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English language is descended from ancient Turkey, experts c

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English language is descended from ancient Turkey, experts c

Postby MR-from-NG » Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:43 pm

English language is descended from ancient Turkey, experts claim•New Zealand scientists say Indo-European language family - including English, French, German and Hindi - originated up to 9,500 years ago in western Asia

By Helen Lawson
PUBLISHED: 22:09, 23 August 2012 | UPDATED: 08:02, 24 August 2012
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English is descended from a language that emerged in Turkey 8,000 and 9,500 years ago, new research suggests.
Scientists traced the origin of languages classed as Indo-European to Anatolia, an ancient region of western Asia which covers most of modern Turkey.
English is part of the Indo-European language family, which includes more than 400 languages and dialects such as German, French, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Persian, Hindi and ancient Greek.

Birthplace of the English language: Anatolia is the historical name for the most western part of Asia - roughly two-thirds of western modern-day Turkey
It is believed that these languages evolved from a common ancestor.
Experts think Indo-European languages spread out from the Middle East along with agriculture.
Scientists led by Remco Bouckaert, from the University of Auckland in New Zealand, traced the origins of Indo-European languages using a method borrowed from evolutionary biologists.
Instead of comparing DNA from different species, the researchers looked at 'cognates' - which are words with a common origin.
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One example is 'mother', with has the German counterpart 'mutter' and the Spanish equivalent 'madre'.
The words are so similar that there must be a link in the language's history rather than the comparison occurring by chance.

By modelling how hundreds of words evolved through time, the researchers were able to pinpoint their birthplace in what is now modern Turkey.
The research is published today in the journal Science. ... ds-newsxml
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Re: English language is descended from ancient Turkey, exper

Postby Me Ed » Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:50 pm

I guess the real irony is that the Turkish language didn't descend from ancient Turkey.
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Re: English language is descended from ancient Turkey, exper

Postby barouti » Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:27 pm

Me Ed wrote:I guess the real irony is that the Turkish language didn't descend from ancient Turkey.

Mr Ed, even I have to applaud you.
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Re: English language is descended from ancient Turkey, exper

Postby Kikapu » Fri Aug 24, 2012 7:24 pm

Me Ed wrote:I guess the real irony is that the Turkish language didn't descend from ancient Turkey.

The other irony is;

Why can’t Turks speak English yet?


“But there is one thing that has not changed” he added, at the end of his string of praise: “Turks still can’t speak English. There were very few who could back then and it seems their number hasn’t grown.”

So the question looms: Why can’t we learn English? And by English I don’t mean speaking with a high degree of proficiency; this is not Henry Higgins’ tirade in My Fair Lady. I’m talking about plain communication in English. Why does it just not stick? ... sCatID=403
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Re: English language is descended from ancient Turkey, exper

Postby Sotos » Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:02 pm

There isn't such thing as "ancient Turkey". 8,000 years ago there were no Turks. Turks appeared just 1500 years ago and they were nomads living in Mongolia ... they didn't even know where Anatolia is! The Turks are foreign to our region and Turkish is an Altaic language. The Turks committed genocides against the native people of Anatolia who spoke an indo-European language. :evil:
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Re: English language is descended from ancient Turkey, exper

Postby kimon07 » Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:27 pm

Are we serious? Are we seriously going to debate this? In that case lets start debating about the other "study" of Turkish "professors" as well, according to which 95% of the Irish and 65% of the British are of Turkish descent.
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Re: English language is descended from ancient Turkey, exper

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:43 pm

Greek being an IE language would also have started life in what is now Turkey.
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Re: English language is descended from ancient Turkey, exper

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:51 pm

...and why now?

seriously, the debate should be of intent when it comes to the politics Turkey displays, to be "Turkish" enough, therefore should include this fellowship with others, not just the "English" or the Native Americans, but Germans, and the French, even Greeks, this is a lot of History we are talking about; or, are you saying that English was first (one of many languages) that came from, "ancient Turkey".

Erdogan stinks, pardon me for saying it, if i was a voter, i would not be so proud, and for a fourth term, imagine, there will have to be a fifth.

all this cozying up if you will, is based on an audacity that their bubble will not burst, changes but slowly, everything will go on as it did before; hooligans, like bankers and politicians are untouchable it seems if they stick together, (in reality) resisting change, that's the confidence at play,

...i can see for Turkey far worse than what Greece got from their "elite", it won't matter even if they have a whole alphabet of "Plans".
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Re: English language is descended from ancient Turkey, exper

Postby Get Real! » Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:08 am

Sotos wrote:There isn't such thing as "ancient Turkey". 8,000 years ago there were no Turks. Turks appeared just 1500 years ago...

That's a good 1400 years before Greece was born! :lol:
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Re: English language is descended from ancient Turkey, exper

Postby Get Real! » Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:13 am

MR-from-NG wrote:English language is descended from ancient Turkey

Now that the Hellenic Ministry of Culture can no longer afford to bribe historians to keep Greeks on a pedestal, we’re going to start hearing all sorts of (bitter) truths! :lol:
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