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August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

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Re: August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:00 pm

As usual, it's reduced to ad hominem (or ad feminam).
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Re: August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

Postby wyoming cowboy » Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:16 am

Get Real! wrote:
wyoming cowboy wrote:I challenge anyone to find any historical record prior to the 74 Turk invasion of Cyprus that shows Greek Cyps. denying their Hellenic lineage like the few New cypriots do today,

Ok, and are you now presenting “popularity” as an argument for its validity or just pointing out how great a brainwashing job Greeks did to Cypriots thanks to their control of the island’s education system?

which mostly stems from the imperialistBritish assertions that Greek Cypriots are not Greek. "Bitter Lemons", which was written by a Brit,after the Eoka movement in the mid 50's asserts in the beginning of the book that Gc arent Greek, concludes in the end that Greek Cypriots are just as Greek as their brothers on the mainland. An obvious attempt by the imperialist to derail the Eoka movement. Those that do follow this spurious neo cypriot movement come mostly from their own insecurities and habit of bowing gracefully towards their master.

Unfortunately I don’t fit the stereotype you talk about as I’ve never read "Bitter Lemons" and I don’t have any special fancy for Britain to render me biased as many here who know me can attest.

However, if one or more Brits from the past have put arguments forward that Cypriots are not Greek it does not necessarily mean that they are wrong just because they were the enemy once.

In other words, we must not allow our emotions to limit our sources of ideas and information to our sole imaginary “trusted” one as this has proven to be our serious folly in the past and we honestly can’t afford to make any more mistakes.

Over the years I have presented this forum with countless new and unique arguments to challenge what I consider to be Greek myths so nobody can claim that I have borrowed someone else’s arguments and ideas. Not that it would’ve been wrong to do so if they were valid but I tend to use my own plain and good old fashioned common sense for something that seems elementary to me.

The truth of the matter is that historians agree that the Greek colonization of Cyprus theory is nothing but a factoid that someone presented as an idea in the early 1800s to fill in the missing details, and unfortunately it stuck to our terrible detriment and I need not remind of the curse that ultimately came to find us as a result of this fallacy we embraced.

And I think we should be very worried that our very existence dangles by an invisible thread of a miserable 19th century factoid!

And I think we should be very worried that our very existence dangles by an invisible thread of a miserable 19th century factoid!

why would you say that? be specific
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Re: August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

Postby wyoming cowboy » Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:20 am

Get Real! wrote:It looks like the Spartan wannabes have done a runner from this thread! :lol:

Avradini shistimini!

thats" Avradini shiKtimini"
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Re: August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

Postby Mapko » Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:46 pm

Get Real! wrote:It looks like the Spartan wannabes have done a runner from this thread! :lol:

Avradini shistimini!

Because you got boring with your anti-Hellenic crap.

There was never going to be any winner - I say all Greek Cypriots are inherently Greek, whereas you said the opposite. The argument could have gone on forever (if you could have put your own argument forward instead of turning to negative everything that was put to you).
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Re: August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

Postby Lordo » Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:48 pm

why do greek cypriots feel the need to use turkish words especially as they hate turks. for those who do at least spell it correctly.
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Re: August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

Postby Get Real! » Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:50 pm

Mapko wrote:The argument could have gone on forever (if you could have put your own argument forward instead of turning to negative everything that was put to you).

As if you stand a chance! :roll:
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Re: August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

Postby Get Real! » Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:51 pm

Lordo wrote:why do greek cypriots feel the need to use turkish words especially as they hate turks. for those who do at least spell it correctly.

We like the swear words...
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Re: August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

Postby barouti » Wed Sep 12, 2012 6:43 pm

bill cobbett wrote:ΔEN ΞEXNΩ... !!!

I don't forget either!



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Re: August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

Postby barouti » Wed Sep 12, 2012 7:00 pm

Me Ed wrote:
Mapko wrote:
Lordo wrote:we are taliing about gathering whole vilages and shooting every single person. this is a level of barabrity only shown by greek cypriots in 74.

Greek Cypriots did that in 1974? I suppose they used napalm on themselves, too. Did they murder men, women and children? Did they circumcise Greek priests? Did they rape Greek Cypriot females between the ages of 12 and 70? Did they loot and destroy Greek churches? Did they take 1619 Greek Cypriots to Turkey who are still missing today? Did they dress up as Turkic soldiers and do all this or was it in fact Turks?

No Mapko, but idiots like you paved the way for the Turks to do this.

Ha ha! Here we have it folks in blakc & white, Mr Ed apologising for the Brits and justifying the Turkish invasion by blaming it all on those evil mainland Greeks. Whatever. Apart from the Brits and Turks, the rest of us can see what you really are.
It's Kypreoi like you who continue to stab Cyprus in the back and support the division of our sacred island so you can have a voice, a voice that speaks a garble only the Brits and Turks can applaud only because it's so anti-Greek. And that's the only reason why they applaud you not because you actually have anything intelligent to say. So go ahead, make things up. It's only about making yourself feel good when you sing "Britannia Rules the Seas" to lullaby yourself to sleep.
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Re: August 14, 1974 ΔEN ΞEXNΩ!!!

Postby Get Real! » Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:32 pm

Lordo wrote:we are taliing about gathering whole vilages and shooting every single person. this is a level of barabrity only shown by greek cypriots in 74.

Your Ottoman regime (your forefathers) would gather and murder Cypriots by the tens of thousands for 400+ years so please shut up because I don’t want to hear any more about the two dozen people you lost in 1974! :roll:
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