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Big Mak's Big Mistake (1)

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Re: Big Mak's Big Mistake (1)

Postby Get Real! » Sat Sep 01, 2012 6:09 pm

Sotos wrote:Cyprus is not your country. You are a foreign Turkish Settler. Cyprus is a Greek island and your kind was brought to MY island by the Turkish invaders... just like you invaded our Greek mainland and the other Greek islands. We are the ones who fight for freedom and survival from you Mongoloid invaders. If you had stayed in your own homeland instead of invading and trying to take ours then there would be no Turks in Cyprus and no problems.

You obviously have no idea how daft you look when on the one hand you go out of your way to advertise that you’re a Greek settler and on the other tell Turks that they are settlers and should therefore leave! :lol:
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Re: Big Mak's Big Mistake (1)

Postby kimon07 » Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:07 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:
kimon07 wrote:All right.

Time to contradict the Turkish propaganda, which keps being reproduced, about the “Akritas Plan”.

The Akritas plan was a plan aiming the defence of the RoC against the expected Turkish insurgency, taking into consideration that the Turks were being armed and prepared for it since at least 1959, if not since April 1956, (with the assistance of the British) and they continued preparing till they staged it in 1963. By that time they had a whole army of 10,000 well trained and well armed and ecquiped militants, against whom the RoC was using mainly ….hunting shotguns and about 700 old wepons which had been handed over by EOKA when it was disarmed.
Follows the published text of the plan, analysis of it, evidences and testimonies, as included in the “Bloody Truth about Cyprus”, (page 297 further):......... ... 130049.pdf

Greeks in general. They are a nation of liars: brilliant liars, spectacular liars, breathtaking liars.

Translation in English of the whole article by Sener Levent in “AFRIKA” TC newspaper published on Feb. 9, 2011. (The bolds are mine).

Note: Follws the turkish text for your Anastolian employers to read and enjoy.


Turkey, which, as a guarantor country, undertook the keeping of the constitutional order and the safeguarding of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus, which was established in 1959 under the provisions of an international treaty, in 1974, after the known events, having invaded the island as a “Liberator” forgot it’s duties and took as it’s own every empty space it found, regardless whether it belonged to a Greek Cypriot or a Turkish Cypriot and posted it’s flag to it.

It divided the country and occupied half of it, removing by force, out from their lands the Cypriots, both Greek and Turkish. Violating the international treaties brought into the occupied lands populations of its own. Later, it established into these lands a supposed to be sovereign and independent state which turned into a nest of all kinds of illegalities.

Naturally, there is no people which does not wish to be the master of a truly sovereign and independent state, free of foreign interventions. But it is unthinkable, you, with the use of your weapons, to institute a state in lands belonging to other people, unrooting them and moving in their place your own populations. If, by violating the international law, and the legal order you establish a state and you consider that you have the right on your side, then, you are committing an Ottoman bullying which you can not justify to nations which belong to the international order of today.

Do not expect them to embrace the dummy state you established. They will be making things difficult for you pressing you continuously. And you, not being able to see your size in the mirror, you are attacking left and right like tavern thugs.

In the meantime, all that happens is contrary to the interests of our community which, like a lit candle, every passing day melts little by little and vanishes. For this reason you are not wanted here any more. Because your ideology has nothing in common with the Kemalist ideal but it is a neo-ottoman racism the date of which has expired. Get down from the neck of this people and abandon our country.

During the course of your history you dried up every land on which you set foot. You have never done any good and you never allowed anyone else to do any good. 37 years ago we welcomed you with flowers as liberators. We put you in our arms. We hosted you in our homes. We did not hold back in terms of respect and treatment. We did everything you asked from us. Because we believed that we would escape the fascist and racist attacks of Greeks and Greek Cypriots and that we would get back our rights as partners to the ROC and that the two communities would live peacefully and in a civilized way starting a new life.

You however, while not even the Greek Cypriot fascists ever said anything about our decent, you suddenly discovered that it is (our decent) defective. In order to turn us into “Turks” of “noble” decent, you made our mothers cry. You “snatched” our will, our freedom. By writing off our past you darkened our future.

