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Racism in Britain

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Racism in Britain

Postby kimon07 » Fri Aug 03, 2012 10:29 am

Is Great Britain turning into a racist hell?

I think that what should worry the Good and Gentle British people the most is that the very frequent racist attacks in Britain, unlike the sparse ones in Greece and other European countries, have British citizens as targets and not or not only illegal immigrants.

Below are just a few of the many cases reported. And the question is, hoe many pas unnoticed or are not reported?

Racist attacks in London ... on/514354/ ... on_mosque/ ... 091111.htm ... er-report/ ... university ... KmZYxScJw8 ... re=related ... re=related

Racist stabbings in Britain ... bbing.html ... lives.html

Gurdeep Bhangal, now 41, was attacked with a kitchen knife outside his father's Wimpy franchise in Eltham on 11 March 1993, during a spate of racist attacks in the weeks before Stephen Lawrence's murder. He had confronted a group of abusive white youths that he alleges included David Norris. Another member of the group stabbed him. ... 84643.html
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Re: Racism in Britain

Postby Me Ed » Fri Aug 03, 2012 10:36 am

Human rights groups say Greece has one of the worst records in the European Union for racism against ethnic minorities.

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Re: Racism in Britain

Postby kimon07 » Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:02 am

Deal with the log in your eye first and then you can worry about the speck in mine.

<< Matthew 7:3 >>
New International Version (©1984)
"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

Now, you all be good Christians and observe this rule.
Ya hear? Or the wrath of your Lord (I don't mean me) will be upon you.
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Re: Racism in Britain

Postby kimon07 » Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:04 am

Me Ed wrote:Human rights groups say Greece has one of the worst records in the European Union for racism against ethnic minorities.


This thread is about Britain with no comparisons with other countries. Your post belongs to the thread about the Golden Dawn.

Thank you.
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Re: Racism in Britain

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:04 pm

Kimon, with your comment
unlike the sparse ones in Greece and other European countries
in your initial post you made a comparison between racism in Britain and elsewhere so I think comparison by others is quite fair to challenge your unsupported statement that in Greece and elsewhere in Europe they are quite sparse. indeed in objecting to comparisons by other when you have made comparisons I think your later quote
Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
applies to you too.
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Re: Racism in Britain

Postby tsukoui » Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:24 pm

Britain invented "racism"! Building unscientifically on the work of Darwin, its elites created the concept of "race" to fit their own agendas, justifying slavery and colonial control of others... they then spread these vile constructions about the world corrupting the minds of millions... these same elites then brought in migrants to divide the working class, itself originally considered a separate "race" from the aristocrats... the onus of not being "racist" is then transferred to the same working class, whilst the elites sit happily on the billions acquired through "racist" exploitation of the world... clashes between indigenous working class and migrant workers is not the biggest form of "racism" as we are taught to believe... but the biggest form of "racism" is the continued profiteering of the elites off the backs of the wretched of the earth... I am not defending "racist" actions by anyone... but what I am saying is that the whole discourse on "race" continues to be dictated by those same elites who created it in the first place...
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Re: Racism in Britain

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Aug 03, 2012 2:48 pm

Tsukoui, that is racist cr*p and you know it - indeed you have let your own racism shine through, with your bigoted views about how racism occured.

Racism was not invented by the British and is far older than Darwin - indeed the Ancient Greeks practised racism, as encapsulated within the word barbarian, which is essentially racist in nature since it seeks to discriminate between Greeks and non Greeks, possibly because of sterotypicalised thoughts about their speech or possibly facial hair, and in terms which were demeaning in nature and indeed was even used by the Ancent Athenians in a perjorative manner to describe peoples from other Greek speaking polis. Scientific racism can be found in early essentially genetic theories of eg Henri de Boulainvilliers, in the early 18th Century, and in the works of eg LInnaeus, Kant and Hegel, all of which predate Darwin and none of whom were British.

As for continued profiteering of the elites off the backs of the wretched of the earth, that too appears to be an ancient construct which existed in even supposedly democratic ancient Athens with an oppressed majority of metics and helots who did most of the work but were denied social or political equality with the citizens, and indeed where the helots were treated as property.

I am not suggesting the there is no racism in Britain, indded there is and it is practiced just as much by immigrant groups as by the indigioenous populace, nor am I claiming that Athenians invented racism but no doubt one of the philosophers could have produced a polemic in favour of their set up, and indeed probbaly did.

Racism In fact probably goes back as far as the point when humanity began to disperse into distinct groups which were in some way in competition with each other and where through the use of language were able to pick on certain charcteristics of the other group to show them in someway as different and thereby inferior, and playing upon those differences to generate fears and hatred.
Last edited by supporttheunderdog on Fri Aug 03, 2012 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Racism in Britain

Postby Get Real! » Fri Aug 03, 2012 2:57 pm

kimon07 wrote:Is Great Britain turning into a racist hell?

The pot calling the kettle black... :lol:
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Re: Racism in Britain

Postby kurupetos » Fri Aug 03, 2012 3:01 pm

Me Ed wrote:Human rights groups say Greece has one of the worst records in the European Union for racism against ethnic minorities.


Human rights groups are paid propagandists. No thanks. We can judge ourselves. :wink:
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Re: Racism in Britain

Postby tsukoui » Fri Aug 03, 2012 3:05 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:Tsukoui, that is racist cr*p and you know it - racism was not invented by the British and is far older than Darwin - indeed the Ancient Greeks practised racism, as encapsulated within the word barbarian, which is essentially racist in nature since it seeks to discriminate between Greeks and non Greeks, possibly because of sterotypicalised thoughts about their speach or possibly facial hair, and in terms which were demeaning in nature and indeed was even used by the Ancent Athenians in a perjorative manner to describe peoples from other Greek speaking polis.

As for continued profiteering of the elites off the backs of the wretched of the earth, that too appears to be an ancient construct which existed in suppossedly democratic ancient Athens with an oppressed majority of metics and helots who did most of the work but were denied social or political equality with the citizens, and indeed where the helots were treated as property.

Racism is in fact probably goes back as the point when humanity began to disperse into distinct groups which were in some way in competition with each other and where through the use of language were able to puck on certain charcteristics of the other group to show them in someway as different and thereby inferior.

No, "prejudice" and "exploitation", I grant you, date back to the beginning of humanity, but "racism" as we know it today does not... the Greek concept of "barbarians" was not the same as the modern concept of "race" invented by the British... the Ancient Greeks considered people to be Greek if they shared the same culture, irrespective of the particular and arbitrary genes that the British picked out to define the "races"... they had slaves, they had prejudices and they had inequality, all of which are deplorable, but they didn't discriminate on the same basis as we do today... more recently the Ottomans practiced slavery that was not racist like the British... they had African, European, Russian, Asian slaves and they all went for the same price irrespective of modern day notions of "race"... this is why I distinguish between "xenophobia" and "racism"... "racism" as we know it today was invented by the British... "xenophobia" has existed since the dawn of humanity...
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