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Message to Cyprus

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Re: Message to Cyprus

Postby kurupetos » Thu Aug 30, 2012 4:12 pm

I am kurupetos. Don't expect me. I will be late.
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Re: Message to Cyprus

Postby anonsfreedom » Thu Aug 30, 2012 4:36 pm

Haha j egw kipreos eimai. Everyone still thinks everything's a joke. you will see.
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Re: Message to Cyprus

Postby anonsfreedom » Thu Aug 30, 2012 4:38 pm

CBBB wrote:
anonsfreedom wrote:
Mapko wrote:Hmm...that's all very well and good, but the time for talking is long far past it's effective date. Enough of the rhetoric - the time for action has come. Anonymous Cyprus, will you be starting a campaign of armed vengeance against the oppressors - an EOKA Γ as it were?

If people are prepared to fight then actions will be taken. But until then how can any changes be made? If you support us you are one of us. If you have the will to fight for your freedom you are one of us. You must educate people around you about the happenings in our world. We are not " anonymous Cyprus" We are anonymous. We are freedom of speech. We are the people. A war is coming. We are not starting it but we are a part of it. We must fight for the right to live! Not to be oppressed by the so called democracy that actually is a dictatorship. We must fight back. But this is only possible in large numbers. One person can make a difference but only by spreading the word. We must fight. Not with violence. We must not do what our oppressors do to us. With information. Educate anyone that will listen and let others live how they like. Do not force these facts on people as it may be too much for them to handle. Some peoples minds are fragile. We do not wish to drive people crazy.

You forgot your pills again!

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Re: Message to Cyprus

Postby FragnaticDeath » Thu Aug 30, 2012 5:22 pm

Oh god the drama...
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Re: Message to Cyprus

Postby Mapko » Thu Aug 30, 2012 5:32 pm

anonsfreedom...I took the title to your video as being the name of your organisation - I now realise it's just 'Anonymous'. So you aren't really interested in Cyprus, the situation she finds herself in and her people, per se, you are more interested in a global solution to the power and monetary problems. Whilst I would not mock you for your tenets and I applaud your for trying to do something, I really think your swimming against a tsunami. As is the way of the world today, I am more interested in me and mine first and foremost. The proletariat cannot win against the corporations, as has been seen in any and all riots seen in any (western) country in recent years: France, USA, England, Greece, etc.
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Re: Message to Cyprus

Postby anonsfreedom » Thu Aug 30, 2012 7:49 pm

Mapko my replies are merely answers to people that think this is all a joke.

This post was aimed at the working class citizens of Cyprus. I am english-cypriot myself (blood) but in my mind, heart and soul I am Cypriot and Cyprus has been my home my whole life. I have been watching while our lovely island has been destroyed by Developers, I have watched my friends go out of business because of large corporations, I have watched as friends and family have lost their jobs and that has led to many of them losing their homes, getting sick from lack of food and medicine. I am also one of these people. But I am not willing to sit back and watch. I want to fight! Unfortunately people don't listen. So I thought some posts may get peoples attention. maybe 1 or 2 that turn into 3-4 then 10 then 100 and so on. I have been trying for almost 6 years to get people to listen but up until now they still think it will get better. Only very few people know what is planned for humanity. As you can see by some of the replies.
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Re: Message to Cyprus

Postby kurupetos » Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:58 pm

anonsfreedom wrote:Haha j egw kipreos eimai. Everyone still thinks everything's a joke. you will see.

Cheers mate! :lol:
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