Does Stack Overflow deserve to be revitalized?
Some programmers may have received an email recently from Stack Overflow that reads…
“In recognition of your contributions to Stack Overflow, we’d like to invite you to create a professional profile on Stack Overflow Careers 2.0. A Careers 2.0 profile is a great place to showcase your professional work as a programmer – Stack Exchange answers, open source projects, even the books you’ve read.”
This is clearly a desperate attempt by Stack Overflow to reenergize their dying community as a result of a small group of programmers who were abusing a undemocratic points system to play God that drove hundreds of decent programmers if not thousands from around the world, away!
In other words, once they had attained enough programming kudos from their past posts and contributions they would automatically attain the power to delete other people’s contributions which they abused to control who could or could not get into the “elite”!
I was active in SO up to about a year ago while working on a couple of projects and only made about 25 replies to other people’s problems when suddenly one of these hotshots began to attack by blowing away my contributions and making the most absurd excuses in red!
So great was the power handed to the hotshots that you couldn’t even respond for an enquiry so the decision to abandon such a fascist environment wasn’t difficult to make!
Today Stack Overflow is asking us to return but have they fixed their problem? Have they announced that their demigod system has been abolished and replaced with the standard democratic forum management? No they have not!
So does Stack Overflow deserve to be revitalized?
The answer to that is an emphatic NO!
I for one won’t be going back to that shit again!
Regards, MP.