I believe you think with your genitals rather than your brain, with many of your responses, not just in this thread. If what you say is true, there would be no fatal road accidents or from falling down stairs. And you seem to think that when things do go wrong in an aircraft, you are doomed. I have probably flown more than anyone (unless some of you are aircrew, and even then) on this board and yes, I've been in aircraft in emergency situations. The worst case, in 1952, was a 4-engined aircraft with one engine on fire and another stalled, with a steward with a broken arm, while flying over the Med. We managed to make an emergency landing at Luqa, Malta, but it was a one-try affair as there was no chance of aborting the landing if anything else went wrong. We were accompanied along the runway by all the emergency vehicles. I've been in three other emergency landings, with the full accompaniment and twice had tyres burst on landing. Yes, this kind of thing tends to get the adrenaline running, but I've also been driving a car when a tyre burst and this can be just as scary, bellieve me.
Please think the subject through before posting with emotional claptrap.