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What's so great about Greece?

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Re: What's so great about Greece?

Postby kimon07 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:14 am

ttoli wrote:
B25 wrote:Only a twat would feel the need to ask such a question.
Seriously, your english language is made up from mostly greek words otherwise you'll still be beating chests and drums.
Our medical term, science, mathematics, oh heres one angle θ.
Thats just scaping the surface, now get back into the sewer from whence you came and STFU. Plonker.

He's got you there mate, even Paedophile is a Greek word.......

So are "paediatricians" and "paediatrics". In all languages, including Tuirkish (or is it chuchuclar doctor?)
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Re: What's so great about Greece?

Postby kimon07 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:23 am

Hyder wrote:
B25 wrote:Only a twat would feel the need to ask such a question.
Seriously, your english language is made up from mostly greek words otherwise you'll still be beating chests and drums.
Our medical term, science, mathematics, oh heres one angle θ.
Thats just scaping the surface, now get back into the sewer from whence you came and STFU. Plonker.

You're making a fool of yourself.

The English language is a hybrid of countless others. This adaptability is what makes it universal.

All of medicine..........

Here is some more material for your homework. Now. If you think the weekend will not be sufficient for your study, call on me and I will give you an extension of a few months (or years rather).

List of medical roots, suffixes and prefixes,_suffixes_and_prefixes#A


The language of medicine


The oldest written sources of western medicine are the Hippocratic writings from the 5th and 4th centuries bc, which cover all aspects of medicine at that time and contain numerous medical terms. This was the beginning of the Greek era of the language of medicine, which lasted even after the Roman conquest, since the Romans, who had no similar medical tradition, imported Greek medicine. Most of the doctors practising in the Roman Empire were Greek, and the works by Galen of Pergamum, from the 2nd century ad, were for centuries valued as highly as the Hippocratic ones. Our Greek legacy comprises numerous names of diseases and symptoms, such as catarrh (downflow), diarrhoea (throughflow), dyspnoea (bad breathing), melancholic (pertaining to black bile) and podagra (a foot trap)…...
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Re: What's so great about Greece?

Postby kimon07 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:35 am

Hyder wrote:The English language is a hybrid of countless others. This adaptability is what makes it universal.

Lesson 2. The influence of the Greek language on the English language.

English words of Greek origin ... eek_origin

List of Greek words with English derivatives ... erivatives

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Re: What's so great about Greece?

Postby Me Ed » Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:51 am

There's no disputing the contribution that the ancient Greeks made to civilization.

It is a tragedy as to what the modern Greeks have become as they pale into insignificance when compared to their ancestors. It's really quite pitiful.

That of course doesn't stop modern Greeks making grandiose claims as to what they have contributed to the world implying that modern Greeks and ancient Greeks are one and the same.

They even make ridiculous assertions that inventions of others were in fact created by the Greeks (employing doublespeak in implying themselves but actually meaning ancient Greeks).

As for the language, if a modern Greek went back in time, it's unlikely they would be able to understand each other, for example a Cypriot can generally understand the new Testament in it's original Greek far better than anyone from Greece.

In reality modern Greece is an irrelevance when compared to ancient Greece.
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Re: What's so great about Greece?

Postby kimon07 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:00 am

Hyder wrote:You're making a fool of yourself........

All of medicine, science & maths? I shudder at how narrow your education is if you truly believe this. In these spheres it is only geometry in which the Greeks have unargued bragging rights, i.e. one part of maths. Even this is questionable. Maybe they didn't name it but whoever the civil engineer was for the pyramids must have known how to work out angles

Lesson 3: Mathematics

(from the Greek word "mathesis" and the verb "manthano").

Ancient Greek Mathematics

Ancient Greek scholars were the first people to explore pure mathematics, apart form practical problems. The Greeks made important advances by introducing the concept of logical deduction and proof in order to create a systematic theory of mathematics. The Ancient Greeks had a tremendous effects on modern mathematics.

