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Obama: Global peacemaker and now philanthropist!

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Obama: Global peacemaker and now philanthropist!

Postby Get Real! » Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:21 am

Obama: Global peacemaker and now philanthropist!

In 2009 and just three months into office, Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize…

"For his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples"

…because the wise judges at Nobel had predicted that Obama would soon withdraw US forces from Afghanistan, compensate and evacuate a trashed Iraq, and respect the sovereignty of all other Arab/Muslim countries like Libya, Syria and Yemen! 8)

And as if that wasn’t enough feat during his first three years in office, Obama is now making a name for himself for his philanthropy! The generous statesman is now handing out $5,000 bills to anyone who believes in miracles! ... S020120731

Regards, GR. :)
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Get Real!
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