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What's so great about Greece?

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Re: What's so great about Greece?

Postby Hyder » Fri Aug 03, 2012 10:51 pm

Piratis wrote:
It also begs the question 'what went wrong?' as not much of note seems to have come out of Greece since the time of Christ (give or take a couple of centuries).

The Byzantine Empire was essentially Greek and for many centuries it has been the most advanced and civilized place in the world.

Then Greece fell under Ottoman rule. That is "what went wrong". The Ottomans pushed Greece deep into the dark ages while most Greek intellectuals escaped to other Christian territories and helped them to continue evolving the European civilization.

The Ottoman rule ended in the 1800s, when western Europe was already far ahead. Since then Greeks had to continually fight with the 5+ times more numerous Turks just to maintain their freedom.

You talked about how great the UK is, but everything that you talked about is history also. Nothing much comes out of Britain today. Now we live the "American Era". In a couple of decades it will be the turn of the Chinese.

Many nations contributed to the civilization we have today and the contribution of the Greeks is one of the biggest ones and that is really undisputed by anybody who knows the facts.

I didn't notice a 'What's So Great About Greece' Faculty but I think the place qualifies as decent. Cambridge probably has one but I turned down my offer of a place there.

If you really cared about "'What's So Great About Greece" you should have gone to Cambridge then. Did you expect to learn in a forum thread what is the subject of whole university departments?

Well I didn't really care, & I wanted to study economics. I'm curious enough to bothered to read up a bit on ancient civilisations but have no desire to spend years studying them. So I've learned some interesting details on this thread but haven't seen anything that makes me think I missed anything vital.

It's disingenuous to equate a list of things that includes things that people alive today saw invented with a list that is 2000 years+ old.

There's an angle to the original question I posted that has been largely ignored, i.e. why Greeks harp on about past achievements so much. I've been fortunate enough to have lived & worked in many countries, meeting lots of people from different cultures. I have Chinese, Indian, Arab, American & Greek friends. Those from the latter two countries are by a large margin most inclined to be pub bores about how brilliant their country is/was.
I get it from the Americans, because as you say this is their time & they are the current global superpower. As such they have something to bang on about.
The Chinese, Indian & Arab guys are far more modest about the achievements of their ancestors than the Greeks though, but arguably have as much to boast about. And as you say, soon it will be the turn of the Chinese to take over as world superpower so they can look forward as well as back.

To kimono07, I've never been on this forum in the past under another name so a case of mistaken identity. Why would anybody change monikers anyway? This strikes me as a pretty bare knuckle forum so you'd really have to go some to get the mods to kick you off I imagine. Be as hard on me as you like though. I might be relatively new on here but I've got plenty of forum experience elsewhere & am a thick skinned grown up. Feel free to dish it out every bit as hard as you are happy to get back in return.
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Re: What's so great about Greece?

Postby Sotos » Fri Aug 03, 2012 10:55 pm

Greek education for the Greek inhabitants of a Greek island. Foreign education for foreigners ... such as ZoC and GR. Makes perfect sense doesn't it? ;)
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Re: What's so great about Greece?

Postby Get Real! » Fri Aug 03, 2012 10:59 pm

Sotos wrote:Greek education for the Greek inhabitants of a Greek island. Foreign education for foreigners ... such as ZoC and GR. Makes perfect sense doesn't it? ;)

In your borrowed mind even you make sense! 8)
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Re: What's so great about Greece?

Postby Sotos » Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:02 pm

Hyder wrote:
Sotos wrote:Every decent university in Britain (and most parts of the Western world) has a whole department to answer your question "What's so great about Greece?"... but you apparently have never been in one ;)

Well LSE is number 5 in the world university rankings for economics, & number 1 in Europe. Given that is what I wanted to study that's where I went.
I didn't notice a 'What's So Great About Greece' Faculty but I think the place qualifies as decent. Cambridge probably has one but I turned down my offer of a place there.

Where did you study?

I don't give personal details here but my university in the USA had a Classics department and you didn't need to be a history major to take a few courses if the topic interests you. If you don't care about the topic, fine ... but then why ask the question here? Trolling?
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Re: What's so great about Greece?

Postby Get Real! » Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:09 pm

Sotos wrote:I don't give personal details here but my university in the USA...

You had tertiary education? :?

Come on man quit fibbing! You're just Greek... :lol:
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Re: What's so great about Greece?

Postby Get Real! » Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:18 pm

Men andrebese Sotiraki! :?

Be di alithkia gie mou! :)
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Re: What's so great about Greece?

Postby Bananiot » Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:19 pm

Hyder, when the English lived in caves we already had high cholesterol.

P.S. Bill, you have my total respect for your answer on page 1 of this thread. Ten out of ten, easily.
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Re: What's so great about Greece?

Postby Hyder » Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:20 pm

Guessing it wasn't exactly Ivy League then.

I didn't take any courses back then because I had no connection with or interest in Greece or Cyprus.
I'm older now & live in Cyprus so I would like to know what the fixation is with (some) GCs about aligning themselves to Greece rather than forging their own independent path. It genuinely baffles me as modern Greece is hardly something to aspire to.

I asked on here because the attitudes & predjudices of the respondants are at least if not more interesting than the bare facts. I could get those at the library.
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Re: What's so great about Greece?

Postby Cap » Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:21 pm

Cypriots of the diaspora identify themselves as Greek.
If GR had to visit Oz again, the US , Canada or SA, i'm afraid we'd have a spree killer on our hands. lol
That's the way they've been educated at home and at the community centers.

The only time they'd change their opinions is if they moved to Cyprus and LIVE the Hellenic influenced civilization we live in and compare it to the Anglo influenced utopia's they left behind.
Boy, would we have some angry ex pat Cyps. lol
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Re: What's so great about Greece?

Postby ZoC » Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:22 pm

Sotos wrote:Greek education for the Greek inhabitants of a Greek island. Foreign education for foreigners ... such as ZoC and GR. Makes perfect sense doesn't it? ;)

only, if you'd paid attention in class, instead of focusing on all the bullshit, u'd know there's no such word as 'foreigner' ... only guest. so show some respect; and for the nuances of the language & culture u've supposedly been weaned on.
Last edited by ZoC on Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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