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Didier Pfirter: Who can tell me more about this D*ckhead?

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Didier Pfirter: Who can tell me more about this D*ckhead?

Postby Agios Amvrosios » Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:14 am

This swiss cheese ball is one of the evil lunatics who worked on the A-Plan- with obviously no consultation of the Cypriot people. - Who knows more about him?

(-Like where he lives)I want this fruit cake to give his house and is possessions to a refugee since he is so keen on handing overthings that do not belong to him.
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Re: Didier Pfirter: Who can tell me more about this D*ckhead

Postby bg_turk » Thu Oct 13, 2005 2:34 pm

Agios Amvrosios wrote:(-Like where he lives)I want this fruit cake to give his house and is possessions to a refugee since he is so keen on handing overthings that do not belong to him.

A true testament to the Cypriot rights culture at its wildest!
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Re: Didier Pfirter: Who can tell me more about this D*ckhead

Postby PambosNY » Sat Oct 15, 2005 6:42 am

Fellow villager, it's a shame you are so pathetically fanatic and ignorant, but what can i say, you are typical G/C. Had you bothered to read the Annan Plan yourself instead of relying on the racists to 'interpret' it for you you would've known that you would've had or been compensated for your property in Agios Amvrosios.

Tough luck though because you are not going back and this is simply because of your inability to realize that you have been utterly manipulated by the nationalist leaders among us.

Wake up and smell the coffee my friend, you've been taken for a ride by Makarios and the rest of the nationalist/racist clique for over 50 years now. Haven't you had enough already?

It's not Pfirter who sold your home, it's Makarios with his nationalists nad racists politics. It's Papadopoulos who follows the same bankrupt and obsolete ideology. They sold your home and sold you a "hope" for a solution in "due time", guess what, we wil both be dead and there will be no solution, All Papadopoulos wants is DIXOTOMISIS, he's been struglling for diixtomisis since the 60's. Why will he change now? You should start blaming them instead of following them like an idiot. I mean they convinced you to give up your rigth to regain control of your property and you still follow them? How naive can you be my fellow vilager?

FYI Our ex-village is no longer called "Agios Amvrosios" is called Esentepe - wake up to reality!

Agios Amvrosios wrote:This swiss cheese ball is one of the evil lunatics who worked on the A-Plan- with obviously no consultation of the Cypriot people. - Who knows more about him?

(-Like where he lives)I want this fruit cake to give his house and is possessions to a refugee since he is so keen on handing overthings that do not belong to him.
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Postby Kifeas » Sat Oct 15, 2005 9:40 am

PambosNY wrote:Fellow villager, it's a shame you are so pathetically fanatic and ignorant, but what can i say, you are typical G/C. Had you bothered to read the Annan Plan yourself instead of relying on the racists to 'interpret' it for you you would've known that you would've had or been compensated for your property in Agios Amvrosios.

Tough luck though because you are not going back and this is simply because of your inability to realize that you have been utterly manipulated by the nationalist leaders among us.

Wake up and smell the coffee my friend, you've been taken for a ride by Makarios and the rest of the nationalist/racist clique for over 50 years now. Haven't you had enough already?

It's not Pfirter who sold your home, it's Makarios with his nationalists nad racists politics. It's Papadopoulos who follows the same bankrupt and obsolete ideology. They sold your home and sold you a "hope" for a solution in "due time", guess what, we wil both be dead and there will be no solution, All Papadopoulos wants is DIXOTOMISIS, he's been struglling for diixtomisis since the 60's. Why will he change now? You should start blaming them instead of following them like an idiot. I mean they convinced you to give up your rigth to regain control of your property and you still follow them? How naive can you be my fellow vilager?

FYI Our ex-village is no longer called "Agios Amvrosios" is called Esentepe - wake up to reality!

