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Postby Get Real! » Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:27 am

Hermes wrote:Now just remember what a small country Greece is and how many geniuses it has produced the last one hundred years and fifty years then go away and hide your head in fucking shame...

Hermes, I have been dealing with Greek “geniuses” on this forum for over 5 years and I assure you that the dumbest posters on the CF have been those who have had the Greek flag for an avatar.

Coincidence? I doubt it…
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:07 am

Hermes wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:BTW did the Greeks mention in their portrayal of Ancient Historical acheivements the slavery in Ancient Athens or their own imperialist / colonialist past in particular in the form of megalomaniac Alexender the great, or was that edited out?

No they didn't because that would've been stupid - and judging an ancient culture by modern Politically Correct standards. When did the British abolish slavery by the way? When did the Americans? When did the British allow all their citizens to vote?

And to call Alexander a megalomaniac as a criticism is just silly. In Greek he is Megalexandros. Megalo is Greek for great. A man above others who pushed the limits of human potential - by conquering the known world. You have to be very small-minded to think the qualities that made him great were some kind of character flaw. It's like saying Beethoven was a manic depressive therefore his achievements don't count. So what?

and that is what is happening here where 19th century events are being viewed through 21st century eyes, and it is grossly hypoctrical to apply double standards in this way. Either we view all events from a Politically Correct point of view or we have to view them all against standards of the time.
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:15 am

Hermes wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:BTW did the Greeks mention in their portrayal of Ancient Historical acheivements the slavery in Ancient Athens or their own imperialist / colonialist past in particular in the form of megalomaniac Alexender the great, or was that edited out?

No they didn't because that would've been stupid - and judging an ancient culture by modern Politically Correct standards. When did the British abolish slavery by the way? When did the Americans? When did the British allow all their citizens to vote?

And to call Alexander a megalomaniac as a criticism is just silly. In Greek he is Megalexandros. Megalo is Greek for great. A man above others who pushed the limits of human potential - by conquering the known world. You have to be very small-minded to think the qualities that made him great were some kind of character flaw. It's like saying Beethoven was a manic depressive therefore his achievements don't count. So what?

Hitler and Stalin also wanted to conquer the world ---- and Alexanders consquests may have ben great from a Greek point of view but did the peoples whose lands he invaded want to be invaded and to to have foreign rulers imposed upon them, along witha a foreign language and culture thatg they broughtr? The narrow mindness is thinking that because it is Greek its is OK to try to conquor the world. -
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Postby kimon07 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:15 am

Me Ed wrote:Kimon, Hermes, GIG and other pig ignorant wannabe Greeks.....Give me a Greek or two alive in the last few hundred years that can serve as a poster for the modern Hellenic Republic.

Me Ed, you pig sty descendant, Angloplicte, you have derailed, as usual, the thread, but here you are: (Note: I can not list all the names of prominent modern, even contemporary Greeks cause that would take many pages. So I give you the links were you can find them all, shut up, and never come back on this subject or you will be ridiculed again).

Hellas - Modern

Greek Scientists ... g4s1&pbx=1

Global Greeks - Scholars and Scientists ... ntists.htm

P.S. I mentioned the Papanicolaou test. Did you look it up you ignorant Angloplicte?
Let me also give you Ioannis Kapodistrias. The Swiss recently (last year I think) errected his statue and the Minister of Foreign affairs of Russia (Lavrof) attended the ceremony. Can you imagine why. No, I don't think your brain will help you there. So I suggest you google it.
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Postby Hermes » Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:28 am

Get Real! wrote:
Hermes wrote:Now just remember what a small country Greece is and how many geniuses it has produced the last one hundred years and fifty years then go away and hide your head in fucking shame...

Hermes, I have been dealing with Greek “geniuses” on this forum for over 5 years and I assure you that the dumbest posters on the CF have been those who have had the Greek flag for an avatar.

Coincidence? I doubt it…

GR, this is an illogical comment. Just because modern Greece has produced more than its fair share of geniuses it doesn't follow that ALL Greeks are geniuses. If you think that all Greeks you meet are going to be a Theodorakis or a Cavafy then you are going to be a disappointed man...

