Something to talk about, but I think it would be quite effective in practice. Sure there's a heap of details to fill in, but thats for the beuaracrats to fill in. Question is does this sort of agreement strike a good balance?
Issues which are of Importance to Greek Cypriots
1. Return of land, currently in north Cyprus
2. Right of return to property in any negotiated settlement
3. Removal of Turkish army
4. Removal of Turkish settlers
5. Strong central government in any new partnership
Issues which are of Importance to Turkish Cypriots
1. Lifting of economic isolation
2. Removal of all embargoes
3. Recognition as a separate founding partner with equal rights and status
4. Sovereignty
5. To not become a minority in their region. Limits on Greek – Cypriot migration to any future Turkish Cypriot State within new united Cyprus
6. To gain some economic parity with GC so as not to be economically overpowered
7. A weak central government
There may be and there surely is further issues of importance for both peoples, and also for all the individuals reading this. But these are the main points and the ones which seemingly cannot be overcome by generations of leaders from both sides.
Proposed Solution
Greek demands that should be met
1. Turks to return 12% of land including Varhosa to GC admin. border to be a relatively straight line
2. Turk army reduced to 5000 troops who are to remain in their barracks unless asked to intervene either by Federal government or Turk Cypriot State
3. Turkish settlers to be offered inducements to return back to Turkey, with help from EU, and USA. Those not wanting to return and have been in Cyprus for at least 3 years shall have the right to remain.
a. If the property they currently live in was distributed to them for free or below cost they are to pay 50% of today’s market value to the original GC owner. Banks in both North Cyprus and Turkey should be prepared to organise these mortgages.
b. If the land is TC title deed or they paid market price for GC property previously, then section 5(b) will apply, in order for GC title deed holders to receive compensation.
4. Greeks may return to the north to a limit of 20,000 people, until Turkey joins EU + 10yrs
5. All Greek Cypriots who do not return to their land are to receive compensation through the following formula;
Please look at 3(a) first, then as follows;
a. Swap title deeds with a Turk Cypriot who has comparable property in south and make necessary adjustments, either way.
b. Receive compensation from Turkey for today’s monetary value.
6. Turkey to drop veto and allow a united Cyprus to join NATO and any other organisation should it wish to do so.
7. No more than 20,000 foreigners (includes Turks, and everyone else, EU citizens included) are to be allowed to settle in Turkish Cyprus State, until Turkey joins Eu+10yrs
Turk demands that should be met
1. Sovereignty to be granted as a state of united Cyprus
2. All embargoes and isolations to be lifted
3. Right for all Turk Cypriots to return to their property in Greek Cypriot State. If they do not wish they can swap with GC or gain compensation from Greek Cypriot State
Federal solution
State Elections
1. All Greek - Cypriots no matter where located are only eligible to vote for Greek Cypriot State parliamnent
2. All Turk Cypriots no matter where located only eligible to vote for Turk Cypriot state parliament
3. In case of inter-marriage or foreigners they are to vote in the state they are residing
Federal Elections
1. 4 yr fixed terms
2. Federal parliament to consist of 2 houses – Lower House and Upper Hourse
a. Lower House - House of Reps for example should be 100 seats and seats allocated as per the total population of Cyprus. eg if one state has 70% pop, 70 seats will be allocated to it. Ethnicity does not matter in lower house elections and no matter if you are TC or GC and what region you reside in your vote counts according to that region.
b. Upper House - Senate will consist of 12 senators from each state, + 1 armenian senator, + 1 maronite.
c. Maronite and Armenian senators are elected by all voters of each group irrespective of which state they live in.
d. Senators from each state can only be elected from each ethnic group, eg GC, no matter which state located elect senators for GC state and TC no matter where located elect senators for TC state.
3. Prime Minister is leader of largest party in Lower House irrespective of which state or race that person is from.
4. President and Vice – President are to be ceremonial figure heads, and are to be appointed by combined sitting of parliament for 8 yr terms, for a maximum of 2 terms and this should be first task of newly elected parliament.
a. President should not be of the same race as the Prime Minister
b. Vice President should not be of the same race as the President
5. President and Vice President– not to feature in politics or parliament and role is to serve as figurehead representing island, eg in same role as royal families do.