In case you forgot it, fellow kyrenian, those who brought us to this miserable situation that we face today and those who wanted to facilitate Partition in this country -covering under their "Enosis" slogans, are not those you blame above, but some chauvinist lunatics organised under the Griva's and Sampson's murderous “Eoka B” clung and which in collaboration with some other CIA paid fascists of the Athenian Junta, organised and executed the 1974 coup against the elected president Makarios, effectively dissolving all the defence mechanisms of the GC army and essentially giving the perfect pretext that Turkey always wanted in order to invade and Partition the island.

It is the same group of chauvinists -originating from the same ideological array, namely the far right (out of which you also seem to originate,) and organised under the leadership of the same asshole fascists, namely Grivas and Sampson, who committed the most murderous and atrocious attacks against innocent TCs between 1964-1967 and planted the seats of partition. In 1974 they completed their “Patriotic” work by opening wide the gates for Turkey to invade and ever since occupy the northern part of our homeland.

Makarios was the obstacle for their Enosis “remarkable” and “patriotic” work; as he was also the obstacle of the -under CIA payroll- agents of the Athenian Junta and Mr. Henry Kissinger, then foreign minister of your newly discovered homeland, towards their -under the Enosis veil- partition plans; and not vice versa.

Those far rightwing “Eoka B” traitors were later, after 1974, politically housed in Klerides newly founded Disi party and ever since took the yet once more remarkable work to revision history and essentially claim today that the Enosis (read partition) struggle and the 1974 coup were in reality the work of the leftists, the communists and Makarios, and that they themselves were the protectors and defenders of Democracy and Cyprus independence (sic,) taking full advantage of Makarios “olive branch” and forgiveness and the need of our people to put the past behind and heal the unhealed wounds that their crime inflicted upon us and the need to focus on what we could do better for the future.

A victim of this revisionism you seem to be yourself today, interpreting rightfully your few writings in this forum. If Makarios is to be blamed, and there are many things for which he is blamed, are all related to his inability to effectively control and suppress those fanatics before their actions would have resulted to the irreversible consequences that they ended up inflicting upon all the rest of us.

As for your Annan Plan claims and assertions in relation to properties and compensations, I invite you to explain to the rest of us your findings regarding this issue, since my findings are entirely different than yours. Namely that especially for those of us who originate from the northern part of Kyrenia as well as from other areas of prime location and properties, the Annan plan would have been a total and complete “reap off” both in terms of property-reinstatement and compensation, set aside the almost certain impossibility of ever returning back into those areas. Here we are and we will all be looking forward for you to “enlighten” us, the blind ones.
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Postby Bananiot » Sat Oct 15, 2005 11:52 am

Let us paint a clear, overall picture. Many of the bigots who were housed in DISI left before and after the referendum and formed other parties. One thing common they all shared was their severe objection to the Annan Plan and as the dust clears away, to any form of solution that involves bizonality.

If Sampson and Grivas (I would add others to the list too) committed terrible crimes against the Tc's between 1963 and 1974, can someone inform us as to why Papadopoulos claimed in all earnesty that not a single TC perished during this period? He claimed so in an interview in AL Khaleez newspaper and has been quite ever since despite challenged to explain.
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Postby Kifeas » Sat Oct 15, 2005 12:26 pm

Bananiot wrote:Let us paint a clear, overall picture. Many of the bigots who were housed in DISI left before and after the referendum and formed other parties. One thing common they all shared was their severe objection to the Annan Plan and as the dust clears away, to any form of solution that involves bizonality.

If Sampson and Grivas (I would add others to the list too) committed terrible crimes against the Tc's between 1963 and 1974, can someone inform us as to why Papadopoulos claimed in all earnesty that not a single TC perished during this period? He claimed so in an interview in AL Khaleez newspaper and has been quite ever since despite challenged to explain.