Enough now. Enough. Dismount from the necks of our people. Get back to your home, to Turkey. And, on your way there, take with you your local heroes, who are now similar to you and who, for 37 years, have been eating from the table of the “Halil Ibrahims”. Post them there, in there fatherland, with Ankara criteria. Let their children serve their military service in the turkish army. Because this country here is called Cyprus and belongs to all Cypriots. "You know what saddens me most?

The fact that a “resistance” organization like TMT, the members of which, in the past, served in luxurious offices of tyrannical directors, the sanjaktars(?) and who never managed to be the cure to the wounds of our community, so it saddens me, how and in whose hands it transformed into an aggressive organization. So curse, today, to these manlike monsters, the national demagogs, who through the people to bottomless wells and who demonstrate to the society with pride the medals awarded to them by the intruder commander, for their services to TMT."

Uluslararası anlaşmalarla 1969 yılında kurulan Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti’nin garantör bir ülkesi olarak, anayasal nizamın çalışmasını sağlamak ve toprak bütünlüğünü korumak olan Türkiye; bilinen nedenlerle, 1974 yılında “kurtarıcı” olarak adaya ayak bastıktan sonra bu görevlerini unutmuş… Ve, bu Rum’undur, bu Türk’ündür demeden boş gördüğü her yere bayrağını dikerek sahiplenmiştir.

Tüm Kıbrıslıları yine Türk-Rum demeden topraklarından sürüp memleketi ikiye böldü ve yarısını işgal etti. Uluslararası anlaşmaları çiğneyerek işgal ettiği topraklara kendi nüfusunu taşıdı.

Onlara sonradan her türlü melanetin yuvası haline gelecek sözde egemen ve bağımsız bir de devlet kurdu. Kendi vatanlarında, kendilerine ait topraklar üzerinde, her türlü baskı ve dış karışmacılığın olmayacağı,gerçek bağımsız ve egemen bir devlete sahip olmak istemeyen bir toplum herhalde düşünülemez.

Ancak, mülkiyeti başka toplumlara ait toprakları silah gücüyle ele geçirip insanları topraklarından sökerek yerlerine taşıdığınız eğreti nüfusunuza, o topraklar üzerinde bir devlet kuramazsınız. Her şeye rağmen,
uluslararası hukuku ve kuralları çiğneyerek bir devlet kurar, ve bunu kendinizde bir hak olarak görürseniz, bu bir Osmanlı zorbalığı olur ki, bugünkü dünya düzeni içindeki devletlere anlatamazsınız. Kurduğunuz bu sahte devleti içlerine sindirip kabul etmelerini bekleyemezsiniz. Ve sizi sürekli baskı altında tutarak bunaltırlar.

Sizler de aynaya bakıp çapınızın Boyutlarını görmeden meyhane kabadayıları gibi sağa-sola saldırırsınız. Bu arada olanlarda toplumumuza olur. Ve yanık mumlar gibi her geçen gün biraz daha eriyip yok olurlar. Bu yüzden buralarda istenmiyorsunuz artık. Çünkü ruhlarınız; Atatürk’ün uygarlık mayasıyla değil, Osmanlının kullanım süresi bitmiş ırkçılık mayalarıyla yoğruludur.

Inin bu toplumun sırtından. Inin ve terk edin memleketimizi. Tarihiniz boyunca her ayak bastığınız yeri kuruttunuz. Hayır etmediniz, hayır da ettirmediniz. 37 y ıl önce sizleri kurtarıcı olarak çiçeklerle karşıladık. Bağrımıza bastık. Evlerimizde misafir ettik. Saygıda, hizmette kusur etmedik. Bir dediğinizi iki ettirmedik.

Çünkü; Yunan-Rum ırkçı faşistlerin saldırılarından kurtulacağımızı ve ortağı olduğumuz Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti’ndeki haklarımızı yeniden kazanacağımızı, iki toplum olarak barış içinde uygarca yaşayabileceğimiz yeni bir hayata başlayacağımızı sanmıştık.