Much that was written by the mathematicians Euclid and Archimedes has been preserved.

Euclid is known for his `Elements', much of which was drawn from his predecessor Eudoxus of Cnidus.
The `Elements' is a treatise on geometry, and it has exerted a continuing influence on mathematics.

From Archimedes several treatises have come down to the present.

Among them are `Measurement of the Circle', in which he worked out the value of pi; `Method Concerning Mechanical Theorems', on his work in mechanics; `The Sand-Reckoner'; and `On Floating Bodies'.
Platonic Solids - Plato.

The physician Galen, in the history of ancient science, is the most significant person in medicine after Hippocrates, who laid the foundation of medicine in the 5th century BC .

Galen lived during the 2nd century AD. He was a careful student of anatomy, and his works exerted a powerful influence on medicine for the next 1,400 years.

Strabo, who died about AD 23, was a geographer and historian. His `Historical Sketches' in 47 volumes has nearly all been lost.
His `Geographical Sketches' remain as the only existing ancient book covering the whole range of people and countries known to the Greeks and Romans through the time of Augustus.

Pausanias, who lived in the 2nd century AD, was also a geographer. His `Description of Greece' is an invaluable guide to what are now ancient ruins. His book takes the form of a tour of Greece, starting in Athens. The accuracy of his descriptions has been proved by archaeological excavations. ... kmath.html

ALL THE LINKS: ... 24&bih=508

P.S. By the way, MAXX oops, I mean Hyder. Do you know what a telephone is and why it is called a "TELEPHONE"?
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Re: What's so great about Greece?

Postby kimon07 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:06 am

Hyder wrote: You're making a fool of yourself. All of medicine, science & maths? I shudder at how narrow your education is if you truly believe this........bla, bla, bla...

Now, lets "get smart" shall we?

Lesson 4. Sciences.

Thales of Miletus is regarded by many as the father of science; he was the first Greek philosopher to seek to explain the physical world in terms of natural rather than supernatural causes.
Science in Ancient Greece was based on logical thinking and mathematics. It was also based on technology and everyday life. The arts in Ancient Greece were sculptors and painters. The Greeks wanted to know more about the world, the heavens and themselves. People studied about the sky, sun, moon, and the planets. The Greeks found that the earth was round.
Eratosthenes of Alexandria, who died about 194 BC, wrote on astronomy and geography, but his work is known mainly from later summaries. He is credited with being the first person to measure the Earth's circumference.
Earth Science
Public Water Works
• Archimedes' Screw - Archimedes,
• Aqueducts and Bridging –
• Siphon Principle - Hero,

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Re: What's so great about Greece?

Postby kimon07 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:09 am

Hyder wrote:Serious question.

On what basis do Greeks have such an inflated sense of their relative importance in the scheme of things?

I hope I have given you enough ...."Basis" above? No need to thank me. It has been my pleasure.
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Re: What's so great about Greece?

Postby kurupetos » Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:20 am

kimon07 wrote:
Hyder wrote:Serious question.

On what basis do Greeks have such an inflated sense of their relative importance in the scheme of things?

I hope I have given you enough ...."Basis" above? No need to thank me. It has been my pleasure.

Here's the origin of 'basis'... 8)
late 16th century (denoting a base or pedestal): via Latin from Greek, 'stepping'. ... lish/basis
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Re: What's so great about Greece?

Postby B25 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:30 am

Excellent Kimon, anti-Greek racists like Hyder and Me Ed, need reminding.
So what if it wasn't the modern greeks, it was still the GREEKS that discovered, developed, introduced and used them.
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Re: What's so great about Greece?

Postby kimon07 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:40 am

B25 wrote:Excellent Kimon, anti-Greek racists like Hyder and Me Ed, need reminding.
So what if it wasn't the modern greeks, it was still the GREEKS that discovered, developed, introduced and used them.

I think Hermes has the material about modern Greece.
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