First of all I did not mention from 1963-1974 but instead from 1963/4- 1967. It is a fact that from mid-1967 when the Kofinou events took place and since 1974 -before the Turkish invasion, no TC was murdered as a result of the intercommunal strife. Perhaps this is also what Papadopoullos meant, but instead and by mistake he said from 1963 and on.
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Postby bg_turk » Sat Oct 15, 2005 12:48 pm

Kifeas wrote:First of all I did not mention from 1963-1974 but instead from 1963/4- 1967. It is a fact that from mid-1967 when the Kofinou events took place and since 1974 -before the Turkish invasion, no TC was murdered as a result of the intercommunal strife. Perhaps this is also what Papadopoullos meant, but instead and by mistake he said from 1963 and on.

I think people are attaching to much importance to this news article. Isn't obvious what went on?
Papadopolous was simply trying to spread GC propaganda over a newspaper he though no TC would read, but fortunately he failed. His old propaganda tactics do not work any more.
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Postby PambosNY » Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:25 pm

First of all let me say that I cannot understand how you thought I'm a supporter of the Eoka B. This couldn't be further from the truth. Besides I have stated that Makarios was a racist, you think I wouldn't consider Grivas and Sampson racists that admittetly were worse than Makarios??

But you seem to be ignorant to the fact that is Makarios (along with his ministers like Papadopoulos, Kiprianou, Giorkatjis Klerides ) that formed the Akritas organization just after independence. The Akritas plan's aim was enosis and the undermining of the newly formed formed ROC as crazy as this may sound. This of course lead to the G/C political coup when we tried to change the constitution(13 points) in 1963. Which of course let to the T/C uprising which resulted in the first dixotomisis 1964-1974 and further alieanted the two communities (besieds the events of 1957-59). Of course we G/C tend to ignore this fact and blame the T/C for revolting.

This my friend was not Grivas' plan, it was Makarios' plan. The reasons are quite clear, 1) because Makarios (and Papadopoulos) are true nationalists/racists and they never accepted the idea of sharing power with the T/C which Makarios as he so often like to call them were "a second class human race", 2) all they ever cared is to maintain political power even at the expense of dividing the country(politically and physically).

Also, lets not forget whose good friend was Grivas, wasn't it Makarios that brought him to Cyprus in 1955 and 1964? Wasnt it Makarios that allowed him to be armed and commit atrocities? Couldn;t all-powerful Makarios stop eoka B' if he wanted to? Of course he could, but he did not because it served him well to have others do his dirty work.

I see no difference between Makarios/Papadopoulos and Grivas, the only difference is that one is more racist than the other but thats not significant. Makarios and his ideology - that unfortunately most modern G/C share with Papadopoulos as its leader - is and has been nationalist and racist not to mention paranoid. You can blame it all on EOKA B and the CIA but the fact remains we as G/Cs have beeen following Makarios 1950's racist idelogy which lead us from on disaster to another and 50 years later we persist in following the same perverted and bankrupt ideology.

It is so common for Makarios' followers (read most of G/C) to blame all the atrocities we G/Cs commited agaisnt the T/C on EOKA B'. The fact is, Makarios organized and encouraged or in the best case at least tolerated these atrocities. Makarios was the ethnarch (just like Mao Zhedong or Hitler) and was(and still is) truly adored and worshipped by us the G/C as a community. This my friend makes us ALL responsible for the crimes that were commited against the T/C between 1963-1974 (and not only), EOKA B' is an easy scapegoat but one day we have to face reality and admit our communal guilt, then perhaps we will be able to face the future with dignity and self-respect.

Perhaps Makarios acknowledged at some point that enosis was not feasible, but he did nothing to stop Grivas'. Makarios was the ethnarch not Griva's. He organized Akritas, he illegaly changed the constitution, he allowed grivas to return to cyprus and re-arm. He was the leader, isnt he responsible?

