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Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby B25 » Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:20 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:This was a very dark day for all Cypriots. It was cold blooded murder and the person resposible for pulling the trigger as well as the person that gave the order should be brought to justice.

My GC's brothers should know that this act was condemned by the vast majority of TC's. I would in fact go as far as asking the GC negotiators to demand justice for Isaac as part of the final solution to Cyprus.

Gardash, respect to you.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:20 pm

B25 wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:This was a very dark day for all Cypriots. It was cold blooded murder and the person resposible for pulling the trigger as well as the person that gave the order should be brought to justice.

My GC's brothers should know that this act was condemned by the vast majority of TC's. I would in fact go as far as asking the GC negotiators to demand justice for Isaac as part of the final solution to Cyprus.

Gardash, respect to you.

... and total respect from BillC too ... thx brother.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby Lordo » Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:01 pm

while we seem to have some warming up between fellow cypriots we are ready to hand the swine over but there has to be an instantaneous receprication in kind. how about handing over the religous teacher who took part in the killings at murataga. deal just asking.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:12 pm

Lordo wrote:while we seem to have some warming up between fellow cypriots we are ready to hand the swine over but there has to be an instantaneous receprication in kind. how about handing over the religous teacher who took part in the killings at murataga. deal just asking.

Would you like to make an application for the There's One Less Shit-Head On CF Award Lordo...???

Can help you through the very simple application process.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby Lordo » Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:29 pm

no point my friend you see one every morning why you want another one for.

so we are all human rightists and justicists so long as the victim is greek cypriot when it is a turkish cypriot we become shitheads. no bloody wonder this has gone on for 47 years and it will go on for another 47 thousand years. now frame that and hang it on your wall my friend.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:40 pm

Err... May help you to think of requests for the There's One Less Shit-head on CF Award as a bit like TMT "requests" ... cappish???

Will lead you through the cleansing process of application in the next day or two. You won't regret it... it will make you feel like a new man.

Applications are also welcomed from greek and kybreika speakers.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:04 am

MR-from-NG wrote:This was a very dark day for all Cypriots. It was cold blooded murder and the person resposible for pulling the trigger as well as the person that gave the order should be brought to justice.

My GC's brothers should know that this act was condemned by the vast majority of TC's. I would in fact go as far as asking the GC negotiators to demand justice for Isaac as part of the final solution to Cyprus. we have it, not a "Turk", not a "Greek", a brother; thank-you MR-from-NG.

Lordo, if i may suggest, a name specific, someone Interpol would flag as "red", you can't be blaming us, here, if anything it shows that fact that it is as i am saying, amongst us, no matter how it is divided there are people who choose Ignorance because it suits their need for exclusivity, by holding the Agenda they resist the changes they fear. to that extent we can only govern ourselves, and with such a topic the issue of our identity (Identities) is intimately wound.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:30 am

repulsewarrior wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:This was a very dark day for all Cypriots. It was cold blooded murder and the person resposible for pulling the trigger as well as the person that gave the order should be brought to justice.

My GC's brothers should know that this act was condemned by the vast majority of TC's. I would in fact go as far as asking the GC negotiators to demand justice for Isaac as part of the final solution to Cyprus. we have it, not a "Turk", not a "Greek", a brother; thank-you MR-from-NG.

Lordo, if i may suggest, a name specific, someone Interpol would flag as "red", you can't be blaming us, here, if anything it shows that fact that it is as i am saying, amongst us, no matter how it is divided there are people who choose Ignorance because it suits their need for exclusivity, by holding the Agenda they resist the changes they fear. to that extent we can only govern ourselves, and with such a topic the issue of our identity (Identities) is intimately wound.

Ah there you are RW, pleased to say that your application for the There's One Less Shit-head on CF Award has been approved. Congrats.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby halil » Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:33 am

MR-from-NG wrote:This was a very dark day for all Cypriots. It was cold blooded murder and the person resposible for pulling the trigger as well as the person that gave the order should be brought to justice.

My GC's brothers should know that this act was condemned by the vast majority of TC's. I would in fact go as far as asking the GC negotiators to demand justice for Isaac as part of the final solution to Cyprus.

I agree with you on this one many TC's says there was a another ways to stop him.....they should brought to justice....also murderes of the ALLAHVERDI KILINÇ should brought to justice.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:44 am

We can all agree about bring him to justice but the problem is the GCs always find a way of renegging on their part of the deal...which of the rioters at Derinya caught on camera have they brought to justice to date or anyone who has acted out against TCs? They really need to get the own house in order before they can point fingers its not a one way street.
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