Lakin sizler; Rum faşistleri bile soyumuza söyleyebilecek sözler bulamazken, anında soyumuzun arızalı olduğunu keşfettiniz. Bizleri asil kanlı”Türk” yapmak için analarımızı ağlattınız. Irademizi, hürriyetimizi gasp ettiniz. Geçmişimizi silerek, geleceğimizi kararttınız. Yetti artık. Yetti… Inin bu toplumun ensesinden. Ve kendi ülkeniz Türkiye’ye dönün.

Giderken de 37 yıldır “Halil Ibrahim”lerin sofrasından besleyip kendinize benzettiğiniz yerli malı kahramanlarınızı da beraber götürün. Onları Ankara kriterleriyle anavatanlarında görevlendirin. Çocukları askerliklerini oralarda yapsınlar. Çünkü bu memleketin adı Kıbrıs’tır. Ve bu Kıbrıs; tüm Kıbrıslılara aittir.

En çok neye üzülüyorum biliyor musunuz? Geçmişte bu toplumun yaralarına merhem olamamış, Sancaktar dediğimiz tiran yöneticilere salon komutanlığı yapmış,TMT gibi “mukavemet” kurumu, kimlerin elinde nasıl ve neden saldırgan bir kurum haline getirildi?.. Bugün toplumu dipsiz kuyulara atan insan kılığındaki yaratıklar, bazı milli demagogların “TMT’ye hizmet” madalyasını, işgalci komutanın eliyle göğsüne takarak topluma hava atmalarına, lanet olsun.
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Re: Big Mak's Big Mistake (1)

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Sep 01, 2012 10:45 pm

kimon07 wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:.........I would say that was possibly the the third mistake - the second possible mistake was in the period after the 1959 agreements up to the 1963/4 crises (if not up to 1967/8) in still thinking that Enosis was a viable option. ...

1. Makarios gave up enosis shortly after he became President (if not while at the Seychelles). His rhetoric about enosis after that was empty and he used it just to maintain the support of the enosis supporters. He gave it up completely when he got in the unholy alliance with AKEL.
2. The 1963 crisis was just the second stage of the Turko-British Plan for partition, which was set in motion after April 1956 (and it is still developing) (see the “Bloody Truth about Cyprus” under the relevant thread where many references ).Therefore, nothing could have reversed the developments. Even the 13 constitutional amendments where nothing but a trap set by Britain to trigger the events.
3. If Makarios was supporting enosis he would not have sided up with all the then puppets of the Soviets such as Egypt and Libya etc, nor with AKEL, which made the Americans regard him as “Fidel Castro of the Mediterranean”.
4. If Makarios was supporting enosis in 1967, he would not have allowed the Greek Army Division to be withdrawn from Cyprus (like the Turks and AKEL insisted).
5. If Makarios was supporting enosis he would have suggested something very simple and attractive to the Americans.
A military base and American guarantees for the
safety of the Turkish Cypriots.

I suspect big Mak became enamoured of the glamour of being head of state, a psoition he would have lost under Enosis: Invasion by Turkey has been on the cardsbut who actually wrote the 13 amendements - ? Who constructed the Akritas plan - Or were Yiorgiadjis and Papadop Britsh Stooges? The Brits had their basis - no need for partition.
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Re: Big Mak's Big Mistake (1)

Postby Sotos » Sat Sep 01, 2012 10:46 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Sotos wrote:Cyprus is not your country. You are a foreign Turkish Settler. Cyprus is a Greek island and your kind was brought to MY island by the Turkish invaders... just like you invaded our Greek mainland and the other Greek islands. We are the ones who fight for freedom and survival from you Mongoloid invaders. If you had stayed in your own homeland instead of invading and trying to take ours then there would be no Turks in Cyprus and no problems.

