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Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby Lordo » Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:42 pm

i am not talking about extradition agreements i am talking about a request to be made from one law enforcement agency to another. there was a tc who burnt a black man alive in edminton and was hiding in trnc. couple of policemen went out there and asked for his return. the police obliged. the fear of recognition or anything that leads to is is so great that the roc would rahter let criminals roam free then to ask for their extridition.

tough shit as the old man used to say. you dont ask so you dont get.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Sep 28, 2012 1:35 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Lordo wrote:how can we name them if the government is complicit in their murders and are protecting all the information leading to their names. if greek cypriot names them are sure to be killed. is this not upto the law enforcement agancies on the land to investigate and bring murderers to justice. thats what happens in civilised countries. how many tc killings have been investigated to this day. makarios drousiotis mentioned one of the killers in murataga is now teaching religious education in the roc. do the roc not have records as to who in the national guard was in that area and of those which one teaches religous education. i suspect they do but the problem is that the justice system in the roc is full of eoka sympathisers like you and the rest of the fanatic friends you have and have no intention of bringing anybody to justice. if the names are being protected by the government how does one find them.

when it comes to criminals in the north of the border how many extradition process have been applied and refused. your ignorance of reality is beyond belief.

there was a killing of Fikret Huseyin Sefer from Aysozomeno on the 30th of december 1963. sevgul uludag has managed to find out that there were 3 people responsible one of which was a policeman from dali. this policeman was not born in dali and only served there. now what more information does the roc justice system need to find out who to question. how many non dali serving policemen were there on the 30th of december 1963 in dali. are you telling me justice system is unable to find the same information.

so coming back to justice and human rights for all. we wish one day.

If you know who these criminals are that the RoC is not doing anything about it, then take your case to the Hague with the evidence, otherwise you have no case. I do not defend anyone sheltering criminals, but you need to prove who the criminals are. It's a little different when the criminals in the Isaac's case were actually televised and they are named as criminals, but are free to roam the north with full protection of the north.

Why dont you condemn the "RoC" like you are condeming us? bloody hypocrite.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby Lordo » Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:28 pm

lets face it hypocracy has been going on since 1963, we are used to it. water off the ducks back as bill would say. bill let the poor bird go will you.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:11 pm

halil wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:This was a very dark day for all Cypriots. It was cold blooded murder and the person resposible for pulling the trigger as well as the person that gave the order should be brought to justice.

My GC's brothers should know that this act was condemned by the vast majority of TC's. I would in fact go as far as asking the GC negotiators to demand justice for Isaac as part of the final solution to Cyprus.

I agree with you on this one many TC's says there was a another ways to stop him.....they should brought to justice....also murderes of the ALLAHVERDI KILINÇ should brought to justice.

... and respect to brother Halil for that ...who earns a There's One Less Shit-head on CF Award

... which makes the score 2-1 ... oh dear, come along the Kybreika speakers, all that's required to apply is a simple statement along the lines of...

Anyone, anywhere who commits heinous crimes like this should be brought before the Courts... no ifs or buts.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:54 am

06] Erhan Arikli stated that it was a Turkish Cypriot the one who denounced him to the Kyrgyzstan' authorities
Under the title: "A Turkish Cypriot denounced me", Turkish Cypriot daily Volkan (28.09.12) reports in its front page on statements by Erhan Arikli, who was arrested and set free in Kyrgyzstan since he is accused for the murder of Tasos Isaac and Solomos Solomou, in Deryneia in 1996.
In his statements Arikli said that when he investigated the case after he was set free, he came across with a distressing event since he found out that it was a Turkish Cypriot who has denounced him to the Interpol of Kyrgyzstan. Arikli further said that the Interpol of Kyrgyzstan applied to the Greek Cypriot side after it got information from a Turkish Cypriot. ... .tcpr.html

...grist for the mill.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby denizaksulu » Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:55 pm

This murderers release was a disgrace. Some TC fanatics declared this murderer as a hero. I challenged them on their definition of a hero. Ofcourse I got no proper answer, but what surprised me most was that many TCs actually condemned this sad murder and tht it could have eaily been avoided. Ofcourse it could've.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby Kikapu » Sat Sep 29, 2012 6:25 pm

denizaksulu wrote:This murderers release was a disgrace. Some TC fanatics declared this murderer as a hero. I challenged them on their definition of a hero. Ofcourse I got no proper answer, but what surprised me most was that many TCs actually condemned this sad murder and tht it could have eaily been avoided. Ofcourse it could've.

Deniz, a clarification please on what surprised the most. Was this act condemned by many TCs or was it condoned?

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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby denizaksulu » Sat Sep 29, 2012 6:29 pm

Hi Kiks.
Give me a minute to re-read what I posted......

For a mo I thought I mis-represented myself.

Condemned ofcourse. :?
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby Kikapu » Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:37 pm

denizaksulu wrote:Hi Kiks.
Give me a minute to re-read what I posted......

For a mo I thought I mis-represented myself.

Condemned ofcourse. :?

I got a little worried when you stated " but what surprised me most was......"!

I thought, "oh shit, the TCs in the north can't all be like fascists VP, surely".

Thanks for the reassurance, that that's not the case. Phew!
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:48 pm

...vp, i believe cares about Cyprus, he has only to choose for its Freedom from the Imperialism of the past, as Cypriots.

no doubt there is much Ignorance on both sides, that is the enemy, an adversary which is harming the rest of us who aren't "somebody" in a mono-clonal culture where if you don't "belong" you are not a value.

...Lordo, talk about "class" system, wake up and speak right, too.
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