I discovered
Piratis wrote:... are separatists since the support the illegal division.
Using this statement we can account for the logical deficiency above. From this statement it is clear that someone is a seperatist if he supports the illegal division, or more plainly those that support the illegal division are seperatists. Voting for partition is support for illegal division, therefore those who votes for partition are seperatists. This deduction shows that to vote for partition is a sufficient condition to be a seperatist. From your other statement we have already established it is a necessary condition. Hence we have proven that voting for partition is both a necessary and sufficient condition to be a seperatists. Hence, the classes of seperatist S and partition-voters P must be equal, i.e. P=S. So clearly GCs who are in one class must also be in the other, or stated more casually GCs who vote for partition are seperatists.
If you assume there are no GC seperatists, by P=S we obtain that there are no GC who voted for partition. But the Annan Plan established that some GC vote for partition, so by contradiction the assumption must be wrong and we have proven that there are some GC who are seperatists, in fact 24% of them. Will you accept defeat? Or is there still some logical hole in my reasoning?