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Lebanon's Natural gas deposits exceeds that of Cyprus/Syria

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Re: Lebanon's Natural gas deposits exceeds that of Cyprus/Sy

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:21 pm

bsharpish wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:I do think America has been playing a game of destabilising all the countries which border Europe. Europe is now ringed by Islamic countries whose governments are loose cannons. American meddling has created so many refugees that they are flooding the EU and adding to the economic crisis and hence the rise of nationalism within Europe (no, not just GD - the Germans have gone completely Teutonic).

It's all about bringing down the Euro, the dollar's main competitor.

I hope you remembered to put your tin foil hat on last night and may I , humbly, suggest you start wearing it for the other 16 hours a day too.

Even if you were to take this seriously, let's consider the following -

We are talking about a country where the possible president believes this - ... -delusion/

Was, in fact,a bishop of this "religion" and has donated umpteen million dollars.

America is many things and has a great track record in industry, innovation and technology ( to name a few) ..... However...... Intelligent,cohesive, succesfull ( by any measure) foreign policy and anti European sentiment are not words I'd attach to American government.

Oh and lets not forget ... American industry and manpower, combined with British tenacity and Russian,blood, stopped most of Europe using German as it's primary language.
American money rebuilt a shattered Europe

I'd look a lot closer to home for Europes problems

IMHHO some but not all demonstate signs of Paranoia as they try to blame others for a predicament which they think has external causes when perhaps on an objective analysis there are internal causes: of course when one suggests this an alternative point of view one then is labelled as a part of the conspiracy....
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