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by boomerang » Sat Jul 28, 2012 1:46 pm
Greece Goes into Voluntary Liquidation
Written by dimothy
Monday, 4 June 2012
Angry tourists gathered in Athens today as it emerged that Greece has ceased trading.
The news emerged as German bailiffs closed in to recover unpaid bailout funds. In the words of one, Mr Hans Offenkraut:
"When we broke into the country this morning everything was completely deserted and the lights were off. The population must have done a runner during the night. We had a court order to seize 50 million tonnes of taramousalata but all we found were a few stale pitta breads and 10,000,000 euro coins. Everything a value had been removed."
Greek PM, Mr Argos Katologgis who was later tracked down at his villa in Brazil gave this comment to worried investors:
"As our customers know, Greece had a very good credit file. Since 4,000BC we were never so much as late with a phone bill. A few years ago we were mis-sold a dodgy currency and the overheads just became to high. Right now we are looking into opening up under a different trading name in much cheaper premises so we're signing a lease on Somalia".


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