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Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby Lordo » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:12 pm

if you dont think that was clear enogh for you may i reccomend spec savers they do 2 for 1 and reasonable cost and bloody clean them once in a while. i get a feeling too much weed is being used and it is cloding your judgement my friend.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby Mapko » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:19 pm

barouti wrote:
bill cobbett wrote: a suspect wanted in connection with the brutal murder of our brother Isaac

"Our brother Isaac" ??? Really, how does a Brit exactly come to the conclusion that a Greek has some kinship with a Brit???

God bless his soul, but if Isaak was with us today in this forum he would definitely not consider you a brother. Being a patriot and a Greek heroe who sacrificed his life for Cyprus, he no doubt would have viewed the British as being responsible for the sad events of 1974. Like myself, he would have also viewed Evagoras Pallikarides, Markos Drakos and Michalis Karaolis as martyrs murdered by the British occupiers. Do you?

Isaak and Solomou aren't your brothers. So don't even go that way.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:19 pm

Lordo wrote:if you dont think that was clear enogh for you may i reccomend spec savers they do 2 for 1 and reasonable cost and bloody clean them once in a while. i get a feeling too much weed is being used and it is cloding your judgement my friend.

It's your judgement that's all screwed up reh, assuming we can call it a judgement.

So what are you saying? ... that killers can get away with their murders... isn't that what you're supporting... ???

Do the decent thing, if just this once and support the bringing of the alleged killer of our brother before the Courts.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:06 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
Lordo wrote:if you dont think that was clear enogh for you may i reccomend spec savers they do 2 for 1 and reasonable cost and bloody clean them once in a while. i get a feeling too much weed is being used and it is cloding your judgement my friend.

It's your judgement that's all screwed up reh, assuming we can call it a judgement.

So what are you saying? ... that killers can get away with their murders... isn't that what you're supporting... ???

Do the decent thing, if just this once and support the bringing of the alleged killer of our brother before the Courts.

...only "Turkishness" is the measure of our brothers north. it seems they will deny Justice, again, as though it serves some mythic motherland. there is not the courage to speak, as Men, instead these souls resist for a deep state shallow, because there is no Humanity; only the "Turk" and those that are not.

...then there is barouti, who is not unlike "them", also blind to the misery he makes for the rest of us, who are also Greeks.
in your service, the way, as though Love is infinite, you bill, i say, are the better Cypriot, and my brother to us all, tireless and helpful always:
Freedom for Cyprus, Freedom for Cypriots too.

...really barouti, because bill is British all the shit you have can be dumped on his doorstep; don't you find that Ignorant, or that having done it, will it stop?


with all due respect, this is hardcore, it's so simple; as is so popularly said, Hello?
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:31 pm

Yes re your first para RW...

...only "Turkishness" is the measure of our brothers north. it seems they will deny Justice, again, as though it serves some mythic motherland. there is not the courage to speak, as Men, instead these souls resist for a deep state shallow, because there is no Humanity; only the "Turk" and those that are not.

Isn't this something that has been apparent for decades in all but the more courageous and most independent free thinkers of the CYs associated with the Occupied Areas. There's an unhealthy and very wasp-like unity up there (anti-humanist as you say), an Old Fascist-style Unquestioning Obedience that's summed up in an saying that long ago vanished from the Free Areas...

Odee mas boon ee megale

After all what does it really take to support a move to bring the suspect in this case before a court...??? Someone please go figure.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby Lordo » Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:31 am

how many times do we have to say it. just as soon as a single gc is tried for the nurder of a single tc then you shall have him. i will go further for every gc murderer you put away you can have a tc one.

now what kind of a country puts a terrorist in the ministry of interior and then allows him a free hand to murder innocent people. get your house in order before you complain of others my friend.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:10 am

Lordo wrote:how many times do we have to say it. just as soon as a single gc is tried for the nurder of a single tc then you shall have him. i will go further for every gc murderer you put away you can have a tc one.

now what kind of a country puts a terrorist in the ministry of interior and then allows him a free hand to murder innocent people. get your house in order before you complain of others my friend.'s a cheap excuse, shame is shame. you act as Humans or not, you deny your failings at your own peril, it is plain you don't get the humour in your own joke, because it is your minister of the interior with glee who is captured on film firing his own weapon from the watchtower, when Solomou was killed; do you remember that it was no surgical kill, something to be proud of if you will, a UN observer, a woman, a child, were among the injured that day in the melee. aren't you outraged that troops from Turkey are so undisciplined, and that in practical terms how badly organised they were with but this one option?

seriously Lordo, any murderous attack is a catastrophe, and better People do not deny the dead their due respect; here and now, this is the opportunity lost.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby Viewpoint » Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:53 am

Lordo there people are stupid through and through, you answer them and they avoid the real issue, you GCs shoudl first sort out your own shit before you demand of others, arrest and imprison just 1 GC that killed innocent TCs women children and old and we will do the same. For fucks sake you claim to be the ones who represent the whole of Cyprus yet its one set of rules for GCs and another for TCs, thats how it would be in a united Cyprus with GCs at the helm....a catastrophe for TCs.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby Lordo » Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:12 am

repulsewarrior wrote:
Lordo wrote:how many times do we have to say it. just as soon as a single gc is tried for the nurder of a single tc then you shall have him. i will go further for every gc murderer you put away you can have a tc one.

now what kind of a country puts a terrorist in the ministry of interior and then allows him a free hand to murder innocent people. get your house in order before you complain of others my friend.'s a cheap excuse, shame is shame. you act as Humans or not, you deny your failings at your own peril, it is plain you don't get the humour in your own joke, because it is your minister of the interior with glee who is captured on film firing his own weapon from the watchtower, when Solomou was killed; do you remember that it was no surgical kill, something to be proud of if you will, a UN observer, a woman, a child, were among the injured that day in the melee. aren't you outraged that troops from Turkey are so undisciplined, and that in practical terms how badly organised they were with but this one option?

seriously Lordo, any murderous attack is a catastrophe, and better People do not deny the dead their due respect; here and now, this is the opportunity lost.

this goes right back to 1963 when a murderer was put in charge of the police and given a free hand. he did as he wished and destroyed cyprus as we wanted it. we have paid the price and so will our children. those without sin can cast the first stone. it really cannot be any simpler.
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Re: Alleged Murderer of Isaac Released

Postby MR-from-NG » Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:26 pm

This was a very dark day for all Cypriots. It was cold blooded murder and the person resposible for pulling the trigger as well as the person that gave the order should be brought to justice.

My GC's brothers should know that this act was condemned by the vast majority of TC's. I would in fact go as far as asking the GC negotiators to demand justice for Isaac as part of the final solution to Cyprus.
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