Charles Babbage, "the father of the computer", invented the programmable computer.
Me Ed wrote:Whilst the British showcased their music with an impressive set at the London Olympics, why was a dutchman hired to flip records at the 2004 Athens Olympics?
Me Ed wrote:
Charles Babbage, "the father of the computer", invented the programmable computer.
If someone were to ask you to name the world's oldest computer, you'd probably mention The Babbage Engine, Konrad Zuse's Z3 or The UK's Colossus. If you were asked when humanity built the first computing device, your estimates wouldn't go higher than a few hundred years or so.
What if I told you that there exists a computer system that was operational almost two thousand years ago?
Get Real! wrote:The Antikythera must be a stupid hoax.
How do you go from inspecting this heap of shit...
http://unitedcats.files.wordpress.com/2 ... device.jpg
...to supposedly "reconstructing" it as this:
kimon07 wrote:Any comments about the opening ceremony?
bill cobbett wrote:kimon07 wrote:Any comments about the opening ceremony?
Well yes, there are some interesting historical observations would like to make... but the greedy, we invented everything in a couple of decades of the Fifth Century greeks are hijacking yet another thread... again.
kimon07 wrote:bill cobbett wrote:kimon07 wrote:Any comments about the opening ceremony?
Well yes, there are some interesting historical observations would like to make... but the greedy, we invented everything in a couple of decades of the Fifth Century greeks are hijacking yet another thread... again.
No the thread was hijacked by Ed and GR.
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