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When India was Greek...

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Re: When India was Greek...

Postby halil » Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:13 pm

Me Ed wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
The first Indo-Greek kingdom appeared circa 190 BC may when the Greco-Bactrian king or (general for his father) Demetrios was busy in India, when his Indian possessions were divided between several kings, probably firstly in order to better govern them but then due to civil war. The term “Indo-Greek” is generally used because these kingdoms were almost always separated from Bactria and thus differed politically from the Greco-Bactrian kingdom. These kingdoms, in which there were already some Greek settlers called Yonas, took more and more Indian characteristics, becoming truly unique political entities with a mix of Greek and Indian culture, at least for the ruling elites.



So why don't they speak a word of Greek?

How about starting a thread, when Greece was Turkish?

:!: Turkish Hindi Common Words :!: :wink: :? :cry: ... words.html
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Re: When India was Greek...

Postby SKI-preo » Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:32 pm

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Re: When India was Greek...

Postby Get Real! » Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:51 pm

Me Ed wrote:So why don't they speak a word of Greek?

I read on a trustworthy Greek site that Krishna, Vishnu, Shiva, Lakshmi, Durga, and Ganesha were all Greeks who colonized India!

No? :?
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Re: When India was Greek...

Postby Hyder » Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:54 am

So it was the Greeks that taught the Indians about sanitation & plumbing?

Suddenly Slumdog Millionaire makes more sense
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Re: When India was Greek...

Postby kimon07 » Fri Aug 17, 2012 11:04 am

Hyder wrote:So it was the Greeks that taught the Indians about sanitation & plumbing?

I don't really know, But certainly its not the fault of the Greeks that the millions of Indian people who live in slums are deprived of such facilities.
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Re: When India was Greek...

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:52 pm

kimon07 wrote:
Hyder wrote:So it was the Greeks that taught the Indians about sanitation & plumbing?

I don't really know, But certainly its not the fault of the Greeks that the millions of Indian people who live in slums are deprived of such facilities.

If you read about the Mohenjo-Daro Indus valley civilisation which lasted from 2600BC 10 abou1800BC or so they had drainage before theHellenics entered what is now Greece. Perhapsd they got dumbed down by later invaders?
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Re: When India was Greek...

Postby kimon07 » Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:44 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
Hyder wrote:So it was the Greeks that taught the Indians about sanitation & plumbing?

I don't really know, But certainly its not the fault of the Greeks that the millions of Indian people who live in slums are deprived of such facilities.

If you read about the Mohenjo-Daro Indus valley civilisation which lasted from 2600BC 10 abou1800BC or so they had drainage..... Perhaps they got dumbed down by later invaders?

Possibly. By those who sell to them the nuclear technology perhaps. And due to whom their per capita income is less than 900 US$.
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Re: When India was Greek...

Postby kimon07 » Sat Aug 18, 2012 7:49 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
Hyder wrote:So it was the Greeks that taught the Indians about sanitation & plumbing?

I don't really know, But certainly its not the fault of the Greeks that the millions of Indian people who live in slums are deprived of such facilities.

If you read about the Mohenjo-Daro Indus valley civilisation which lasted from 2600BC to abou1800BC or so they had drainage before theHellenics entered what is now Greece. Perhaps they got dumbed down by later invaders?

Yes, perhaps:

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Re: When India was Greek...

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:23 am

recent studies suggest that more claims of Greek Ancestry do not stand up to Scrutiny

very limited input by a few randy invaders.
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Re: When India was Greek...

Postby kimon07 » Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:41 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:recent studies suggest that more claims of Greek Ancestry do not stand up to Scrutiny

very limited input by a few randy invaders.

1. The article is about the Greek gene input not that of other neighboring ethnicities.

2. Although Greek input is indeed traced, I will neither accept nor dispute the findings of the study as I am not a specialist and I don't intend to get involved in genetics.

3. The ethnic identity of groups of people are also influenced by cultural elements and influences, not just genes (just look at the TCs).

And in any case, my answers to your post about the ancient irrigation etc of India were about who is to be blamed most that their sanitary and, sewage and irrigation systems have not kept up with their past and not who influenced their genes the most or the less.
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