I was reading an article recently about an American United Nations official who was working in Cyprus after 1964. His job was to facilitate peace and reconciliation between G/C and T/Cs. He had to deal with Papadopoulos and Denktash all the time, His surprise was that both guys were not interested in reconciliation but in how to keep the people physically separated! Of course this makes sense. This was the Akritas plan that your dear Makarios and Papadopoulos organized (Dentktash of course had the same aims for the T/Cs).

This explains why Papadopoulos secretly visited Denktash Jr (and not the elected T/C leader Talat) before the referendum. Denktash and Makarios's ideologies have been/are one and the same - to keep G/C and T/c divided! Unfortunately, they've done a great job.

As far as the Annan plan, I'm pretty sure you did not read the Plan itself in its entirety (I still have a copy if you need it)

It clearly stated that 1/3 of the properties in the T/C state would be re-instated (same goes for the T/Cs in the G/C state). The remaining 2/3 would've been compensated(cash or shares ) or you would've had the option to re-purchase your property (or other property in your village) usign the shares. This was very clear to me. Read the plan my friend! You might consider this a "reap off" and I might agree, but this is what a compromised solution means. The alternative is nothing at all(since I doubt there will ever be a solution since we G/C do not seem to want one) or much less if there will ever be a solution.

But regardless of what we got back or not the most important thing is that future generations wouldn't have to live under the nationalist ideologies that dominate the two sides. But true to Makarios racists/divisionists ideologies we chose division and hatred. This my friend only benefits the nationalist elite who's been ruling Cyprus the last 50 years - read the so called center party of Diko( a true a nationalist/extremist party when it comes to the cyprus issue) and the "saintly" Ekklisia who never stops teaching "Christian" idelogies such as "hate thy neighbor".

Also under the plan, a number of people would be allowed to return, I cant remember the number maybe 10%, this is not fair you migth say, but be realistic. This is what BIZONALITY means. Furthermore, our parents (over 65yo?) would've had the rigth to return anyway and would've been able to die in their villages, this means a lot to elder people. But Papadopoulos stole this opportunity from your and my father. Shame on him!

Kifeas wrote:
PambosNY wrote:Fellow villager, it's a shame you are so pathetically fanatic and ignorant, but what can i say, you are typical G/C. Had you bothered to read the Annan Plan yourself instead of relying on the racists to 'interpret' it for you you would've known that you would've had or been compensated for your property in Agios Amvrosios.

Tough luck though because you are not going back and this is simply because of your inability to realize that you have been utterly manipulated by the nationalist leaders among us.

Wake up and smell the coffee my friend, you've been taken for a ride by Makarios and the rest of the nationalist/racist clique for over 50 years now. Haven't you had enough already?

It's not Pfirter who sold your home, it's Makarios with his nationalists nad racists politics. It's Papadopoulos who follows the same bankrupt and obsolete ideology. They sold your home and sold you a "hope" for a solution in "due time", guess what, we wil both be dead and there will be no solution, All Papadopoulos wants is DIXOTOMISIS, he's been struglling for diixtomisis since the 60's. Why will he change now? You should start blaming them instead of following them like an idiot. I mean they convinced you to give up your rigth to regain control of your property and you still follow them? How naive can you be my fellow vilager?

FYI Our ex-village is no longer called "Agios Amvrosios" is called Esentepe - wake up to reality!

In case you forgot it, fellow kyrenian, those who brought us to this miserable situation that we face today and those who wanted to facilitate Partition in this country -covering under their "Enosis" slogans, are not those you blame above, but some chauvinist lunatics organised under the Griva's and Sampson's murderous "Eoka B" clung and which in collaboration with some other CIA paid fascists of the Athenian Junta, organised and executed the 1974 coup against the elected president Makarios, effectively dissolving all the defence mechanisms of the GC army and essentially giving the perfect pretext that Turkey always wanted in order to invade and Partition the island.

