themselves in danger, unfortunately, in Cyprus, so effective have the results of the 'Plots' of those 'Nations' which created disharmony (US/UK and Israel) been, the prospect of 'Peace' is beyond the grasp of the genuine 'Cypriot' since such a state of affairs would not suit the 'Agenda's' of those that are in control, it is far more acceptable to them that people should be at each others 'Throats', for in such 'Volatile' situations, the presence of the (alleged) 'Protectors' is politically justified.
As to the displacement of the original 'Cypriot' (be they T/C or G/C) there can be no doubt that the manner in which it was accomplished was wrong BUT, to the 'Politicians', it was a 'Plan' which was well worked out (well before 1974) and executed in precisely the fashion they envisaged, the 'Green Line' surely bears testimony to that.
For as much as I DO think that the 'Turkish Troops' and the 'Turkish Settlers' should leave 'Cyprus', I fear it may never happen BUT, don't worry folks, I AM sure that 'Israel' will be safe and currently on the world stage, that seems to be the only matter of any great importance. (imho).