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Why are Greeks racist against Turks?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Piratis » Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:31 am

kuzeyboy, you are very right in what you say.
But I ask you: If we become friends and trust each other and if this hate is stopped, then what excuse would there be for keeping 200.000 people out of their homes? What excuse would there be for the gross violations of human rights? If instead of discriminating people based on their race, we see everybody as equal human beings citizens of this country, what would be the excuse for those that insist on separation?

The unfortunate reality is that hate serves the aims of some people. The ones that want partition and the separation of people based on their race. This is why those people spread hate and they produce lame excuses as to why this hate can not be stopped and why Cyprus can not be a united country with full respect to the human and democratic rights of all of its citizens without racial discriminations.

If love and friendship is what served the interests of everybody then be sure that love and friendship is what we would have (take the example of France and Germany). However don't expect love, trust and friendship, when the maintenance of mistrust and hate is what serves the interests of some.
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Postby zan » Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:55 am

You may see it as a means to an end but I see it as a reality. The Christmas Armistice that has been mentioned elsewhere was for one day. French, British and German troops' played football, sang and drank together and promptly went back to fighting on Boxing Day.

Even the figure of 200,000 you keep repeating over and over again is contentious. I have read that figure to be as low as 90,000 somewhere. I must add that that is what I have read and only time will reveal what that number really is. And what about the TCs homes that were taken and false documents provided in the 1960s. Of course you will deny all that but the point I am making is, you will not get a clean transition, fact!!! Just because you say it does not mean its so.
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Dec 05, 2005 2:25 pm

What are GCs doing to gain the trust of TCs?, (please dont throw this question back at me) having entered the EU al they have done is sit back and wait for the EU leverage game to work on Turkey, well let me give you a wake up call although Turkey will open ports and make a few concessions it will not bring a solution. The only way to do that is returned to the negotiating table via closer positive relations and a definate desire for resolving issues. If we are to continue to play the cat and mouse game of us open crossing points and you objecting (this GC stance has lost you a lot of TC support) we will not build any future trust that will bring a united Cyprus or an agreed partition.
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Postby Alexios » Mon Dec 05, 2005 2:47 pm

I am sorry to have to agree..we are simply not doing enough Viewpoint.But you must realize we are settled in nicely now...we need an impedus and it,s simply not coming....not with Cyrano de bergerac in power..
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Dec 05, 2005 2:55 pm

Then surely the GC people should voice their opinion rallies marches protests ets, especially the refugees but from this side of the fence it appears that Cyrano de bergerac has full support of the majority of GCs.
We TCs really pulled out the stops for reunification and got on the streets, we even got rid of the unmovable rock but only to have it thrown back in our faces, you cannot expect anymore from this community until they see positive steps being taken fom the south. All we get is objections obsticles complaints which all contributes to the current status quo.
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Postby cypezokyli » Mon Dec 05, 2005 3:45 pm

as you may know vp , this process takes a while. it just doesnt happen from one day to the next. :wink:

but will do our best.
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Dec 05, 2005 3:52 pm

cypezokyli wrote:as you may know vp , this process takes a while. it just doesnt happen from one day to the next. :wink:

but will do our best.

At a guess we have had 2 years at this rate we need another 30 years to even get around a table even then we will object to thetable cloth lighting water snacks and anything else we can think of in order to not address the real issues. pah Cypriots................ :shock:
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Postby cypezokyli » Mon Dec 05, 2005 4:20 pm

exactly vp.
this attitude is clear in the opening of ledras.
its just sad. :( :( :(
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Postby GIz33k0 » Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:41 pm

well, i read the first post and that joke was funny, that mean im racist now? :|
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Postby Eric dayi » Mon Dec 12, 2005 6:20 am

GIz33k0 wrote:well, i read the first post and that joke was funny, that mean im racist now? :|

When I told that "joke" to a few TC friends they said "pigs like to be with pigs, that's why it run out of the sty after the Greek", is it still funny or has it become racist now?
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