You obviously have no idea how daft you look when on the one hand you go out of your way to advertise that you’re a Greek settler and on the other tell Turks that they are settlers and should therefore leave! :lol:

Greeks are native to Cyprus you ignorant fool! If Greeks are not native to Cyprus then nobody is ... only maybe the Ethiopians in Ethiopia!
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Re: Big Mak's Big Mistake (1)

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:11 pm

it was rather the Greeks who imposed themselves on eg Crete in 1400BC and other places from say 800 BC onwards right up to the Ptolomaic invasion of Cyprus in 320 BC or so - but then some think that Imperialism and Colonilaism is OK when it is done by Ancient Greeks and they come up with psuedo arguments about few people lived here - the alleged ack of people does not make it right.
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Re: Big Mak's Big Mistake (1)

Postby Piratis » Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:51 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:it was rather the Greeks who imposed themselves on eg Crete in 1400BC and other places from say 800 BC onwards right up to the Ptolomaic invasion of Cyprus in 320 BC or so - but then some think that Imperialism and Colonilaism is OK when it is done by Ancient Greeks and they come up with psuedo arguments about few people lived here - the alleged ack of people does not make it right.

What is right is only when the English imposed themselves on Britain, 3000 years after the Greeks had already inhabited Crete :roll: If Greeks are not native in Crete or Cyprus after many 1000s of years of history, then the English in Britain are comparatively just recent immigrants.
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Re: Big Mak's Big Mistake (1)

Postby kimon07 » Sun Sep 02, 2012 8:20 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:I suspect big Mak became enamoured of the glamour of being head of state, a psoition he would have lost under Enosis:


......who actually wrote the 13 amendements - ?

Makarios so advised and encouraged by Britain. The trap was set to set the partition plan in motion.

Who constructed the Akritas plan - Or were Yiorgiadjis and Papadop Britsh Stooges?

I already answered the British/Turkish propaganda about the Akritas Plsan. This plan was the least the RoC could do to defend itself and the GCs from the imminent attak of the 10,000 strong TMT army which was trained and armed by Turkey with the encouragement and the support of Britain since 1957..

The Brits had their bases - no need for partition.

Wrong. Partition they promised to their brothers in arms (Turkey) since 1957 and this is what they intend to deliver. Otherwise, they may loose investments in Turkey and the British citizens who bought GC properties in the north will also loose them. Besides, partition weakens the RoC even more (rather eliminates it) and thus all opposition against the bases is also eliminated.
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Re: Big Mak's Big Mistake (1)

Postby kimon07 » Sun Sep 02, 2012 8:26 am

Sotos wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Sotos wrote:Cyprus is not your country. You are a foreign Turkish Settler. Cyprus is a Greek island and your kind was brought to MY island by the Turkish invaders... just like you invaded our Greek mainland and the other Greek islands. We are the ones who fight for freedom and survival from you Mongoloid invaders. If you had stayed in your own homeland instead of invading and trying to take ours then there would be no Turks in Cyprus and no problems.

You obviously have no idea how daft you look when on the one hand you go out of your way to advertise that you’re a Greek settler and on the other tell Turks that they are settlers and should therefore leave! :lol:

Greeks are native to Cyprus you ignorant fool! If Greeks are not native to Cyprus then nobody is ... only maybe the Ethiopians in Ethiopia!

Soto. He is trying to derail the thread and cause it to be locked. Don't answer to him or to stud on this issue. The relevant subject is under other threads.
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Re: Big Mak's Big Mistake (1)

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:10 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:In my view Big Mak made a big mistake in 1955 when he turned down Hardings' offer of internal self rule.

Can you point us to any original documents which make this "offer" explicit?
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Re: Big Mak's Big Mistake (1)

Postby Get Real! » Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:01 am

Sotos wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Sotos wrote:Cyprus is not your country. You are a foreign Turkish Settler. Cyprus is a Greek island and your kind was brought to MY island by the Turkish invaders... just like you invaded our Greek mainland and the other Greek islands. We are the ones who fight for freedom and survival from you Mongoloid invaders. If you had stayed in your own homeland instead of invading and trying to take ours then there would be no Turks in Cyprus and no problems.

You obviously have no idea how daft you look when on the one hand you go out of your way to advertise that you’re a Greek settler and on the other tell Turks that they are settlers and should therefore leave! :lol:

Greeks are native to Cyprus you ignorant fool! If Greeks are not native to Cyprus then nobody is ... only maybe the Ethiopians in Ethiopia!

By God you’re so fucking stupid! :lol:

The natives of Cyprus are the descendants of the ancient Choirokitians not Greek settlers or any other settler for that matter! Indigenousness is exclusive to the people who first made contact with a land.
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