It is the same group of chauvinists -originating from the same ideological array, namely the far right (out of which you also seem to originate,) and organised under the leadership of the same asshole fascists, namely Grivas and Sampson, who committed the most murderous and atrocious attacks against innocent TCs between 1964-1967 and planted the seats of partition. In 1974 they completed their "Patriotic" work by opening wide the gates for Turkey to invade and ever since occupy the northern part of our homeland.

Makarios was the obstacle for their Enosis "remarkable" and "patriotic" work; as he was also the obstacle of the -under CIA payroll- agents of the Athenian Junta and Mr. Henry Kissinger, then foreign minister of your newly discovered homeland, towards their -under the Enosis veil- partition plans; and not vice versa.

Those far rightwing "Eoka B" traitors were later, after 1974, politically housed in Klerides newly founded Disi party and ever since took the yet once more remarkable work to revision history and essentially claim today that the Enosis (read partition) struggle and the 1974 coup were in reality the work of the leftists, the communists and Makarios, and that they themselves were the protectors and defenders of Democracy and Cyprus independence (sic,) taking full advantage of Makarios "olive branch" and forgiveness and the need of our people to put the past behind and heal the unhealed wounds that their crime inflicted upon us and the need to focus on what we could do better for the future.

A victim of this revisionism you seem to be yourself today, interpreting rightfully your few writings in this forum. If Makarios is to be blamed, and there are many things for which he is blamed, are all related to his inability to effectively control and suppress those fanatics before their actions would have resulted to the irreversible consequences that they ended up inflicting upon all the rest of us.

As for your Annan Plan claims and assertions in relation to properties and compensations, I invite you to explain to the rest of us your findings regarding this issue, since my findings are entirely different than yours. Namely that especially for those of us who originate from the northern part of Kyrenia as well as from other areas of prime location and properties, the Annan plan would have been a total and complete "reap off" both in terms of property-reinstatement and compensation, set aside the almost certain impossibility of ever returning back into those areas. Here we are and we will all be looking forward for you to "enlighten" us, the blind ones.
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Postby PambosNY » Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:32 pm

Kifeas wrote:
Bananiot wrote:Let us paint a clear, overall picture. Many of the bigots who were housed in DISI left before and after the referendum and formed other parties. One thing common they all shared was their severe objection to the Annan Plan and as the dust clears away, to any form of solution that involves bizonality.

If Sampson and Grivas (I would add others to the list too) committed terrible crimes against the Tc's between 1963 and 1974, can someone inform us as to why Papadopoulos claimed in all earnesty that not a single TC perished during this period? He claimed so in an interview in AL Khaleez newspaper and has been quite ever since despite challenged to explain.

First of all I did not mention from 1963-1974 but instead from 1963/4- 1967. It is a fact that from mid-1967 when the Kofinou events took place and since 1974 -before the Turkish invasion, no TC was murdered as a result of the intercommunal strife. Perhaps this is also what Papadopoullos meant, but instead and by mistake he said from 1963 and on.

I do not think Papadopoulos made a mistake. His career has always been one full of lies and deceipt. It does nto surprise me that he said something as outrageous as this.

I mean this is the guy that lied to Annan, lied to the EU leader, lied to AKEL and the rest of the G/C parties, to the G/Cs about his willingness to negotiate the Anan Plan only to do the opposite.

He is a career liar and manipulator driven by his nationalist ideologies (which can so easily lead someone to believe in lies) and his egotistical passion for power no matter what.

Papadopoulos is a catastrophe just like Makarios was but on the other hand both guys reflect the ideology of most G/C who love to believe in sweet lies.
Last edited by PambosNY on Sat Oct 15, 2005 9:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Kifeas » Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:45 pm

Are you on line PambosNY?

If you are on line, I would like to ask you some short and easy questions, which will require some short but quick answers.

You said you are from Ayios Amvrosios, or Esentepe as the Turks re-named it, is that correct?

I claim that not only you are not a Greek Cypriot but in fact you are a Turkish Cypriot propagandist, masqueraded as a Greek Cypriot.

Would you like to prove me wrong?
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