kimon07 wrote:bill cobbett wrote:Reported at, the following...
If Chrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn) gets into parliament as polls predict, the party says it will carry out raids on hospitals and kindergartens and it will throw immigrants and their children out on the street so that Greeks can take their place, Golden Dawn MP Ilias Panagiotaros said in a rally address in Athens.
So do GIG and Kimon and perhaps one or two others support throwing sick children out of hospitals and in to the streets following this most disgusting manifesto pledge by the Golden Dawn Party...???
And now to be serious. Bill, we know you are not that naive. So, what on earth are you trying to prove? And what makes you to sooooooo concerned about the Greek society. Or isn't it the Greek society you are concerned about but the illegal immigrants? I think the latter is the case. Give us a brake Bill. Greeks don't want to see Greece becoming like Britain, if you know what I mean. After all, modern Greece didn't have any colonies so as to be forced to accept its former subjects in the country. And finally, what you, or me or GIG believe has nothing to do with it. Its what the Greek people believe and want that counts. PERIOD! And If you are so much concerned about the poor illegal immigrants now in Greece, I suggest you write a letter to your PM and ask him to invite them to England.
When the Nazis came at night knocking on doors, they'll make no distinction between you and me and immigrants, illegal immigrants or otherwise or anyone else... they'll be looking at unquestioning loyalty to the Party, to Ideas of National Socialism, to a Greek Fuhrer.
Hundreds of thousands of Germans were murdered in the Death Camps for their political views, Millions of Russians died in the Communist Stalags for being suspected of lack of loyalty to Stalin.
Those journeys started with a single step, taken by people who didn't have the courage to say OXI ...!!!
So the question still stands Kimon... do you agree that children should be dragged from their sick-beds and thrown out in to the streets just cos they are black, just because they are immigrants...????
Nai ee OXI...???