GreekIslandGirl wrote:Mapko wrote:Yialousa...Tell me about it. A few of my posts have been pulled but there was nothing wrong with them, I've seen off-topic posts, anto-Greek racist posts and personal attack posts being left on. I suppose it depends who you are, who you're friendly with and where your allegiances lie.
Does multiculturalism work?
It depends - if you're white, then you must deny your own culture (what little there is of it) and it's the in thing to become black. You must talk like a black, walk like a black, dress like a black, listen to black music, wear dreads and corn rows - basically, take the culture of lazy, bone idle, scrounging, nobodies. Then, when you have taken these culture-less people's identity, you can hysterically attack a culture that was the birthplace of humanity and have given everything so these cave-dwelling tramps can live how they do.