By the way GR, you always strike me as the biggest Greek on here - and I don't mean that you are a genius either! Just that you have all the worst characteristics of a Greek - an obtuse, thick-skinned, contrarian know-it-all. You even think of yourself as superior to your fellow Greeks! How Greek is that? So here's to GR. Definitely a Greek. But sadly not a genius...
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Postby Hermes » Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:40 am

kimon07 wrote: I can not list all the names of prominent modern, even contemporary Greeks....

In case you missed my small list taken from the 100 greatest Greeks list:

Andronikos, Manolis
Angelopoulos, Theodoros
Beloyiannis, Nikos
Bouboulina, Laskarina
Callas, Maria
Carathéodory, Constantin
Castoriadis, Cornelius
Cavafy, Constantine P.
Christodoulos, Archbishop of Athens
Cosmas of Aetolia
Diakos, Athanasios
Dimas, Pyrros
Dragoumis, Ion
Elytis, Odysseas
Feraios, Rigas
Florakis, Charilaos
Galis, Nick
Glezos, Manolis
Glykatzi-Ahrweiler, Helene
Hadjidakis, Manos
Horn, Dimitris
Kapodistrias, Ioannis
Karaiskakis, Georgios
Karamanlis, Constantine
Kazantzakis, Nikos
Kazantzidis, Stelios
Kolokotronis, Theodoros
Korais, Adamantios
Koun, Karolos
Lambrakis, Gregoris
Lazopoulos, Lakis
Loïzos, Manos
Makriyannis, Yannis
Margioris, Nikolaos A.
Melas, Pavlos
Mercouri, Melina
Metaxas, Ioannis
Mitropoulos, Dimitris
Nanopoulos, Dimitri
Onassis, Aristotle
Palamas, Kostis
Panagoulis, Alexandros
Papadiamantis, Alexandros
Papadopoulos, Georgios
Papandreou, Andreas
Papandreou, George (senior)
Papanikolaou, Georgios
Paxinou, Katina
Plastiras, Nikolaos
Ritsos, Yiannis
Seferis, Giorgos
Solomos, Dionysios
Theodorakis, Mikis
Trikoupis, Charilaos
Tsitsanis, Vassilis
Vamvakaris, Markos
Vangelis (Evangelos Odysseas Papathanassiou)
Veggos, Thanasis
Velouchiotis, Aris
Venizelos, Eleftherios
Vougiouklaki, Aliki
Xilouris, Nikos
Zagorakis, Theodoros
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Postby Hermes » Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:58 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
Hitler and Stalin also wanted to conquer the world ---- and Alexanders consquests may have ben great from a Greek point of view but did the peoples whose lands he invaded want to be invaded and to to have foreign rulers imposed upon them, along witha a foreign language and culture thatg they broughtr? The narrow mindness is thinking that because it is Greek its is OK to try to conquor the world. -

Don't be such a pussy. Alexander was the greatest military leader of all time, a pupil of Aristotle and a visionary. Of course he was a brutal drunken killer as well. But no-one is arguing he was an angel are they? Honestly, you need to try and understand the context of the period and stop thinking like a teenage girl in a classroom who thinks that he must have been a bad man because he did some bad things...
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Postby ZoC » Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:18 pm

Hermes wrote:By the way GR, you always strike me as the biggest Greek on here

:lol: ouch. u know how to hurt a man, hermie.

Hermes wrote:you have all the worst characteristics of a Greek - an obtuse, thick-skinned, contrarian know-it-all.

u forgot lazy, crooked, untrustworthy, full of shit and living in the past.
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:26 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote: ... Alexanders consquests may have ben great from a Greek point of view but did the peoples whose lands he invaded want to be invaded and to to have foreign rulers imposed upon them, along witha a foreign language and culture thatg they broughtr? The narrow mindness is thinking that because it is Greek its is OK to try to conquor the world. -

Greeks never invaded other people's lands to expand a "Greek Empire". Most of their wars/battles were among themselves. But they did try to defend themselves against onslaught and invasion from barbarian menaces such as the expanding Persian Empire. It was in DEFENDING the Greek territories that Alexander set out - to destroy the constant threat from Persia!
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:37 pm

ZoC wrote:
Hermes wrote:By the way GR, you always strike me as the biggest Greek on here

:lol: ouch. u know how to hurt a man, hermie.


He tried to deliver the biggest insult of them all but there’s no doubt about the Cypriotness of my ancestral line. We’re a long line of pedigree vrakades! 8)
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